Research Workshop on “Climate Macroeconomics Modeling, Empirics and Policies”

Date: June 11-14, 2024

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Willi Semmler



Given the industrialized world’s historical dependence on fossil fuel-based energy resources and the now-realized perils of moving beyond the earth’s carbon budget, the lectures explore the myriad challenges of climate change and climate risks and in reaching a low-carbon economy. Starting with the causes and current trends in climate risks, presenting the global efforts concerning climate mitigation and adaptation, modeling the dynamics of energy transition in the private sector, studying the needed involvement of the public sector, exploring the role of the financial sectors for the energy transition, and presenting econometric tests on how the decarbonization should take place best – through market or technology solutions.

The lectures are based on the recently published book “Sustainable Macroeconomics, Climate Risks, and Energy Transitions – Dynamic Modeling, Empirics, and Policies” by Unra Nyambuu and Willi Semmler, 2023, Springer Verlag. No particular prior knowledge is required, but a good understanding of linear algebra and programming skills are recommended.

This course is open for advanced masters students and PhD candidates. If you would like to participate, please send a short email describing your motivation, together with your CV to maybrit.waechter(at)

The course will be held in a hybrid-mode. External participation is only virtually possible. No financial support is available.

About the Instructor:

Willi Semmler is the Arnhold Professor of International Cooperation and Development at the New School for Social Research, New York, and was a professor at American University, Washington, D.C., and Bielefeld University, Germany, and was a Fulbright Professor at the University of Vienna. He is an honorary doctor of the American University Europe-Fon and was an evaluator of research projects for the EU Commission and a visiting scholar at the ECB and the IMF while working for the IEO at the IMF. He is also a member of the Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, directed by Edmund Phelps (Nobel Laureate in Economics), a research associate at La Sapienza, Rome, and an associate editor of the journal Econometrics and Statistics and is co-editor of the Springer book series Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance. His research is on nonlinearities in economics and empirical macroeconomics, financial economics, and the economics of climate change. He has numerous journal and book publications, and his research has also appeared in publications of the World Bank, the IMF, the ECB, and ILO. He recently joined the Economic Frontiers Program as a Senior Guest Research Scholar at the IIASA, Laxenburg. His recent co-authored book is on “Sustainable Macroeconomics, Climate Risks, and Energy Transitions – Dynamic Modeling, Empirics, and Policies” (2023, Springer). More info:


Tuesday, 11.6.2024, FG/00.08

18:00 - 19:30: Overview of Causes, Effects, and Policies (within the Ringvorlesung Sustainable Finance)

Wednesday, 12.6.2024, FMA/00.07

12:00 - 14:00: Global efforts, international agreements and environmental games

Thursday, 13.6.2024, FMA/00.07

14:00 - 15:30: Private sector: Market competition, new technology and renewable energy

16:30 - 18:00: Financial Sector: Energy Transition and Financial Markets

Friday, 14.6.2024, FMA/00.07

10:00 - 12:00: Public Sector: Energy Transition through Sustainable Macroeconomics


All lectures will be also streamed via ZOOM under the following link: (Meeting-ID: 646 0562 5306, Kenncode: 4@.Hg4).