Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner

E-Mail: gerit.wagner(at)
Room: WE5/01.081
Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
An der Weberei 5, 96047 Bamberg
Office hours: Wednesday 16-18 pm,
by arrangement (also online)
Gerit Wagner holds the junior professorship for business informatics, especially digital work. Previously, Mr. Wagner worked as a postdoctoral fellowship at HEC Montréal, at the Research Chair in Digital Health with Prof. Guy Paré, Ph.D. There he researched topics in the areas of digital health and digital platforms. He was also involved in teaching in the comprehensive PhD course on Literature Reviews and Knowledge Synthesis (HEC Monréal, McGill, Concordia, UQAM). Mr. Wagner studied at the University of Regensburg, the HEC Montréal, and the University of Oulu. He received his doctorate in 2019 on the topic Explaining and Distinguishing Scientific Impact in Information Systems Research: A Study of Review Articles and Design Science Research. The dissertation was supervised by Prof. Schryen and Prof. Benlian. The research contributions were created as part of the DFG project EPIQUALIS and were awarded the Christa Lindner Prize and the Best Theory Paper Award of the International Conference on Information Systems.
In his current research, Mr. Wagner deals with the topics of digital, platform-based and knowledge-intensive work as well as digital health. The research is supplemented by fundamental, methodological and design-oriented work on literature research and knowledge synthesis. Corresponding research papers have been published in, among others, the Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Information & Management, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Decision Support Systems, Computers & Security and the Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Mr. Wagner regularly presents his research to international audiences and his work has been recognized by the International Conference for Information Systems and the Conference of the Administrative Sciences of Canada (ASAC). He regularly works as an ad hoc reviewer for journals and conferences.