Kira Konrad-Ristau, MSc. Psych.

Research Scientist

Markusplatz 3, 96047 Bamberg

Room M3N/01.38
Tel.: +49 951 863-1904
E-Mail: kira.konrad-ristau(at)

Research Interests

  • Early childhood research
  • Learning environments
  • Socio-emotional development
  • Longitudinal research methods
  • Statistical methods

Academic Background

10/2012 – 09/2015 Undergraduate in Psychology at the Alpen-Adria-University of Klagenfurt

10/2015 – 01/2018 Graduate in Psychology at the Alpen-Adria-University of Klagenfurt with focus on Clinical Psychology and Work, Organizational and Economic

02/2019 - 06/2024 Research Assistent  in the project „Impact of early childcare arrangements and the home-learning environment on child development” (ViVAplus) at the chair of Psychology  I – Developmental Psychology (Prof. Dr. S. Weinert) at the University of Bamberg

since 07/2024 Research and teaching scientist at the Chair of Psychology I – Developmental Psychology at the University of Bamberg


Burghardt, L.,Linberg, A., Lehrl, S. & Konrad-Ristau, K. (2020). The Relevance of the Early Years Home and Institutional Learning Environments for Early Mathematical Competencies. Journal for Educational Research Online 12 (3), 103-125. Open access available at:

Ebner, M. & Konrad-Ristau, K. (2018). Positive Leadership: Welche Rolle spielt die Persönlichkeit der Führungskraft? Eine empirische Studie. Coaching Magazin, 2, 50-54.


Konrad-Ristau, K., Möwisch, D., Attig, M. & Weinert, S. (2021). Domain-specific Interaction Behavior in Early Childhood. Poster at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), USA, 07. - 09.04.2021  (virtual Conference).

Konrad-Ristau, K., Burghardt, L., Linberg, A. & Weinert, S. (2020). Types of (domain-specific) home learning environments in early childhood. Presentation at SIG 05 Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instructions (EARLI), Israel, 14. - 16.07.2020 (Conference cancelled).

Konrad-Ristau, K., Burghardt, L. & Weinert, S. (2020). Differences in Children's Socio-Emotional Development: Impact of Social Background and Duration of External Childcare. Poster at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA, 17. - 21.04.2020 (Conference Canceled).

Burghardt, L., Linberg, A., Lehrl, S. & Konrad-Ristau, K. (2020). Die Bedeutung frühkindlicher häuslicher und institutioneller Lernumwelten für frühe mathematische Kompetenzen. Vortrag im Rahmen des Symposiums Entwicklung und Vorhersage früher mathematischer Kompetenzen. Presentation at the conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Potsdam, 25. - 27.03.2020 (Conference Canceled).

Konrad-Ristau, K. (2019). Varianzanalytische Gruppenvergleiche der sozioemotionalen Entwicklung von Kindern: Bedeutung der sozialen Herkunft und Dauer früher institutioneller Betreuung. Poster at the Junior Conference of Early Childhood Education (PdfK), Eichstätt, 27. - 28.09.2019.

Konrad-Ristau, K. & Weinert, S. (2019). Sozioemotionale Entwicklung von Kindern: Zur Bedeutung von sozialer Herkunft und Dauer früher institutioneller Betreuung. Poster at the conference of the departments Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology (PaEpsy), Leipzig, 09. - 12.09.2019.

Burghardt, L., Konrad-Ristau, K., Weinert, S. & Roßbach, H.-G. (2019). Differential effects of duration of early childcare under the age of three on socio-emotional outcomes. Colloquium of the DFG SPP 1646 “Education as a Lifelong Process”. Bamberg. 14. - 15.02.2019.