Where Our Graduates Work ("Placement Record")
Former Assistants/Doctoral Students
(first position after leaving the CogSys group)
- Johannes Rabold (doctoral degree Juni 2024), codemanufaktur GmbH Erlangen
- Deniz Neufeld (doctoral degree December 2023), Bosch, Engineering Components
- Sebastian Kiefer (nee Bruckert, doctoral degree July 2023), Datev, AI Group
- Joscha Eirich (doctoral degree January 2023), BMW Group Munich
- Gesina Schwalbe (doctoral degree October 2022), Continental AI Lab Regensburg
- Dominik Seuß (doctoral degree May 2021), group leader at Fraunhofer IIS Erlangen
- Teena Hassan (doctoral degree May 2020), Post-Doc at Citec, University of Bielefeld, since 2023 professor at
- Mark Wernsdorfer (doctoral degree Jan 2019), research associate University of Leipzig (ML in medicine)
- Martin Hofmann (doctoral degree Dec 2010). SAP Research & Development
- Emanuel Kitzelmann (doctoral degree Jul 2010): Post-Doc at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley, CA, since 2023 professor at TH Brandenburg
Students/Doctoral Researchers Abroad
- Christoph Wehner (doctoral researcher): Sony AI Lab Barcelona, Spain (10/2023 - 5/2024)
- Lea-Louisa Maaß (Bachlor AI): Invitation for a one-week stay at Microsoft Research, Redmond Washington, Research in Software Engineering (RiSE) group due to her work on inductive programming with Igor (guest of Sumit Gulwani; 1.-7.10.2016), talk
- Thorsten Spieker (Bachelor WI): Master at Carnegie-Mellon University (starting fall 2010)
- Maik Friedrich (Master AI): Internship at College of Information Science and Technology, Pen State University (Supervisor Frank Ritter, Topic: Creating computer simulations of human information processing using the Herbal tool; Summer 2007)
- Thomas Hecker (Master WI): Internship at LTI, Carnegie-Mellon University (Supervisor Yiming Yang; Topic: Text-based ML; Summer 2006)
- Fabian Meier (Diploma WI): University of Skövde, Sweden (Master of Computer Science, 2006)
Students at Spring/Summer Schools and Conferences
- Anna Thaler: ESSAI & ACAI 2024
- Leonhard Kestel: ESSAI 2023 -- European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence
- Hannah Deininger, Sabrina Brunner: IK 2018
- Michael Groß, Katharina Weitz, Ann-Christin Bröker, Sebastian Seufert: IK 2017
- Martin Hillebrand, Tobias Jakubowitz, Katharina Weitz: KogWis'16, Bremen
- Tobias Jakubowitz & Christina Zeller: IK 2016
- Christina Zeller & Dea Svoboda: AGI'15, Berlin
- Christina Zeller: KogWis'14, Tübingen
- Johannes Folger, Peter Großmann, Jacqueline Hofmann, Tobias Kaiser, Dominik Seuß, Christoph Sonnenberg: presenting project/theses work at KogWis'12, Bamberg
- Dominik Seuß: 2011 International Fall School in formal languages and applications, Tarragona, Spain (FSFLA 2011)
- Mark Wernsdorfer: IK 2011
- Christoph Sonnenberg, Alexander Werner: KI 2011, Berlin
- Michael Siebers: Summer School in Artificial Intelligence (ACAI'09)
- Michael Siebers: KI 2008
- Eva Wiese, CogSci'08 (Washington, DC)
- Martin Hofmann: IK 2007 (Topic: Learning)
- Martin Hofmann: ECML 2006
What our former diploma/master students are doing now
No longer updated, join linkedin group CogSys@UniBa-Ehemalige
- Beatrix Augustin (MA Survey Statistis): data scientist, Barmer Institut für Gesundheitssystemforschung (since Oct. 2020)
- Louisa Pabst (MA AI): IT Consultant, Netlight, IT Consulting (since Oct. 2020)
- Clemens Bartnik (MA Psy): ph d position at the Video and Object Sensing Lab, University of Amsterdam (since Oct. 2020)
- Sascha Riechel: Associate Developer bei SAP, Nürnberg (since Feb 2020 )
- Felix Hitzler (MA CitH): Junior Consultant bei ProV International (since April 2019)
- Ludwig Schallner (MA AI): wiss, Mitarbeiter, Fraunhofer EZRT Fürth (since May 2019)
- Andreas Wiegand (MA AI); Digitalization Expert, Siemens (since May 2019)
- Julius Mehringer (MA Survey Statistics): wiss. Mitarbeiter, Fraunhofer SCS Nürnberg (since March 2019)
- Nataliia Plotnikova (MA CitH). Data Scientist GfK (since April 2019)
- Adrian Schwaiger (MA AI): wiss. Mitarbeiter, Fraunhofer ESK München (since April 2019)
- Matthias Delfs (MA CitH): Siemens Healtheneers (since March 2019)
- Florence Rat (MA CitH): Software-Developer, Docware GmbH, Fürth (since Nov. 2018)
- Michael Groß (MA AI): Data analyst, evosoft (since Dec. 2018)
- Johannes Rabold (MA AI); wiss. Mitarbeiter CogSys group (since Oct. 2017)
- Katharina Weitz (MA CitH): wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Multimodale Mensch-Maschine Interaktion, Universität Augsburg (since Oct. 2018)
- Sven Weinzierl (MA WI): wiss. Mitarbeiter Lehrstuhl für Digital Industrial Service Systems FAU Erlangen (since Aug. 2018)
- Ines Rieger (MA CitH): wiss. Mitarbeiterin Fraunhofer IIS (since June 2018)
- Lea Louisa Maaß (MA AI): Entwicklerin, Weischer Solutions, Hamburg (since May 2018)
- Andreas Foltyn (MA WI): wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Fraunhofer IIS (since April 2018)
- Tobias Hecht (MA AI): Entwicklungsingenieur ASAP Electronics München (since July 2018)
- Marco Dorner (MA AI): start-up, games (since Dez. 2017)
- Eva Klein (MA CitH): Data Analyst, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (since Dez. 2017)
- Rambabu Gupta (MA ISoSySci): Harman (Samsung) Munich, Data Architect (since Feb. 2018)
- Mark Gromowski (MA CitH): IT-Project Manager, RELEX Solutions GmbH, Wiesbaden (since September 2017)
- Philipp Wallhäuser (MA CitH): Data scientist, Otto Hamburg (since March 2017)
- Marina Jobst (MA AI): Data scientist, Infineon AG München (since Match 2017)
- Simon Schiesser (BA AI): software developer (since October 2016)
- Christian Teichmann (MA CitH): Software Developer at medatixx (since April 2016)
- Christina Zeller (MA CitH): Doktorandin in der Gruppe Kognitive Systeme (since Oktober 2015)
- Tobias Jakubowitz (BA Psy): Master Computing in the Humanities (since October 2015)
- Norman Steinmeier (MA AI): Software Developer, docufy (since July 2015)
- Frederic Ehmann (MA AI): Software Developer, docufy (seit 2015)
- Sebastian Boosz (MA AI): wiss. Mitarbeiter Medieninformatik (seit SS 2015)
- Alexander Werner (Dipl-Psy., BA AI): wiss. Mitarbeiter, TFH Dresden (seit Jan. 2015)
- Dorothea Knopp (BA Psy): Master Cognitive Science, Universität Tübingen (seit WS 14/15)
- Johannes Folger (MA AI): Software Entwickler
- Claudia Buhl (MA AI): wiss. Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Energieverfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg (April 2014)
- Daniel Winterstein (BA AI): ISO Software Systeme GmbH, Nürnberg (March 2014)
- Andreas Kowollik (external): Stadtwerke Nürnberg (January 2014) / Infrastruktur-Team Uni Bamberg (Juli 2014)
- Matthias Düsel (MA AI): Software-Entwickler, docufy, Bamberg (Januar 2013)
- Christian Reißner (MA AI): Teaching assistant at CogSys (October 2013)
- Simone Schineller (MA AI): Software Engineer at ihb (April 2014)
- Robert Terbach (BA AI): Master Informatik Uni Leipzig (Oktober 2013)
- Christoph Stocker (MA CitH): Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen (Oktober 2013)
- Stefan Betzmeir (MA WI): Software Engineer, Infotainment, Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (Juni 2013)
- Christian Massny (MA WI): Product Consultant, Method Park Software AG, Erlangen (Juni 2013)
- Dominik Seuß (MA AI): Research Associate, Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen (April 2013)
- Joachim Wicht (MA AI): Siemens AG Fürth (April 2013)
- Jürgen Gegenfurtner (BA WI): Master Information Systems, Universität Rostock (April 2013)
- Jacqueline Hofmann (BA AI): Master Human-Computer-Interaction, Universität Konstanz (April 2013)
- Matthias Linhardt (MA CitH): Software-Developer and Usability Engineer, Medatixx (since February 2013)
- Tobias Kaiser (BA AI): Master Cognitive Science, Universität Osnabrück (since September 2012)
- Tobias Schnell (BA AI): IT-Consultant, Novum Nürnberg (since October 2012)
- Peter Großmann (MA AI): IT-Consultant and Software Engineer, Pentasys AG (since October 2012)
- Markus Wachter (MA AI): Software Tester Imbus AG Möhrendorf(since February 2013)
- Michael Munz (MA AI): Research Associate, CogSys (since March 2012)
- Christoph Sonnenberg (Dipl. Psych.): Teaching Associate, Mediapsychology, University Würzburg (since March 2012)
- Jens Marshall (BA WI): Prozessentwickler, Nexans Autoelectric (since October 2011)
- Robert Pollack (MA WiPäd./WI): Software Developer, BBF GmbH Munic (since October 2011)
- Matthias Söllner (BA AI): Master Computer Science, University Freiburg (since April 2011)
- Christophe Quignon (BA AI): Interaction Designer, interwall, Bremen (since April 2011)
- Mark Wernsdofer (BA AI, Mag. Phil.): Doctoral stipend with CogSys (since April 2011)
- Michael Albert (MA AI): Research associate, Zentrum für Telematik (since December 2010)
- Michael Siebers (Dipl. Psych.): Teaching associate at CogSys (since Oct 2010)
- Marius Raab (Dipl. Psych., BA AI); Teaching associate at Allgemeine Psychologie, Uni Bamberg (since May 2010)
- Stefan Reisinger (MA AI): Research associate at Fraunhofer IIS/EZRT (since April 2010)
- Thomas Wunder (BA AI): Lab assistant at the software engineering group (since Jan 2010)
- Florian Bader (MA WI): Research associate at ihb Bamberg (since April 2009)
- Andreas Siemons (MA AI): Teaching associate at Technical Computer Science, University Kassel (since October 2008)
- Marcus Schwarz (Dipl. WiPäd./WI): Mitarbeiter bei upjers (Entwicklung von Browser-Spielen since June 2008)
- Maik Friedrich (MA AI): Research associate at Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Braunschweig (since May 2008)
- Eva Wiese (Dipl. Psych.): Graduiertenkolleg prometei at Center of Human-Machine Interaction at TU Berlin (since May 2008)
- Andreas Hirschberger (MA AI): Research associate at CogSys with a doctoral stipendium of Bayerische Eliteförderung (since November 2007)
- Thomas Hecker (MA WI): Software Engineer at esciris GmbH, Stuttgart (since November 2007)
- Peter Wullinger (MA AI): Teachingf associate at Kulturinformatik (since November 2007)
- Martin Hofmann (Dipl. WI): Research associate at CogSys (since October 2007)
- Jörg Mennicke (Dipl. WI): J&M Management Consulting AG, Mannheim (since November 2006)
- Matthias Raps (Dipl. WI): IT-Consultant, Attempto GmbH & Co. KG (since July 2006)