Audit "Internationalisation of Universities"

The Audit "Internationalisation of Universities," carried out by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), supports German universities with services aimed at the strategic development and sustainable implementation of internationalisation measures.
The audit is primarily focused on the analysis of a university’s current state of internationality and the (further) development of an institutional internationalisation strategy.
Beginning in August 2010, the Audit “Internationalisation of Universities” has audited 12 universities each year. The University of Bamberg was included in 2014.
Fairtrade University
Das Thema Fairtrade stellt eine kleine Facette im großen Themenkomplex Nachhaltigkeit dar und ist ein sichtbarer und konkreter Beitrag zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit.
Die Verleihung des Titels "Fairtrade University" an die Otto-Friedrich-Universität am 13. Juli 2018 bildet einen kleinen Auftakt zur Eröffnung des Themas Nachhaltigkeit.
Family-friendly University

We are one of the few German universities committed to tackling the issues facing parents and families in academia. For this reason, we submitted our institution to the Beruf & Familie GmbH (an initiative of the non-profit Hertie Foundation) for review.
We take great pride in the group’s findings: as one of only nine universities, the Hertie Foundation's review council awarded the University of Bamberg the "Family-friendly University" certificate in June of 2006. We were recertified in June of 2009, and again in March of 2012.
www.beruf-und-familie.de/ (in German)
Als erste bayerische Universität führte die Universität Bamberg 2017 das vom Bayerischen IT-Sicherheitscluster
e. V. entwickelte ISIS12, ein Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystem in 12 Schritten, für mehr IT-Sicherheit ein.
Das System beinhaltet einen Maßnahmenkatalog mit konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen zur Erhöhung der Informationssicherheit in Kommunen und Verwaltungen.
Partner University of High-performance Sports
On 26 January 2005, the German University Sports Federation (adh) recognised the University of Bamberg as an official "partner university of high-performance sports."
The aim of this cooperative programme is to foster an environment in which university studies and elite athletics (A, B and C national team squads) are compatible. The cooperation agreement made between university governance, the student services organisation and national elite sports federations establishes various supportive measures for elite student-athletes.
Partner University of High-performance Sports (in German)
https://www.adh.de/projekte/partnerhochschule-des-spitzensports/ (in German)