International Office

Your gateway to the world

The International Office is the central destination for international matters of the University of Bamberg, including a variety of different areas of responsibility. This includes the placement of around 500 students wishing to go abroad as exchange students; stipend programs of  the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Fullbright-commission; as well as foreign language assistants of the Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD).

Conversely, we take care of around 250 international exchange students and DAAD-scholarship students, including their housing, a three-week German intensive course before the start of each semester, as well as excursions during the semester. Additionally, we receive a few hundred admission forms from international applicants, and we administer the examination for the German Language Certificate (DSH).

Naturally, we also manage ERASMUS-stipends for German exchange students as well as the partner stipends and partly the DAAD-stipends for the international exchange students. The sum of these stipends comes together to multiple hundred thousand Euros and a lot of paper work to get through.

Last but not least we also support around 200 scholars staying in Bamberg each year, as well as some specific tasks that frequently pop up.

All in all we are responsible for about 1000 people each year, with housing being a primary but time comsuming undertaking. The International Office is a small office, and your understanding of our multiple areas of responsibility is crucial for our cooperation. You have come to us because you are interested in studying aborad. We are of course happy to help you make that plan come true. For this you are welcome to use our library. We can also get you in touch with former exchange students and international exchange students. What is highly important, however, is your own initiative. Our assistance can only be seen as a way to self help. It is only because of this, that we can offer such a vast variety of exchange programs. Otherwise, we would have to restrict our programs – and this is something we do not want to do.

We are dependent on your collaboration and understanding that we are not a travel agency, and exchange programs are no package tour. We lay the foundation, but you yourself have to formulate your own plans; or, to quote one of our previous exchange students: „It’s what you make it“ – it is up to you what you make of your plans – and that includes the preparation.


By reading these websites carefully and dilligently, and by making use of our library containing countless testimonials and coming to our information sessions to get in touch with former and international exchange students you are not only helping yourself, but by extension also us. Normally you will find the anwers to your questions on your own, without our help. If, however, you need help, you can of course contact us, and we will try to help you. But please keep in mind that we do not have the answers to all questions. To discover certain things you will need to travel. The willingness to be open to something new, something unknown, is crucial for a stay abroad.


These websites contain many addresses and information; this includes information from external organisations. We have procured them dilligently; however sometimes it is possible that information changes. If you come across a differing address, telephone number or date, please let us know.

We are looking forward to working with you and hope you have fun planning your trip!

Dr. Andreas Weihe

Director of the International Office