Lehrstuhl für Produktion & Logistik

Björn Asdecker and Vanessa Felch at the BPM 2022

Lehrstuhl für Produktion & Logistik

Münster castle - conference venue

BPM 2022: Vanessa Felch & Björn Asdecker visiting conference

At the "International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM)" held from September 11-16, 2022, Vanessa Felch presented the research results of the article "Back to the Roots – Investigating the Theoretical Foundations of Business Process Maturity Models" (co-authored by Dr. Björn Asdecker).

The article shows that the vast majority of articles do not refer to any theory to clarify the general underlying assumptions of the models. In addition, the suitability of the few theoretical approaches to which some authors have referred is highly questionable. A further comparison of the theories’ suitability issues with some of the fundamental criticisms of BPMMs reveals remarkable parallels. Against this background, the article at hand creates awareness of the need to consciously select and document the theoretical foundations of future BPMMs.

The article by Vanessa Felch and Dr. Björn Asdecker is published here. More information about our publications and the conference can be found here: