Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

In the following you will find a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQ) which we update regularly. In case your question are not answered feel free to contact us via glomo(at)

Am I eligible to apply as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) for the GLOMO project?

Please check the information provided by the European Commission in order to find out if you - formally - are a suitable candidate for the GLOMO action. Please refer to the Commission's Guide for Applicants(1.0 MB, 66 pages) and the Information note for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows in Innovative Training Networks (ITN).

Do I have to be a European citizen in order to apply as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) for the GLOMO project?

No, the MSC action is open to any nationality. However, there are certain requirements regarding your place of residence within the last years.

As described in the European Commission's Guide for Applicants(1.0 MB, 66 pages), the location of the researcher's residence or main activity during the 3 years prior to their recruitment is determining.

Example: UK nationals can be eligible for recruitment at a beneficiary located in the UK if they have resided or carried out their main activity outside of the UK for more than 24 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment.

Note that the mobility rule applies to the (first) beneficiary where the researcher is recruited, and not to beneficiaries to which the researcher is sent or seconded. It is also only determined at one point in time: that of the fellow's first recruitment in the action.

This might determine which research project you can apply for. Please check the information provided by the European Commission in order to find out if you - formally - are a suitable candidate for the GLOMO project. Please refer to the Commission's Guide for Applicants(1.0 MB, 66 pages) and the Information note for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows in Innovative Training Networks (ITN).

Do I have to have a strong background in migration and expatriation research in order to apply as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) for the GLOMO project?

A background in migration and expatriation research is not necessary to participate in the programme. Minimum requirement is a relevant university degree (master's degree or equivalent), in Business Administration with a focus on Human Resource Management or International Management or in Business Psychology, Sociology or Business Pedagogics or related fields.

Do you provide financial aid?

Within the GLOMO project financial aid will be provided. The sum depends on several factors, e.g. your family status. In order to find out the details, please refer to the European Commission's Guide for Applicants(1.0 MB, 66 pages) and the Information note for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows in Innovative Training Networks (ITN).

When is the application deadline?

Application deadline is June 19, 2020.

What application materials are required?

In a single PDF, you must arrange your documents in the following order:

  • Letter of motivation (max one page),
  • Proposal of 5 pages (max. five pages/1800 words; please refer to the template provided)
  • Updated CV with the dates of relevant diplomas (day, month and year),
  • Relevant certificates (scans of school leaving certificate, university transcripts and degree certificates), and
  • Proof of English language proficiency (if English is your mother tongue, just state that here. If English is not your mother tongue, any proof of English language proficiency will do, high-school grade, university grades or a proficiency letter by a university teacher, etc.)
  • Short self-written statement about your knowledge of the host countries language (please state your level of knowledge of the host countries language. In most cases you do not need to have a profound knowledge just yet, this is just an indication whether you already have or would like to obtain the language skills of the host countries language. If you do not have official certificates, a self-report will do).
  • Statement of knowledge of social science research methods (please state your level of knowledge of social science research methods. If you do not have official certificates, a self-report will do).

Two letters of recommendation from Professors must be sent to us via e-mail. The recommendation letters should NOT be included in the PDF file which you upload but should be sent separately to glomo(at)

How can I merge PDF documents?

Free software for creating PDFs and merging them into a single document is available on the internet, e.g. the PDFcreator.