StR Lisa Gabriel (M. Sc.)


Kärntenstraße 7, D-96052 Bamberg, KÄ7/00.34
Tel.: 0951 / 863-2842


Office Hours

By appointment via email

Research interests and research projects

Research interests and projects

  • Evaluation of the school experiment 5th grade business school
  • Challenges and changes in teaching and teacher training at vocational schools due to the introduction of the 5th grade of the business school
  • Design of transition processes at vocational schools
  • Curriculum development at business schools


University teaching

Bachelor modules:

  • Practical School Studies I (WS 24/25)


  • Since 09/2024 Part-time lecturer at the Chair of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Gerholz) at Otto Friedrich University
  • Since 09/2021 Student teacher at the business school in Röthelheimpark Erlangen for the subjects Practice Enterprise, Business Management and Control (BSK), and Economic and Digital Education
  • 09/2019 - 09/2021 Trainee teacher in the preparatory service at vocational schools in Bavaria (degree: 2nd state examination)
  • 09/2018 - 09/2019 Gaining professional experience in the field of personnel organization and development
  • 04/2016 - 09/2018 Studied Business Education at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg (Degree: Master of Science)
  • 10/2013 - 03/2016 Studied economics and psychology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Degree: Bachelor of Science)