Christian Gärtner M.BC.
Kärntenstraße 7, D-96052 Bamberg, KÄ7/00.42
Tel.: 0951 / 863-2064
Fax: 0951 / 863-5760
E-Mail: christian.gaertner(at)
Office Hours
By appointment via email
Research interests and research projects
Research interests
- Digitalization in the education sector
- XR technologies and their use in schools, universities and companies
- Didactic conception and development of serious games
- E-learning and blended learning approaches
- Learning and engagement management systems
University teaching
Bachelor modules:
- Design of learning and work processes (from WS 24/25)
Professional experience
- Since 06/2024: Research assistant at the Chair of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Gerholz)
- 05/23 - 05/24: Student assistant at the Chair of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Gerholz)
- 09/12 - 05/24: Consulting Business Economist Digital Transformation, New Technologies and Innovation Processes...
- 09/19 - 08/22: Teacher for economics and computer science Inlingua vocational school Augsburg
- 01/18 - 07/18: Lecturer for accounting IHK Academy Swabia
- 2022 - 2024: Studied business education with a focus on business informatics at the Otto-Friedrich University in Bamberg
- 2018 Master of Business Consulting, Wismar University of Applied Sciences
- 2014 Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration, Wismar University of Applied Sciences
- 2005 Bank clerk, Stadtsparkasse Augsburg