Transfer and cooperation
Research and academic activity follow a social mission. At the Chair of Business Education, it is important to us to enter into an exchange with social partners such as schools, companies and civil society organizations. This is intended to contribute to the generation of new research ideas and the transfer of scientific products into everyday social life. Under Transfer and Cooperation you can gain an insight into the various transfer and cooperation activities at the Chair of Business Education.
Fit for the future!- Using AI tools in an activity- and career-oriented way in the classroom
Location: University of Bamberg, Kärntenstraße 7, 96052 Bamberg
Time: 2 attendance days and digital support phase
- Kick-off day: 19.04.2024, 9 am - 4 pm
- Decentralized work and development phase with support and evaluation: May/June 2024
- Debriefing day: 08.07.2024, 9 am - 4 pm
Objective: With ChatGPT at the latest, tools based on artificial intelligence have also arrived in everyday teaching work. Whether used for lesson preparation or as an example to formulate the use of artificial intelligence as a future competence requirement for students - digitalization is advancing rapidly and offers a lot of potential for teaching-learning processes and the design of vocational education lessons. The aim of the training is to develop action-oriented teaching sequences with digital educational technologies, to test them within the school and to evaluate them. At the end of the course, didactic prototypes will be available for lesson design at the local school and in the Upper Franconia region. The developments in the Bamberg University School Initiative serve as a guiding didactic framework concept. The use of digital technology is to be implemented in line with the LERN model with different levels of intensity of technology use in the sense of an action and media perspective. The action perspective is aimed at simulating digital, professional requirements in the classroom (e.g. simulating a virtual sales pitch). The media perspective means supporting the learning process using digital technologies (e.g. documenting the results of the students' activities using a digital tool).
The training is structured in three parts. As part of a kick-off day, students are introduced to the didactic framework concept and good practice examples of teaching sequences from the Bamberg University School Initiative are presented. Based on this, the teachers will develop an initial concept for their own teaching sequence, which takes into account the requirements from an action and media perspective when using digital educational technologies. For this purpose, a curriculum excerpt for a lesson in the second half of the school year should be brought along. In the further development process, the teachers are supported by the lecturers through digital consultation hours until the developed teaching sequence is implemented on site at the school. Suitable evaluation tools are made available. The decentralized development phase is also supported by accompanying material (e.g. learning nuggets). During a debriefing day, the implemented teaching sequences and the experiences and evaluation results are discussed and further developed into examples of good practice through targeted reflection. The training is aimed at teachers in the vocational school sector (including industrial-technical, commercial-administrative, BOS/FOS, business schools).
Registration in FIBS:
Retrospective of the training:
Teacher training “Sharing is caring: testing and disseminating action products from theses and projects”
Location: University of Bamberg, Kärntenstraße 7, 96052 Bamberg
Time: 17.11.2023, 9:00-16:00 o'clock
Speakers: Students and graduates of the Bamberg School of Business Education
Short description: The workshop day focuses on the transfer of practical university projects that have been developed by students of business education in Bamberg, for example as part of their final theses. Teachers from vocational schools will gain an insight into action products from the various problems of vocational education. The aim is to gain new impulses for their own everyday teaching and to enter into a dialog with other teachers and students. To this end, four practice-oriented workshops will be offered by students with input and trial phases, two of which will take place in parallel. Teachers can attend two workshops according to their own interests. You can find thematic information on the workshops on offer in the attached flyer.
Registration: FIBS 338283-1 (
Contact: Anne Wagner (unischulen.wipaed(at)
Teacher training on the topic of designing action-oriented digital lessons
Number of participants: 20 participants (at least 2 teachers from the same school)
Lecturers: University of Bamberg (Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Gerholz & Anne Wagner, MSc) and University School State Vocational School III Bamberg (OStRin Heike Schrenker)
Objective: The coronavirus pandemic represented an external shock for society as a whole. The education system and vocational training had to shift face-to-face teaching to the digital world overnight. This effort was mastered. The next step is to take the experience gained with digitally supported teaching and implement didactic concepts for digitally supported face-to-face vocational teaching. The aim is to prepare students to act successfully in digitally structured work and business processes. Action-oriented teaching structured according to learning situations is a premise in vocational education.
The aim of the training is to develop action-oriented teaching sequences with digital media, to test them within the school and to evaluate them. At the end of the course, didactic prototypes will be available for lesson design at the local school and in the Upper Franconia region. The developments in the Bamberg University School Initiative serve as a guiding didactic framework concept. The use of digital media is to be used in the sense of an action and media perspective. The action perspective aims to simulate digital, professional requirements in the classroom (e.g. simulating a virtual sales meeting) (LERN model). The media perspective means supporting the learning process with digital media (e.g. documenting the results of students' activities using a digital tool).
The training is structured in three parts. As part of a kick-off day, participants are introduced to the didactic framework concept and good practice examples of teaching sequences from the Bamberg University School Initiative are presented. Based on this, the teachers will develop an initial concept for their own teaching sequence, which takes into account the requirements from an action and media perspective when using digital media. For this purpose, a curriculum excerpt for a lesson between January and March 2020 is to be brought along. In the further development process, the teachers will be supported by the lecturers through digital consultation hours (2 consultation hours per teaching team) until the developed teaching sequence is implemented at the school on site. Suitable evaluation tools are made available. During a debriefing day, the implemented teaching sequences and the experiences and evaluation results will be discussed and developed into good practice examples for schools in the Upper Franconia region. The training is aimed at teachers from all professional groups, in particular teachers in the vocational school sector (including industrial-technical, commercial-administrative, BOS/FOS, business schools).
The participants:
- characterize digital teaching against the background of vocational education and training
- know and assess the digitalization of teaching from a professional action perspective and a learning process perspective
- analyze criteria-oriented good practice teaching sequences from the Bamberg University School Initiative
- develop an action-oriented teaching sequence for their own lessons based on the LERN model
- test the developed teaching sequence in their own lessons
- reflect on the experiences and evaluation results of their own teaching sequence and develop it into a good practice example for their own and other schools in Upper Franconia
- Kick-off: 13.11.2020 - 09.00-15.00 - University of Bamberg
- Support phase: December 2020 to February 2021 (2 digital consultation hours per team of teachers)
- Debriefing day: 12.03.2021 - 09.00-15.00 - State Vocational School III Bamberg
Costs: Participation in the event is free of charge.
Registration in FIBS:
Contact: anne.wagner(at)
Teacher training on the topic of service learning as part of the Service Learning Day
Teacher training Service Learning
Symposium Service Learning in the municipality of Bamberg
Event title: Service Learning Symposium - A cross-school introduction to a skills-oriented teaching and learning format
Location: Städtische Graf-Stauffenberg-Wirtschaftsschule Bamberg, Kloster-Langheim-Straße 11, 96050 Bamberg
Time: 14.07.2017 - 12-17 o'clock
Keywords: service learning, competence orientation, CurriculumPLUS
Target group: Teachers at general education and vocational schools
Maximum number of participants: 160 people
Registration deadline: 10.07.2017
Max. Number of participants: 160
Teachers at Bavarian schools register via FIBS (E361-0/17/67):
Interested parties from non-profit organizations, municipalities and the public can register by
eMail to michael.schmitt(at) (CariThek Bamberg)
Contact / Organizer:
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Professur für Wirtschaftspädagogik
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Gerholz
Kärntenstraße 7 • 96052 Bamberg
Tel.: 0951/863-2725
Short Description:
Pupils at an elementary school help to build a nature trail as part of their home and subject lessons. Pupils at a grammar school act as speaking partners for senior citizens in a retirement home as part of their German lessons. Pupils at a commercial vocational school develop a marketing concept for recruiting volunteers. - Three examples of how competence-oriented teaching can be designed in schools. The special feature here is that the learning process is linked to real challenges in civil society. The didactic format is called Service Learning - learning through commitment. In addition to the technical and methodological development of the students through the curricular connection, the personal development should also take place through the examination of civil society values.
In recent years, service learning has become more widespread in schools, which raises questions about the didactic design and implementation of service learning in concrete teaching work on site. On the training day, teachers from all types of schools will gain an insight into the implementation and effectiveness of service learning. In school-specific workshops, didactic design elements will be presented using the example of specific service learning arrangements. In addition to networking with potential cooperation partners, the day will conclude with the presentation of service learning results by pupils from Bamberg schools, student teachers of business education at the University of Bamberg and pupils from the Social School Year.
Zeit | Programm | |||||
12.00-12.15 Uhr | Grußwort 1 Vertreter Bayrisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus (angefragt) Grußwort 2 Vertreter Caritasverband der Erzdiözese Bamberg | |||||
12.15-12.35 Uhr | Implementation von Service Learning aus Sicht der Schulleitung Michael Strehler – Schulleiter Kaiser Heinrich-Gymnasium Bamberg | |||||
12.35-13.00 Uhr | Wirksamkeit von Service Learning aus Sicht der Forschung Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Gerholz – Universität Bamberg | |||||
13.00-14.30 Uhr | Workshops (Arbeitstitel) | |||||
Service Learning an Grund- und Mittelschulen | Service Learning an weiterführenden Schulen (u.a. Gymnasium) | Service Learning an beruflichen Schulen in Teilzeitform (Berufsschule) | Service Learning an beruflichen Schulen in Vollzeitform (Wirtschaftsschule, Berufliche Oberschulen, Berufsfachschulen) | |||
14.30-15.15 Uhr | Kaffee und Kuchen Markt der Möglichkeiten: | |||||
15.15-16.45 | Studierende der Wirtschaftspädagogik stellen Service Learning-Ergebnisse in Kooperation mit der Caritas vor | Schülerinnen und Schüler des Kaiser-Heinrich-Gymnasium stellen Service-Ergebnisse im Weltkulturerbe Bamberg vor | Ergebnisse des freiwilligen sozialen Schuljahres | |||
16.45-17.00 | Abschlussworte t.b.a. |
Download Flyer:hier(1.1 MB, 2 pages)
Service Learning in cooperation with the Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Bamberg
In cooperation with the Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Bamberg, service learning arrangements are implemented, particularly in the Business Education module. Service learning combines curricular content from the Business Education degree program with social projects from the Bamberg community. Exemplary service projects include the development of competence-oriented further training or the description of the motives of volunteers. Master's theses are also written in cooperation with the Caritas Association.
Selected links:
Studierende der Universität Bamberg engagieren sich bei der Caritas
Development of teaching sequences in cooperation with the university schools
In the winter semester 2016/2017, the new module “Didactics of Economics” was added to the Business Education course. The module consists of two parallel sub-modules. In the sub-module “Designing complex learning environments (GLU)”, students cooperatively build up orientation knowledge on the design of learning environments in business and economics contexts. In the sub-module “Research and Development Work (FEA)”, students work on specific didactic problems based on teaching sequences from the teaching practice of the cooperating university schools. In the winter semester 16/17, there is a cooperation with the state vocational school III in Bamberg. Here, students are developing a six-month teaching sequence in the field of accounting for the training occupation of 'office management assistant'. The new module is characterized by an interlocking of theory and practice, in that the students are sensitized to the task of relating scientific knowledge and procedures to practical professional requirements in everyday teaching. At the end of the module, the students' products are presented in the respective university schools.
Cooperation with the Bamberg World Heritage Center
In cooperation with the Bamberg World Heritage Center, master's theses are awarded at the Chair of Business Education. The aim is to research the impact of the Bamberg World Heritage Site on the perception and knowledge growth of the population and visitors to Bamberg. The possible topics can be found under Lehre.
Cooperation between the university school, Diakonie and business education on service learning
In cooperation with the university school - Staatliche Berufsschule III Bamberg - and the Diakonie Bamberg-Forchheim, a service learning project is currently underway on the topic of “Social media at the Diakonie Bamberg-Forchheim”. As part of this project, 22 students from the state vocational school III are currently being given the opportunity to gain insights into civil society fields of activity as part of their lessons. The Chair of Business Education is providing scientific support.
Selected links: