Future career perspectives

The M.Sc. SAS offers an excellent mix of theoretical, practical, and methodological knowledge around the strategic management of organizations and sustainability management.

After completing the SASA program, many career paths are open to succesful students. SAS graduates may work, for example,

  • in companies of all sizes, in particular in the field of sustainability management,
  • in government agencies and ministries
  • in political parties
  • in international organizations and supra-national political entities (such as the EU)
  • in non-governmental organizations
  • in chambers of industry / commerce
  • in journalism / media
  • in universities and research institutes
  • in many other fields that require a solid understanding of the intersection of strategic thinking and sustainable action.

Typical roles you may take over are either inside a sustainability or corporate responsibility department, or as a sustainability expert in departments such as finance, supply chain management, marketing, or manufacturing. As such, you are the representative of your company's strategic sustainability perspective. You ensure, that all processes and functions inside the company always operate based on principles of sustainability.

Ph.D. / doctoral thesis

With very good grades in your M.Sc. SAS, you may also continue an academic pathway by starting a Ph.D. project / writing a doctoral thesis, either at one of the departments at the University of Bamberg or by applying to other universities around the world.

A doctoral thesis is a first step on the "academic ladder", for example if you aim to become a professor.