News Marketing 02/26/2025 Registration for courses in the summer semester 2025 11/07/2024 Examination dates WS24/ 25 08/28/2024 Start of the registration period for the winter semester courses 2024/2025 in Flexnow 04/17/2024 Examination dates SS24 04/15/2024 Beginning of the new semester 2024 03/01/2024 Start of the registration period for the summer semester courses 2024 in Flexnow 11/22/2023 Exam registration winter semester 23/24 11/06/2023 Job Advertisement for Student Assistant 10/17/2023 Examination dates winter term 2023/24 08/31/2023 Start of the registration period for the courses of WS 23/24 in Flexnow 06/01/2023 Exam registration summer semester 2023 05/11/2023 Examination dates summer semester 2023 04/17/2023 Welcome! 03/13/2023 Start of the registration period for the courses of SS 23 in Flexnow 12/22/2022 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 12/06/2022 Our Chair now on LinkedIn The Chair of Sales and Marketing of the University of Bamberg is now represented on LinkedIn. 10/19/2022 Examination dates and registration periods WS22/23 10/17/2022 Information regarding the start of the semester 2022/2023 09/26/2022 Course offers in the winter term 2022/2023 09/12/2022 New Master seminar: "Designing a Career with Purpose" 07/15/2022 Start of the application period for final theses 06/10/2022 Procedure and deadlines for theses in cooperation with companies Procedure and deadlines for theses in cooperation with companies at the chair for marketing and sales at the University of Bamberg 05/13/2022 Exam dates and registration periods for the exams in the SS22 03/24/2022 Registration for courses of summer term 22 now open 01/20/2022 Application for theses, summer semester 2022 11/30/2021 Registration for Examination Central registration available from November 25, 2021 to December 13, 2021 via FlexNow 09/30/2021 Course offer vhb courses WS 21/22: "Blockchain applications for Business" (Master) and "Business-to-Business-Märkte und -Marketing“ (Bachelor) 08/27/2021 Infos regarding winter term 21/22 Course offering in sales and marketing in the coming semester 04/23/2021 Exam revision 04/09/2021 End of the registration period for the Marketing courses in SS21 since 08.04 03/16/2021 Course offer in summer semester 2021 03/16/2021 Course offer vhb courses SS 21: "Blockchain applications for Business" (Master) and "Business-to-Business-Märkte und -Marketing“ (Bachelor) 09/02/2020 Important information regarding the planning of the winter semester 2020/21 08/07/2020 End of the summer term 2020 06/02/2020 Inspection of the exams and exam revision in the summer semester 2020 05/26/2020 Exam dates: Chair of Sales and Marketing 04/20/2020 Get in contact with our chair 04/14/2020 Repetition exercise of Introduction to Marketing Intelligence 04/02/2020 Courses offered in summer semester 2020 03/12/2020 I M P O R T A N T ! CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) safety measures at our department (updated version) 02/06/2020 Good luck for the exams 02/05/2020 The secretariat is not occupied from 06.02. - 16.02.2020 12/20/2019 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020 11/20/2019 Exam dates: Chair of Sales and Marketing 11/20/2019 Registration period for centrally organised exams 10/23/2019 The secretariat is not occupied from 24.10. - 31.10.2019 09/03/2019 Current course timetable WS 19/20 09/02/2019 Courses in winter term 2019/20 07/29/2019 Start examination phase 05/13/2019 Exam revision 04/10/2019 End of registration period for courses in the summer term 2019 ends April 17th 02/26/2019 Lehrveranstaltungen SS 19 / Courses Summer Term 19 02/15/2019 Lehrveranstaltungen SS 19 / Courses summer term 19
12/06/2022 Our Chair now on LinkedIn The Chair of Sales and Marketing of the University of Bamberg is now represented on LinkedIn.
06/10/2022 Procedure and deadlines for theses in cooperation with companies Procedure and deadlines for theses in cooperation with companies at the chair for marketing and sales at the University of Bamberg
11/30/2021 Registration for Examination Central registration available from November 25, 2021 to December 13, 2021 via FlexNow
09/30/2021 Course offer vhb courses WS 21/22: "Blockchain applications for Business" (Master) and "Business-to-Business-Märkte und -Marketing“ (Bachelor)
08/27/2021 Infos regarding winter term 21/22 Course offering in sales and marketing in the coming semester
03/16/2021 Course offer vhb courses SS 21: "Blockchain applications for Business" (Master) and "Business-to-Business-Märkte und -Marketing“ (Bachelor)
03/12/2020 I M P O R T A N T ! CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) safety measures at our department (updated version)