BFC-B-05: Digital Entrepreneurship

Summer Term 2025

Course Description

The course deals with the topic of entrepreneurship and the founding of companies in the IT industry. To this end, the event will first discuss the essential principles of entrepreneurship and the creation of business plans. On this basis, students develop their own business idea and work it out in the form of a business plan.

In addition to introductory lectures and presentations on the topics of entrepreneurship and the creation of business plans, students work in small groups to develop a business idea of ​​their own choosing and outline it using a business plan. During the course of the event, after an initial project on existing business ideas, the respective groups will give a brief presentation of the business ideas they have developed. Finally, the business plans developed are summarized in written assignments and presented as part of the course.

Course and exam language: German

The Module in the Study Program

  • Module: BFC-B-05
  • Course level: Bachelor
  • Recommended semester: 3-6
  • ECTS-Credits: 6
  • For information on the status of the course in the study program please refer to the website of the examining board ("Prüfungsausschuss")

Bibliography & Course Material

The corresponding bibliography and further information on the course can be found in the course catalogue ("Modulhandbuch", German only).

Course material as well as a detailed course syllabus will be provided on the Virtual Campus. The access code will be communicated in the course of the first lecture and may be requested by email.

Registration & Scheduling

Please note that the number of exam participants is limited. The decision about admission/rejection will be communicated after the expiration of the registration deadline.


BFC-B-05: Digital Entrepreneurship
4,00 SWS
Daniel Beimborn , Ferdinand Mittermeier , Matthias Muck