Ph.D. Candidates

Tim Hagenhoff, M.Sc. (Freie Universität Berlin)
Feldkirchenstraße 21
Room F21/02.24
E-Mail: tim.hagenhoff(at)
Research Interests: Heterogeneous expectations in DSGE models, interaction of monetary policy and bounded rationality, macroeconometrics
For more information see his full CV(1.4 MB, 3 pages)

Alexander Hempfing, M.Sc. (Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg)
Feldkirchenstraße 21
Room F21/02.24
E-Mail: alexander.hempfing(at)
Research Interests: Aggregate fluctuations, input-output economics, production networks, industrial and macroeconomic dynamics
For more information see his full CV(6.7 MB)

Naira Kotb, M.Sc. (Kiel University)
Feldkirchenstraße 21
Room F21/02.24
E-Mail: naira.kotb(at)
Research Interests: Monetary policy, behavioral macroeconomics, financial intermediaries and systemic risk

Caroline Martin, M.Sc. (Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg)
Feldkirchenstraße 21
Room F21/02.24
E-Mail: carolin.martin(at)
Research Interests: Dynamics, interactions and interdependencies of property markets and real markets, heterogeneous agent-based models and limited rationality

Juan Carlos Peña, M.Sc. (University of Würzburg)
Feldkirchenstraße 21
Room F21/02.24
E-Mail: juan.pena(at)
Research Interests: Monetary policy, monetary union, applied macroeconomics, time series analysis

Jan Schulz, M.Sc. (Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg)
Feldkirchenstraße 21
Room F21/02.24
E-Mail: jan.schulz(at)
Research Interests: Wealth dynamics, corporate profitability and distributional regularities

Ivonne Schwartz, M.Sc. (Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg)
Feldkirchenstraße 21
Room F21/02.24
E-Mail: ivonne.blaurock(at)
Research Interests: Financial market, limited rationality and numerical methods
Associated PostDoc
Dr. Philipp Mundt (Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg)
Feldkirchenstraße 21
Raum F21/02.35
E-Mail: philipp.mundt(at)
Associated Ph.D. Candidates
Benjamin Lojak, M.Sc. (Kiel University)
Feldkirchenstraße 21
Room F21/02.50
E-Mail: benjamin.lojak(at)
Research Interests: Imbalances of the European monetary union, behavioral macroeconomic modelling in discrete and continuous time in order to explain the diverging development and to derive economic advices
Sven Schnellbacher, M.Sc. (Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft)
Moltkestr. 30, 76133 Karlsruhe
Gebäude: SH-Raum:SH-105
E-Mail: sven.schnellbacher(at)
Research Interests: financial markets, macroeconomic theory, applied macroeconometrics