Pauline Schneider


Office: Feldkirchenstr. 21, Room: F21/01.26c, 96052 Bamberg


E-Mail: pauline.schneider(at)

Pillar 3: Changes in Human Capital, Labour Markets and Demographic Structures and their Relation to Social Inequalities in Modern Societies

Field: Sociology

Research Interests: Sociology of Work, Digitalisation of Work, Digital Labour, Global Production Networks, esp. Logistics, Qualitative Social Research




Steered by the machine? A sociological study of experiential knowledge in the digitalised trucking industry

My dissertation examines the effects of digitalisation on the skills and work practices of professional truck drivers in the German logistics sector, particularly the impact of technological advancements on their experiential or tacit knowledge. The introduction of digital tools, such as on-board computers, handheld devices, diagnostic tools, and route optimization algorithms, may reduce both the physical and mental demands on drivers. However, these technologies could also undermine the tacit skills that truckers develop over years on the road, such as understanding route nuances, having a "feel" for their vehicle, and responding quickly to disruptions. My research, based on over 30 in-depth interviews with truck drivers and management, as well as ethnographic workplace observations, seeks to understand how drivers perceive and adapt to these technological changes.




2017 – 2018
MSc Sociology & Global Change (with distinction), The University of Edinburgh

2012 – 2016
BA Business Administration, HTW Berlin

Awards / Academic Achievements and Scholarships

2012-2016, 2017-2018
Full merit-based scholarships awarded by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)





Schneider, P. and Struck, O. (2024): “Digitale Technik und schwindende Machtressourcen in der Transportlogistik 4.0“. WSI-Mitteilungen 77(1), 3-9.


Schmierl, K., Schneider, P., Struck, O. and Ganesch, F. (2022): Digitale Logistik: Digitalisierungstechnik, Arbeitsbedingungen, Leistungspolitik und Mitbestimmung in Transportlogistik und Kurier-, Express- und Paketdiensten. Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.


Schneider, P., Ganesch, F., Schmierl, K. and Struck, O. (2022): “Digitalisierung und Arbeitsqualität in der Transportlogistik. Qualitative Befunde aus Deutschland“. Soziale Welt 72(4), 483-513.


Schmierl, K., Schneider, P. and Struck, O. (2021): “Gläserne Paketbot*innen – Arbeitsbedingungen und Mitbestimmung in Kurier-, Express- und Paketdiensten“. WSI-Mitteilungen 74(6), 472-478.





Schneider, P. (2024): 42nd International Labour Process Conference: “Coercion, consent and conflict in the labour process and beyond”. Presentation: “On the Road to Deskilling? Truckers, Technology, and Tacit Skills”. Göttingen/Germany. 4/5/2024.

Altendorf, A., Budz, R., Schneider, P. and Underwood, L. (2024): 42nd International Labour Process Conference: “Coercion, consent and conflict in the labour process and beyond”. PhD Workshop on “Precarity in and beyond the Thesis: Prospects for Critical Labour Researchers”. Göttingen/Germany. 3/5/2024.









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