Miriam Gauer
E-Mail: miriam.gauer(at)uni-bamberg.de
Pillar 3: Changes in Human Capital, Labour Markets and Demographic Structures and their Relation to Social Inequalities in Modern Societies
Field: Sociology
Research Interests: Social and ethnic inequalities, sociology of the family, migration and integration, gender equality, quantitative methods
Ethnic differences in the division of couple's household labour
The gender gap in household labour is well researched for white majority populations of industralised countries. Only a few studies have focused on the division of housheold labour amongst couples from ethnic minority groups in those countries. Those studies found that the gender gap in housework persists within ethnic minority couples but that the patterns in the division of household labour differ considerable between ethnic groups. This study aims to understand how first- and second-generation migrant couples in Germany divide their household labour and whether there is a process of assimilation in the gender gap of household labour between migrant couples and couples of the German majority population. Specifically, the study investigates the role of micro and macro influences, such as culture and gender norms, institutional contexts, and socio-economic structures in understanding the division of household labour amongst various ethnic groups in Germany. The analysis is conducted by applying quantiative methods to German socio-economic panel (SOEP)data from the year 1992 onwards.
08/2013 - 12/2016
M.A. Political Science, University of Mannheim and the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore
08/2010 - 05/2013
B.A. Political Science, University of Mannheim and the University of Malta
Elisabeth-Altmann-Gottheiner award for outstanding final theses on gender and/or diversity related topics. Title of the Master thesis: “The Influence of Family Policy on Gender Role Attitudes. A Longitudinal Analysis within the European Union”
DAAD Scholarship for a one-year study visit in the USA
Erasmus Scholarship for a semester study visit in Malta
Since 2020
Research fellow at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in the department of the German socio-economic panel (GSOEP)
2017 - 2020
Research manager for the international non-governmental organisation Plan International in the United Kingdom
2016 - 2017
Trainee at the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) in Lithuania
2014 - 2015
Student research assistant at the chair for political psychology at the University of Mannheim
© Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences