Melanie Hochmuth
Office: Kärntenstraße 7, Room: KÄ7/00.24, 96052 Bamberg
E-Mail: melanie.hochmuth(at)uni-bamberg.de
Phone: +49(0)951/863-2769
Pillar 2: Education and Social Inequality Across the Entire Life Course
Field: Business Education
Research Interests: Educational trajectories and educational decisions | Transitions, especially from school to vocational training | Prevention of vocational training drop-outs | Vocational training satisfaction and quality |Discrimination processes in vocational training.
The Role of Internships and Workplace Experience Placements in Lower Secondary Education Schools for the Transition to Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Due to the high specificity of the German VET system, successful career orientation is essential for pupils to develop realistic career aspirations. Internships and workplace experiences provide information and encourage realistic assessments as well as the individual decision-making skills of pupils in the vocational orientation phase (Ostendorf, 2018). Professional skills are acquired and applied directly and contextually in the working environment. In particular, getting to know relevant contact persons and the work performance achieved also enable a potential position in a apprenticeship, even under bad conditions at school (Buschfeld, 2005).
The PhD project "The role of school internships at lower secondary schools for the transition to VET" focuses on the relevance of practical experience in the context of the social-cognitive theory of career choice with regard to the career orientation process and work-value theory. Based on a comparison of young people's assessments of their career orientation, transition processes are analyzed. In addition, the perspective of training companies and their perception of internships regarding the recruitment of potential apprentices will also be examined. A key focus of the project is on pupils with a migration background.
2019 – 2022
Master of Arts in Integrated Social Sciences, University of Kaiserslautern
2016 – 2019
Bachelors Degree in Integrated Social Sciences, University of Kaiserslautern
Hochmuth, M. (2023): “Das Schulpraktikum als Erfolgsfaktor für einen realisierten Übergang in die Berufsausbildung” [The internship in lower secondary school as a success factor for a successful transition to VET]. Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis: BWP, H. 2.
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., and Frey, A. (2022): “Challenges of the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity for sustainable digital learning in vocational education and training (VET)”. Sustainability, 14(13), 7692. doi.org/10.3390/su14137692
Hochmuth, M., Geßler, A. N., Seyffer, S., and Frey, A. (2022): “How are apprentice satisfaction and concerns changing as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic?” Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 5(1), 100258. doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2022.100258
Hochmuth, M., Geßler, A. N., Seyffer, S., and Frey, A. (2021): “Challenges in the digitization of apprenticeships during the coronavirus pandemic: Who needs special assistance?” Sustainability, 13(21), 11701. doi.org/10.3390/su132111701
Ertelt, B.‑J., Frey, A., Hochmuth, M., Ruppert, J.‑J., and Seyffer, S. (2021): “Apprenticeships as a unique shaping field for the development of an individual future-oriented vocationality.” Sustainability, 13(4), 2279. doi.org/10.3390/su13042279
Hochmuth, M. and Hufnagl, J. “Transition from School to Apprenticeship: The Role of Perceived Discrimination”. Poster: NEPS Conference 2023 ‘Survey Data Linked to Administrative Data NEPS-ADIAB & Co‘. Bamberg (Germany). November 9, 2023.
Seyffer, S. and Hochmuth, M.“Key factors for a successful start to apprenticeship from the perspective of careers counsellors”. Presentation: Annual Conference 2023 of the Vocational and Business Education Section of the German Society for Educational Science ‘Freedom - Vocational Education and Training - Responsibility'. Flensburg (Germany). September 7, 2023.
Hochmuth, M. “Do pupils know the expectations of employers? Differences between the assessments of pupils and VET companies”. Presentation (Young Researcher): Annual Conference 2023 of the Vocational and Business Education Section of the German Society for Educational Science ‘Freedom - Vocational Education and Training - Responsibility'. Flensburg (Germany). September 6, 2023.
Hochmuth, M. “Transferable Competences for Prevention of Drop-Outs”. Presentation: Annual Academia Network Conference. Schwerin (Germany). March 28, 2023.
Hochmuth, M. “The school internship as a key factor for a successful start into apprenticeship”. Presentation: NEPS Conference 2022. Bamberg (Germany). December 5, 2022.
Hochmuth, M. “The School Internship as a Success Factor for a Successful Start to Vocational Training.” Poster: Annual Conference of the German Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance 'From early child care to retirement - career orientation in the course of life'. Oldenburg (Germany). September 15, 2022.
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., and Ulrich, A. “Challenges of the Coronavirus Pandemic as an Opportunity for Sustainable Digital Learning in VET”. Presentation: EARLI SIG14 Conference. Paderborn (Germany). August 19, 2022.
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., and Ulrich, A. “Apprenticeship during the Coronavirus Pandemic - an Exploratory Study from Southern Germany”. Poster: EARLI SIG14 Conference, Paderborn (Germany). August 18, 2022
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., Geßler, A. N. and Ulrich, A. “Transferable Competences as a Success Factor in Apprenticeship”. Presentation within a Symposium: Swiss Federal University For Vocational Education And Training. 7th International VET Congress. Bern (Switzerland). February 4, 2022.
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., and Geßler, A. N. “Successful Start of Training during the Pandemic Period. Satisfaction and Worries”. Presentation: International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance. 44th IAEVG International Conference. Riga (Latvia) online. October 20, 2021
Since 01/2024
Research Associate
Professorship for Business Education at the University of Bamberg (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen)
- PhD project „The Role of Internships in Lower Secondary Education Schools for the Transition into Vocational Education and Training (VET)“
- Research in the field of VET
- Teaching in Business Education (M.Sc.)
05/2020 – 12/2023
Research Associate in the research project "Successful start into VET (EStarA)“, HdBA Mannheim
Department of Vocational and Educational Science (Prof. Dr. habil. Frey)
- Development of quantitative and qualitative surveys, data collection and analysis.
- Preparation of scientific publications and presentations both internally and externally.
- Teaching, especially in research seminars (B.A., M.A.)
05/2019 – 04/2020
Student Assistant, TU Kaiserslautern
Department of Empirical Social Research (Dr. Dannwolf) and Sociology (Prof. Dr. Best; Dr. Rapp)
- Organization, teaching and exam preparation and working on a DFG project proposal.
09/2018 – 12/2018
Student Assistant, University of Munich
ifo institute (Dr. Lergetporer).
- Family support, data collection and data documentation as part of the ELFE study.
08/2018 – 10/2018
Interviewer, University of Mainz
Department of Law and Economics (Dr. Hermes)
- CAPI interviews with parents of children under one year of age as part of the ELFE study.
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