Henning Bergmann
E-Mail: henning.bergmann(at)uni-bamberg.de
Pillar 4: Governance, Institutional Change and Political Behaviour
Field: Political Science
Research Interests: Comparative Politics, Cabinet Survival, Political Representation of Minorities, Legislative Behaviour, Quantitative Research Methods
The Dynamics of Government Terminations in Parliamentary Democracies: Toward a Better Theoretical and Empirical Understanding of the Causes of Early Cabinet Breakdowns
Despite considerable progress in statistical modeling, research on cabinet stability reveals that there are still shortcomings in our understanding of the causes of early cabinet terminations. Such deficiencies can be observed with regard to theoretical models of the micro dynamics of strategic decisions about cabinet terminations or continuation. In addition, most of the recently used data is static and therefore inappropriate to model dynamic developments or "exogenous shocks" which are presumed to influence discretionary cabinet breakdown. My project aims at the following questions: What happens between the making and breaking of a government? How can we empirically model dynamics that shape the strategic decisions of politicians and parties? To answer these questions, I will draw on novel data such as information on opinion polling, roll-call voting and further sources that allow the capturing of executive and legislative-related vaiables across the legislative period.
2005 – 2011
University of Bamberg: Political Science (major), Economics (minor), Methodology (minor)
Degree: Diploma (M.A. equivalent) in Political Science
Thesis: “Government Stability in Post-Socialist Central and Eastern Europe” (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Saalfeld)
Bergmann, Henning; Bäck, Hanna; Saalfeld, Thomas, 2021: Party-system polarisation, legislative institutions and cabinet survival in 28 parliamentary democracies, 1945–2019. West European Politics, https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2020.1870345
Martínez-Cantó, Javier; Bergmann, Henning, 2020: Government termination in multilevel settings. How party congruence affects the survival of sub-national governments in Germany and Spain. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, https://doi.org/10.1080/17457289.2019.1666272
Sieberer, Ulrich; Saalfeld, Thomas; Ohmura, Tamaki; Bergmann, Henning; Bailer, Stefanie, 2020: Roll-Call Votes in the German Bundestag: A New Dataset, 1949-2013. British Journal of Political Science 50 (3), 1137-1145, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007123418000406
Bergmann, Henning; Bailer, Stefanie; Ohmura, Tamaki; Saalfeld, Thomas; Sieberer, Ulrich, 2016: Namentliche Abstimmungen im Bundestag 1949 bis 2013: Befunde aus einem neuen Datensatz, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 47(1), 26-50,
Book chapters and research reports:
Wüst, Andreas M.; Bergmann, Henning, 2023: Expertise: Repräsentation von Menschen mit Einwanderungsgeschichte in deutschen Parlamenten. Berlin: Mediendienst Integration, https://mediendienstintegration.de/fileadmin/Dateien/MDI_Expertise_Politische_Repraesentation.pdf
Bergmann, Henning; Saalfeld, Thomas, 2022: Polarization and the Making and Breaking of Governments in European Parliamentary Democracies. In Contested Representation: Challenges, Shortcomings and Reforms, eds. Claudia Landwehr; Thomas Saalfeld; Armin Schäfer. New York: Cambridge University Press, 211-231.
Bergmann, Henning; Bailer, Stefanie; Ohmura, Tamaki; Saalfeld, Thomas; Sieberer, Ulrich, 2018, "BTVote Vote Characteristics",https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/AHBBXY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.
Bergmann, Henning; Bailer, Stefanie; Ohmura, Tamaki; Saalfeld, Thomas; Sieberer, Ulrich, 2018, "BTVote MP Characteristics",https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSFXLQ, Harvard Dataverse, V1.
Bergmann, Henning; Bailer, Stefanie; Ohmura, Tamaki; Saalfeld, Thomas; Sieberer, Ulrich, 2018, "BTVote Voting Behavior",https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/24U1FR, Harvard Dataverse, V1
Is there anything special in the termination of careers of immigrant-origin MPs? The case of the German Bundestag (with Andreas M. Wüst), 8th conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Vienna, July 6-8, 2023.
Party-System Polarization, Anti-System Parties and Legislative Institutions as Predictors of Cabinet Survival in 28 Parliamentary Democracies, 1945–2019 (with Hanna Bäck and Thomas Saalfeld), Workshop on Parliaments and Government Termination Revisited, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, February 10-12, 2020.
Polarization and Cabinet Survival in Parliamentary Democracies (with Hanna Bäck and Thomas Saalfeld), 12th ECPR General Conference, University of Hamburg, August 22-25, 2018.
Government termination in multi-level settings: Does regional-national congruence effect cabinet duration? An investigation of Germany and Spain (with Javier Martínez-Cantó), Workshop on Party Competition in European Multi-Level Systems, University of Mannheim, 23-25 November, 2017.
Using speech to unveil legislative conflict between coalition partners (with Lucas Geese, Christian Koss and Carsten Schwemmer), 4th conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Basel, June 29-July 1, 2017.
Legislative disagreement and the threat of early government termination: How roll-call votes and speeches unveil conflict (with Lucas Geese, Christian Koss and Carsten Schwemmer), 75th annual MPSA Conference, Palmer House Hilton Chicago, April 6-9, 2017.
Workshop on Party Organizations in Europe: Frontiers of Research, University of Bamberg. Presentation: "Explaining Early Government Terminations in Post-War Germany". Bamberg/Germany. April 21-22 2016.
Third Biannual Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, ECPR. Paper prepared for presentation with Thomas Saalfeld: "Government and Opposition: The Strategic Use of Recorded Votes in Germany, 1949-2013". Munich/Germany. June 30 – July 2 2016.
10th ECPR General Conference, ECPR. Paper prepared for presentation: "Explaining Early Government Terminations in Post-War Germany: Under which circumstances do the Chancellor and his contender use the vote of (no) confidence". Prague/Czech Republic. September 7-10 2016.
73rd annual MPSA Conference, MPSA. Presentation: "Do Voters Matter? The Linkage Between Exogenous Shocks, Citizens’ Attributions and Cabinet Survival in Parliamentary Democracies". Chicago/USA. April 16-19 2015.
Jahrestagung der Sektion Methoden der DVPW, University of Kassel. Presentation "Do Voter Evaluations Matter? The Linkage Between the Economy, Citizens’ Attributions and Cabinet Survival in European Parliamentary Democracies, 2002-2012. Multiple Imputation of Missing Opinion Data". Kassel/Germany. May 22-23 2015.
5th Annual EPSA Conference, EPSA. Presentation with T. Saalfeld: "A ‘Weapon of the Weak’? The Strategic Use of Recorded Votes in Germany, 1949-2013". Vienna/Austria. June 25-27 2015.
German Policy Agendas Workshop, University of Konstanz. Presentation: "Parliamentary Voting Behaviour in the German Bundestag, 1949-2013". Konstanz/Germany. May 15-16 2014.
8th ECPR General Conference, University of Glasgow. Presentation with T. Saalfeld: "The Strategic Use of Recorded Votes in Germany, 1949-2013". Glasgow/United Kingdom. September 3-6 2014.
Academic Experience:
2022 – 2024
Research assistant and Lecturer at the Munich University of Applied Sciences
Project: “REPCHANCE – Supportive Factors of Minority Representation”; joint research project of the Munich University of Applied Sciences, University of Amsterdam, University of Neuchâtel and Sciences Po Paris (PIs: Gianni D’Amato, Laura Morales, Liza Mügge and Andreas M. Wüst) funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation
2012 - 2014, 2020 - 2021
Lecturer at the Chair of Comparative Politics, University of Bamberg
Courses: Winter term 12/13 “Coalition Governments in Democracies: Formation, Governance and Survival, Winter term 13/14 “Coalition Governments in Democracies: Formation, Governance and Survival", Winter term 14/15 "Parliamentary Budget Control" (with Thomas Saalfeld), Winter term 20/21 “Models of coalition theory and its empirical application”
2012 - 2014
Research assistant in the project “Parliamentary Voting Behaviour in the German Bundestag 1949-2013”; joint research project of the Universities of Bamberg, Konstanz and ETH Zurich (Switzerland) funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation
Non-Academic Experience:
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg: Group market research (internship)
GfK SE, Nuremberg: Market research (internship)
Bamberg Center for Empirical Studies (interviewer)
ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques, University of Bamberg, February 29 – March 3. Interpreting Binary Logistic Regression Models, 5 days
ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques, University of Bamberg, February 13-20.
Introduction to R, 2 days; Causal Inference in Social Sciences, 5 days
Survival Analysis in the Social Sciences, University of Bamberg, 3 days.
Multiple Imputation with Stata, University of Bamberg, 3 days
Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and the Basics of Programming Using Stata, University of Bamberg, 3 days
Managing and Developing MS Access Databases, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 5 days
Learn more regarding Henning's contributions within the framework of the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences - a selction of events, workshops and essays:

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