Edouard Ntakirutimana
E-Mail: edouard.ntakirutimana(at)uni-bamberg.de
Phone: (+49) 0152 143 059 76 or +250788888095
Pillar 1: Education, Personal Development and Learning from Early Childhood to Adulthood
Field: Educational Science
Research Interests: Educational quality, global education, research training
Preparation for Research and Research Experiences of Undergraduate students of Rwandan Universities
This study was initiated to examine the perceptions of undergraduate students in Rwandan universities in regards to their preparation for research and research experiences. The study is connected with quality education in higher education. It is noticeable that, in Rwanda, the university graduates are criticized that they do not have the required skills needed in the labor market especially the ones related to research such as problem-solving, critical thinking, innovation, and creativity skills. This study is done to understand how research is learned and experienced in the Rwandan context. It is guided by this main research question “How do undergraduate students perceive their preparation for research and related experiences?” Moreover, it expects to answer the following specific questions: How do the undergraduate students believe teaching and learning process preparing them for research? What are the undergraduate student experiences in conducting research? The study is designed in the way that it uses a qualitative research approach. The theoretical sampling is expected to be used for getting the sample size. The data will be collected using a semi-structured interview. They will be analysed using content analysis through an iterative process. The data will be organized, coded, and inter-coded using deductive and inductive reasoning, and lastly analysed by abduction reasoning. As findings, different types of research preparation and experiences will be described.
2015 - 2017
Master of Arts (M.A.) in Educational Quality in Developing Countries, University of Bamberg. Master’s thesis “Good Learning Climate in Higher Education: Case of Rwanda” under publication in PIASS Publication Series.
2008 - 2010
Master of Education (M. Ed.) in Educational Management and Administration, Kampala International University, Uganda. Master’s thesis “An assessment of Facilities provision for the Nine Years Basic Education Program in Rwanda, Case of Karongi District” (unpublished).
2004 - 2007
Bachelor’s Degree (B. Ed.) in Psychopedagogy, National University of Rwanda, Rwanda.
Tangwe, A.T., Ntakirutimana, E. and Niyibizi, E. (2023). Education for Women Empowerment: Perceptions and Experiences of Female University Graduates in Rwanda. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 10(9), 302-317.
Ntakirutimana, E. and Ngendahayo, G. (2021). Teacher students’ perceptions on effectiveness of university teacher training programs towards the implementation of competency-based curriculum. PIASS Publication Series, 14, 15-31.
Niyibizi, E., Dufitumukiza, A., Mukanziza, J., Murwanashyaka, T, Ntakirutimana, E. & Nyiramana, C. (2020). Teaching and Learning Process during Covid-19 Lockdown: Experiences of Students and Lecturers in Rwanda Protestant Universities. European Studies, 16,181-199
Dufitumukiza, A., Ntakirutimana, E., Niyibizi, E. & Mukanziza, J. (2020). The nine-year basic education policy and secondary schools internal efficiency: A case study in Rwanda. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9 (6), 202-2012.
Ntakirutimana, E. and Ngendahayo, G. (2018). Ubudehe and Social Economic Development in Rutsiro District. PIASS Publication Series, 12, 103-120.
Ntakirutimana, E. and Dufitumukiza, A. (2014). The Effect of Domestic Violence on Child School Achievement: reflection on general systems theory, family and school system. PIASS Publication Series, 6,163-182.
Munyantwali, E., Ntakirutimana, E. (2014). “Family Responsibilities and Children’s Education.” PIASS Publication Series, 5,109-126.
Nkundabatware, I., Munyantwali, E., Ntakirutimana, E. Dufitumukiza, A., Niyikiza, A (2013). "The Role of Formal Education in Entrepreneurship Skills". PIASS Publication Series, 3, 34-75.
Ntakirutimana, E. (2010). “An assessment of Facilities provision for the Nine Years Basic Education Program in Rwanda. A case of Karongi District.” Kampala : Kampala International University.
Book Chapters
Habarurema, V. and Ntakirutimana, E. (2019). Ubudehe and Diaconia: Theological and Moral Perspective for Social Solidarity in Rwanda. In : Gatwa, T. & Mbonyinkebe, D. (Eds). Home-grown solutions: a legacy to generations in Africa. Yaoundé: Editions Clé. 167-193.
Conferences and Workshop presentations
Ntakirutimana, E. (2023). Research for life skills: A contribution to global citizenship education in Rwandan Universities. Presentation in the International Conference on “Bridging Global Citizenship and Multilingual competences” 16th-17th June 2023, Graz, Austria.
Ntakirutimana, E. (2021). Integration of peace education in current basic education curricula for Rwandan schools. Presentation in the International conference “Education for Peace” 16-17 February 2021, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (online).
Ntakirutimana, E. (2020). Critical Globalisation and good learning climate in Rwandan Higher education. Presentation in International conference on “Education for Globalisation”, by PIASS, ULPGL, UEC and Uni-Bamberg, 16-17 February 2020, Butare, Rwanda.
Ntakirutimana, E. (2018). Facilitation d’un séminaire atelier “Bon climat d’apprentissage dans l’enseignement supeireur”, Conférence scientifique internationale sur la qualité de l'enseignement pour un développement durable en Afrique Sub-Saharienne à l'Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL), 14-15 Mai 2018, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Academic experience
04/2012 - 11/2021
Lecturer and Coordinator of PIASS Karongi Campus: Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), Karongi (Rwanda)
- Assistant Lecturer: Teaching, supervising students' short dissertations and internships, research and community services (2012 up to 2016)
- Academic Secretary of Faculty of Education (2012-2016)
- Lecturer and Coordinator of a PIASS Campus located at Karongi, Western Rwanda (since September 2016 up to 2021)
Secondary school diector (2012), deputy secondary school director (2008-2011), Primary school Teacher (1988-2002).
Non-Academic Experience
2017 - 2021
Chairperson of Non-Governmental organisation “Ejo Heza Foundation”, Huye, Rwanda.
2016 - 2021
Campus Coordinator of Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), Karongi (Rwanda).
2019 - 2021
Teacher trainer in the project “Improving Teaching quality through professional learning of teachers in 10 secondary schools of Presbyterian Church of Rwanda in collaboration with Presbyterian Church of Rwanda and Département Missionaire Exchange et Mission, Switzerland“.
Head teacher (Director) of a secondary school owned by AEBR- Huye district, Rwanda.
2008 - 2011
Deputy secondary school director
1988 - 2002
Primary school Teacher
Voluntary experience
2006 - 2007
President of Rwanda Red Cross at National University of Rwanda, Butare, Rwanda.
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