Armin Aminian
Office: Feldkirchenstr. 21, Room: F21/02.24
E-Mail: armin.aminian(at)uni-bamberg.de
Phone: +49(0)951/863-1289
Pillar 4: Governance, Institutional Change and Political Behaviour
Field: Economics
Research Interests: Resilience and sustainable growth
Resilience and stability of economic and financial networks – Essays in complexity economics
The stability of our economic framework faces increasing challenges, from both external factors and internal dynamics. These disruptions are sometimes exacerbated by mechanisms inherent within the system itself. Understanding these systemic imbalances requires delving into meso or micro-level dynamics, such as the amplification of shocks through behavioral economic processes. Over the past two decades, methodological approaches have gained popularity that allow more profound insights into these dynamics. Among others, these include agent-based models, input-output models, innovative data collection techniques like natural language processing, and regression models that account for regime changes and interaction effects, such as Markov-switching vector autoregressions. My objective is to employ these methodologies within the thematic realm of resilience and stability of economic and financial networks while critically assessing their epistemological strengths and limitations and, thus, their usefulness in supporting economic policy.
2018 – 2021
Master of Science in European Economic Studies, Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg
2014 – 2018
Bachelors of Science in European Economic Studies, Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg
Ipsen, L., Aminian, A., Schulz, J., & Schulz-Gebhard, J. (2023): “Stress-testing inflation exposure: Systemically significant prices and asymmetric shock propagation in the EU28“. Universität Bamberg, BERG Working Paper Series 188.
3rd Conference of the Maastricht Observatory on Resilient, Responsible & Sustainable Enterprise and Economy. Presentation: "Hush the rush: Short-selling bans in times of stress". Maastricht/Netherlands. 24th October, 2023.
9th Meeting of the German Network for New Economic Dynamics. Presentation: "Hush the rush: Short-selling bans in times of stress". Bamberg/Germany. 5th October, 2023.
26th Annual Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents. Presentation: "Hush the rush: Short-selling bans in times of stress". Kopa/Slovenia. 24th June, 2023.
3rd Pluralmun* Workshop “„Back to the future? Pluralist economics coming of age in an era of multiple crises”. Presentation: "An agent-based financial market model with leverage to test stability policies”. Bielefeld/Germany. 11th October, 2022.
8th Meeting of the German Network for New Economic Dynamics. Presentation: "An agent-based financial market model with leverage to test stability policies”. Gießen/Germany. 6th October, 2022.
5th Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop. Poster: "Hush the rush: Short-selling bans in times of stress". Bamberg/Germany. 30th June, 2013.
08/2020 – 06/2021
Research assistant in the project „Enterprises in the Covid-19 crisis “ of the Institute for Employment Research of the German Federal Employment Agency.
10/2017 – 06/2019
Tutor for Microeconomics at the Chair of Empirical Microeconomics of the Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg
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