Welcome to the Bamberg Graduate School of Linguistics (BaGL)
About the school

- The Bamberg Graduate School features original research from theoretical to empirical and from historical to typological linguistics.
- Supervision is provided for topics related to a large range of languages, including, but not restricted to, the specializations of the supervisors listed below.
- The school fosters a culture of unity in diversity and enables you to develop your skills and knowledge in linguistics.
- The school is affiliated to the faculty of Humanities in the Bamberg city centre (Unesco World heritage).
- Prof. Dr. Sandra Birzer (Department of Slavic Linguistics / Lehrstuhl für Slavische Sprachwissenschaft)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Haase (Department of Romance Linguistics / Lehrstuhl für Romanische Sprachwissenschaft)
- Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Haig (Department of General Linguistics / Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft)
- Prof. em. Dr. Sebastian Kempgen (Department of Slavic Linguistics, Emeritus of Excellence/ eh. Lehrstuhl für Slavische Sprachwissenschaft und Emeritus of Excellence)
- Prof. Dr. Gabriele Knappe (Department of English Linguistics / Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft/Englische Sprachwissenschaft und Mediävistik)
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Krug (Department of English Linguistics / Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft einschließlich Sprachgeschichte)
- Prof. Dr. Patrizia Noel (Department of German Linguistics / Professur für Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Grammatik)
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Ingo Radatz (Department of Romance Linguistics / Professur für Romanische Sprachwissenschaft/Schwerpunkt Hispanistik)
- Prof. Dr. Julia Schlüter (Department of English Linguistics / Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft einschließlich Sprachgeschichte)
- Prof. Dr. Stefanie Stricker(Department of German Linguistics / Lehrstuhl für Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft)
- Prof. Dr. Renata Szczepaniak (Department of German Linguistics / Lehrstuhl für Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft)
Application and requirements
Requirements for admission are flexible. You are welcome to contact all supervisors directly for further information.
Current students and PhD projects
Further details and examples of recent research topics.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What kind of course requirements are there?
PhD students at BaGL have the opportunity to attend course work from a range of subjects, participate in additional training seminars, and are required to report on their PhD progress in regular workshops.
Do I need to know German in order to be admitted to BaGL?
The majority of courses offered are in German; knowledge of German will certainly improve your PhD experience at Bamberg, but depending on the sub-discipline, is not necessarily a prerequisite for acceptance; this needs to be clarifed in consultation with the supervisor.
Are tuition fees required, and is there the possibility to obtain financial support?
Completing a PhD within BaGL does not require tuition fees, but we are unfortunately unable to offer financial support for living costs. We do, however, offer guidance and support for obtaining external PhD funding, for example from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD); for further information and individual consultations see also the Graduate Centre Trimberg Research Academy (TRAc).