Results of the Tensor Tournament 2024

Students of the Faculty WIAI of the University of Bamberg have successfully participated in the Tensor Tournament Machine Learning Hackathon!

The second Tensor Tournament organized by baiosphere and the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg confirmed that the University of Bamberg with BaCAI is an excellent location for AI. After a total of 4 teams from FAU and the Technical University of Munich, a team from the WIAI faculty achieved the best result in the machine learning hackathon. Congratulations to the students Huzaifa Aneel (center) and Mohammed Hashim (second from left)! Thanks to all eight teams who participated for Bamberg. Thanks to Jochen Mehlich (rightmost) and Felix Haase (leftmost) from the CogSys chair of Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid (second from right) for the technical support and thanks to the organizers of the FAU - Kai Klede and team! We are looking forward to the third round.

During the competition, the students had to solve 3 classification tasks in the context of flying drones. A total of 8 teams from Bamberg took part, mostly consisting of 3 students, and ultimately came 5th, 9th, 17th, 22nd, 23rd, 37th, 38th and 90th out of a total of 97 teams. The first two places were won by students from FAU, while places 3 and 4 were won by students from TU Munich. The University of Bamberg is therefore proud to be the third best university in Bavaria in this competition!