Bettina Finzel / Uni Bamberg

New BaCAI Research Colloquium established

Experience the exchange of ideas and inspiration at the new BaCAI Research Colloquium!

Researchers at BaCAI are invited to participate in this monthly event to present their current research and interesting approaches in the field of Artificial Intelligence. For students, this is also an opportunity to stay informed about the latest developments in research in Bamberg.

BaCAI is excited to announce the establishment of the new Research Colloquium, which provides researchers with a platform to present and discuss their current research findings and ideas. In a supportive environment, especially PhD candidates and PostDocs can learn from their peers, gain valuable insights, and network.

In the first session of the colloquium, all attending researchers introduced themselves. Following this, Christopher Bagdon from the Chair of Fundamentals of Language Processing presented his latest work titled "Multimodal Corpus Creation Methods - Can Artificial Social Media Posts Replace Genuine Posts For Emotion Analysis?". The discussion on this intriguing topic not only fostered academic exchange but also sparked further contemplation.

The BaCAI Research Colloquium is scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month during the semester, ensuring regular interaction among participants. Detailed information, including dates, can be found on our corresponding website. The next colloquium will take place on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 4:00 PM c.t. in WE5/01.006.

We warmly invite all interested parties, particularly students and university members, to participate in this inspiring event. Take this opportunity to stay informed about the latest developments in AI research and expand your networks!