All Gender Restrooms
Information about All Gender Restrooms
The standards for restrooms in public spaces do not correspond to the everyday reality of large parts of our society. The division of restrooms into "men's" and "women's" pressures intersex people to choose one of the two gender-specific restrooms, although this may hardly correspond to their actual gender. Trans* and non-binary people are confronted with this problem as well, since they cannot or do not necessarily want to assign themselves to one of the two genders.
This can lead to experiences of discrimination and unpleasant situations - even for people who clearly identify themselves as male or female. It is not uncommon for trans*, inter*, non-binary and agender people to face the questioning of their gender identity, exclusion, threats and even evictions.
All gender restrooms can counteract experiences of discrimination by creating a safe space for all people regardless of their gender identity. This leads to a promotion of equality.
In addition, all gender restrooms make everyday life easier for many people and take into account the most diverse realities of life. Are you a father of daughters and want to accompany your children to the restroom? Are you a woman accompanied by a (male) carer? All gender restrooms ensure protection and family friendliness in all of these situations.
There are two different kinds of all gender restrooms at the university.
On the one hand, there are individual restrooms – i.e. individual bathroom stalls with a toilet and sink – which can be used by people of all genders.
There are also sanitary rooms with several toilets. If these rooms have bathroom stalls that are not floor-to-ceiling, the entrance door can be locked with a sanitary lock so that a single use is possible.
Detailed information regarding the locations of the university's all gender restrooms can be found in the following section.

City Center:
HM2/01.30 (TB 4) (with urinal)
HM2/01.31 (TB 4)
M3N/03.33 (with urinal)
U2/01.07 (with urinal)
F21/01.19 (with urinal)
„Handlungsempfehlungen für Geschlechtervielfalt an Hochschulen: Erste Schritte“ (Link)
Bukof – Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen e.V.
„Geschlechterdiversität in Beschäftigung und Beruf: Bedarfe und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten von Antidiskriminierung für Arbeitgeber_innen“ (Link)
Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes
„Männlich, weiblich, divers – neue Perspektiven geschlechtlicher Vielfalt in der Arbeitswelt“(Link)
Dokumentation der Online-Konferenz vom 12. November 2020, Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes
Diskriminierungsfreie Toilettennutzung für alle (Link)
TransInterQueer e.V.