September/October 2025: Interdisciplinary conference "Medical Humanities & Diversity Studies"
From September 30 to October 2, the interdisciplinary conference of the BaGraLCM "Medical Humanities & Diversity Studies - Intersections of medical and diversity-critical discourses and multidimensional perspectives on body, psyche, illness and health in literature and media of the 19th to 21st century" will take place at the University of Bamberg. The conference is co-organized by Susen Halank, M.A. (American Studies/Romance Studies, Univ. Bamberg), Sofie Diepold, M.A. (German Studies, Univ. Bamberg), Tabea Lamberti, M.A. (German Studies, Univ. Jena), and Dr. Florian Lützelberger (Romance Studies, Univ. Bamberg). Details
June 2022: International Conference "Family Ecologies: Family as/at Home"
The second of three transdisciplinary conferences of the international research group "(American) Family Matters" took place at Bamberg University in 2022 (June 17-19). The research group is led by PD Dr. Eva-Sabine Zehelein (Univ. Bamberg), Prof. Dr. Carosso (Univ. Turino, Italy), und Prof. Dr. Coquet-Mokoko (Univ. Versailles, Paris). The conference was organized by PD Dr. Zehelein (Univ. Bamberg). Details
April 2022: Virtual Conference "Joan Didion: Life and/with/through Words"
In April, international scholars met virtually to talk about Joan Didion's life and work.
The conference was organized by PD Dr. Eva-Sabine Zehelein. Details.
September 2021: "Speculative Fiction and Ethics" - 12. 12th annual conference of the Society for Fantastic Fiction Research(GFF)
From September 23 to 25, 2021, the 12th annual conference of the Society for Fantastic Fiction Research (GFF) took place in Bamberg. The theme was “Speculative Fiction and Ethics” and the conference was jointly organized by Lorena Bickert, M.A., and Mareike Spychala, M.A. (both University of Bamberg) as well as Jun.-Prof. Dr. Judith Rauscher and Sara Tewelde-Negassi (both University of Cologne) Details
March 2018: International Conference "War and Trauma in Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Conference"
This conference was placed at the intersection of longstanding academic debates and analyses centered around the topics of war and trauma in literary, cultural, and media studies. The presenters from 10 different countries focused on contemporary depictions of war and its effects as well as earlier depictions from the 19th and 20th centuries. More information
November 2016: International Conference "The Environment and Human Migration: Rethinking the Politics of Poetry"
This conference was dedicated to American and transnational poetry from different historical and cultural contexts that understands questions of the environment and of migration as connected. The participants analyzed poetry that presents both topics in complex, aesthetically innovative fashions. They also considered questions of environmental and migratory poetry in the context of poetics, ethics, and politics. More Information
November 2015: Postgraduate Conference of the German Association for American Studies
The annual PGF conference brings together young scholars of American Studies for presentation-based discussions of current issues in the field. The PGF Conference 2015 was co-organized by the departments of American Studies in Bamberg and Bayreuth. More Information
July 2014: International Symposium "Whitman Across Genres"
From July 21-26, 2014, the Bamberg American Studies section organized the international symposium "Whitman Across Genres." The symposium was part of the 7th International Walt Whitman Week, also held in Bamberg. More information
January 2014: Symposium "Nature – Mobility – Literature: The Environmental Imagination of Migration"
As part of a research project on the intersections between the natural environment and people's migratory movements, the American Studies section organized a research symposium. More information
January 2014: International Student Symposium "Transatlantic Ties Between the United States of America and Germany"
In January 2014, the Bamberg American Studies program organized an international student symposium together with the Department of American Studies at Charles University, Prague. More information