INNO4S: Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development
With the advancing digitization and a growing striving for sustainability, two mega trends are currently shaping the global discourse in politics, business, and society. These trends are also reflected in the mission statements and goals of universities and higher education.
The junior professorship for Information Systems, esp. Digital Society, develops and creates digital teaching/learning opportunities to promote the digitization offensive as part of the research project. The project addresses the increasing need for teaching materials at the interface between these mega trends. The aim is to anchor the topics of sustainability, digitization, and innovation in business courses in order to be able to support the global pursuit of sustainability through digital innovations.
On the content level, case studies based on the 17th Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN) are developed, which are used to show the innovative power of digital technologies for overcoming the major challenges of our time - e.g. poverty, climate change and gender equality. At the same time, behavioral and economic theories are introduced and deepened, which give the students an understanding of the dynamics underlying the case studies. At the execution level, teachers are able to adapt the content to different target groups (bachelor's/master's) and formats (small groups/large events). This is achieved by providing content in various formats (e.g. as a set of slides, in the form of video clips or as materials for independent development) and together with curricula and examination drafts that are appropriate for the target group and format and are based on the guiding principles for education for sustainable development (BNE) orient, are made available.
The project partners are the Professorship for Digital Innovation and the public sector of Prof. Dr. Tobias Brandt from the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster and the professorship for innovation management and entrepreneurship from Prof. Dr. Mona Mensmann from the University of Cologne.
Project duration: 01.08.2022 – 31.12.2024
Contact:Marie Langer