Applied Computer Science
at the University of Bamberg
The Applied Computer Science Group has been in existence since 2002, conducting research and teaching at the interface between computer science and other disciplines. Eleven chairs and professorships offer exciting courses and research profiles. The target group is diverse: in addition to the four degree programs Applied Computer Science (Bachelor), Applied Computer Science (Master), Computing in the Humanities (Master), and Interaction Research & Design (Master),modules of Applied Computer Science are also relevant in the associated minor. In addition, they play a role in the related degree programs of Computer Science and Information Systems.

Artificial Intelligence with Humans in Mind
With the Chair of Cognitive Systems (Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid), the faculty has been represented in the field of artificial intelligence for many years. In the Bavarian AI competition, additional professorships were won. They deal with the topics of Natural Language Generation and DIalogue Systems (Prof. Dr. Stefan Ultes), AI Systems Engineering (Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller), Explainable Machine Learning (Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig), and Multimodal Intelligent Interaction (Prof. Dr. Markus Rickert).

Media, Culture, and Interaction
To ensure that users are not left out of the picture, the team led by Prof. Dr. Tom Gross is conducting research at the Chair of Human-Computer Interaction. Perspectives from outside the faculty are also relevant, for example from psychology. Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlieder's Cultural informatics Research Group cooperates with other disciplines in the cultural sciences, humanities, and geosciences. The Chair of Media Informatics (Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich) deals with multimedia systems, media management, and media retrieval.

Graphics, Design, and Visualisation
Three chairs and professorships deal with the visual: At the Chair of Information Visualization (Prof. Dr. Fabian Beck), complex issues are transformed into a visual representation. Interaction design by means of image, space and object as well as qualities of experience of the users are focal points of the Junior Professorship for User Experience and Design (Jun.-Prof. Patrick Tobias Fischer). At the Chair of Computer Graphics and its Foundations, Prof. Dr. Sophie Jörg and her team create and research artificial worlds in two or even three dimensions.