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Ortiz-Gervasi, L. and M. Gebel (2025). The role of labour market institutions for the transition from education to work. In M. Wolbers and D. Verhaest (eds.) Handbook of Education and Work. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 204–227. Download

Hsu, C.-H., & Engelhardt, H. (2024). A Precarious Path to Partnership? The Moderating Effects of Labour Market Regulations on the Relationship Between Unstable Employment and Union Formation in Europe. European Journal of Population, 40 (12). Download (open access!)

Manzoni, A. and M. Gebel (2024). Young adults’ labour market transitions and intergenerational support in Germany. European Sociological Review, 40(1), 99–115. Download (open access!)

Gebel, M. (2023). Globalization and the transition from education to employment in the MENA region. In D. Hofäcker and C. Karner (eds.). Research handbook on the sociology of globalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 287-296. Download

Hsu, C.-H. (2023). How women’s employment instability affects birth transitions: The moderating role of family policies in 27 European countries. European Sociological Review, jcad037. Download (open access!)

Gebel, M. (2023). Causal inference based on non-experimental data in health inequality research. In R. Hoffmann (ed.). Handbook of health inequalities across the life course. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 93-111. Download

Löwe, P.S. & Valet, P. (2023): Ist der öffentliche Dienst noch ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber? Veränderte Wahrnehmungen zu Jobsicherheit, langfristiger Beschäftigung und Karriereperspektiven von Beschäftigten im öffentlichen Dienst und der Privatwirtschaft von 1985 bis 2018. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (download)

Fauser, S. and Scheuring, S. (2023). Labour market insecurities of younger couples and homeownership in later adulthood in Germany: how important is couples’ and gendered risk aversion in the decision process?. In D. Hofäcker and K. Kuitto (eds.). Youth employment insecurity and pension adequacy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Gebel, M. (2023). Education-to-work transitions and youth’s psychological well-being in Taiwan. In C.-C. Yi and M.-C. Tsai (eds). Journey to adulthood. East Asian perspectives. SAGE Studies in International Sociology. London: SAGE, 99-125. Download

Gebel M. and S. Gundert (2023). Changes in income poverty risks at the transition from unemployment to employment: Comparing the short-term and medium-term effects of fixed-term and permanent jobs. Social Indicators Research, 167(1-3), 507–533. Download (open access!)

Kleinert, C. and M. Gebel (2023). Editorial: Consequences of the corona crisis for social inequalities in Germany. Soziale Welt, 74(1), 3-13.  Download

Kleinert, C. and M. Gebel (eds.) (2023). Consequences of the corona crisis for social inequalities in Germany. Soziale Welt. 74(1). Download

Fauser, S. and M. Gebel (2023). Labour market dualism and the heterogeneous wage gap for temporary employment: A multilevel study across 30 countries. Socio-Economic Review, 21(4), 2069–2091.Download (open access!)

Fauser, S. & Kim, Y. (2022). Family formation trends and patterns of women’s work trajectories in South Korea: determinants and cohort differences. Journal of Family Studies. doi: 10.1080/13229400.2022.2140690. (download open access)

Bömmel, N., Kroh, J., Gebel, M. and G. Heineck (forthcoming). Social inclusion as return to education in the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS): Conceptual framework and measurement. NEPS Survey Paper No. 100. Bamberg, Germany: Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.

Gebel, M. (2022) 독일 여성고용정책의 최근 동향 (Recent trends of female employment policy in Germany).국제노동브리프 (International Labor Brief) Vol. 20, No. 8. 세종시 시청대로: 한국노동연구원 (Sicheong-daero, Sejong-si: Korea Labor Institute), 9-19. Download (open access!)

Löwe, P.S. (2022): Are first jobs in the German public sector more stable? - An examination under consideration of the institutional structure. Soziale Welt (download)

Lettau, J., M. Gebel and G. Heineck (2022). Health returns to education across the life course: Measuring health in children and youth at the National Educational Panel Study. NEPS Survey Paper No. 95. Bamberg, Germany: Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study. Download (open access!)

Latner, J. and N. Saks (2022). Temporary employment: Reviewing and organizing the current literature. Journal of European Social Policy,

Latner, J. (2022). Temporary employment in Europe: Stagnating rates and rising risk. European Societies,

Hsu, C.-H. (2022). Work and fertility in Taiwan: How women’s and men’s career sequences associate with fertility outcomes? Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. doi:

Goldan, J., L. Nusser and M. Gebel (2022). School-related subjective well-being of children with and without special educational needs in inclusive classrooms. Child Indicators ResearchDownload (open access!)

Löwe, P.S. & Valet, P. (2022): Reformen im öffentlichen Dienst - Auswirkungen auf Beamt*innen und Arbeitnehmer*innen von 1993 bis 2018. WSI-Mitteilungen (download)

Fauser, S. & Scheuring, S. (2022). Couples’ early career trajectories and later life housing consequences in Germany: Investigating cumulative disadvantages. Advances in Life Course Research, 51. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100445. (download open access)

Löwe, P.S. & Unger, S.A. (2022): Welfare Sanctions and Deprivation in Germany: Do First Sanctions Lead to Higher Levels of Deprivation Among the Long-Term Unemployed and Recipients of Basic Income Support?. Journal of Social Policy(download open access)

Hsu, C.-H. (2021). Parity-specific motherhood penalties: Long-term impacts of childbirth on women’s earnings in Japan. Advances in Life Course Research. doi:

Hsu, C.-H., Posegga, O., Fischbach, K., & Engelhardt, H. (2021). Examining the trade-offs between human fertility and longevity over three centuries using crowdsourced genealogy data. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255528.

Unt, M, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi and D. Hofäcker (2021).  Social exclusion of youth in Europe. The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Bristol: The Policy Press. Download (open access!)

Bertolini, S., V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzis, M. Gebel, D. Hofäcker and M. Unt (2021). Youth transitions and risk of social exclusion: integrating perspectives. In M. Unt, M, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi and D. Hofäcker (eds).  Social exclusion of youth in Europe. The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Bristol: The Policy Press, 362-377. Download (open access!)

Gebel, M., M. Unt, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzis, and D. Hofäcker (2021). Introduction: Youth transitions in times of labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi and D. Hofäcker (eds).  Social exclusion of youth in Europe. The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Bristol: The Policy Press, 1-27. Download (open access!)

Gebel, M., K. Gatskova and T. Karabchuk (2021). Gender differences among youth: Education to job transitions in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Tajikistan. In T. Karabchuk, K. Kumo, E. Skoglund and K. Gatskova (eds.) Gendering post-Soviet space: Demography, labor market and values in empirical research. Singapore: Springer, 49-71. Download

Lin, W.H. and M. Gebel (2021). Education tracking and adolescent smoking: A counterfactual and prospective cohort study. Addiction. Download (open access!)

Fauser, S. & Scheuring, S. (2022). Couples’ early career trajectories and later life housing consequences in Germany: Investigating cumulative disadvantages. Advances in Life Course Research, 51. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100445. (download open access)

Hsu, C.-H. (forthcoming). Parity-specific motherhood penalties: Long-term impacts of childbirth on women’s earnings in Japan. Advances in Life Course Research. [Journal Pre-proof available online:].

Hsu, C.-H., Posegga, O., Fischbach, K., & Engelhardt, H. (2021). Examining the trade-offs between human fertility and longevity over three centuries using crowdsourced genealogy data. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255528.

Unt, M, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi and D. Hofäcker (2021).  Social exclusion of youth in Europe. The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Bristol: The Policy Press. Download (open access!)

Bertolini, S., V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzis, M. Gebel, D. Hofäcker and M. Unt (2021). Youth transitions and risk of social exclusion: integrating perspectives. In M. Unt, M, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi and D. Hofäcker (eds).  Social exclusion of youth in Europe. The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Bristol: The Policy Press, 362-377. Download (open access!)

Gebel, M., M. Unt, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzis, and D. Hofäcker (2021). Introduction: Youth transitions in times of labour market insecurity. In M. Unt, M, M. Gebel, S. Bertolini, V. Deliyanni-Kouimtzi and D. Hofäcker (eds).  Social exclusion of youth in Europe. The multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity. Bristol: The Policy Press, 1-27. Download (open access!)

Gebel, M., K. Gatskova and T. Karabchuk (2021). Gender differences among youth: Education to job transitions in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Tajikistan. In T. Karabchuk, K. Kumo, E. Skoglund and K. Gatskova (eds.) Gendering post-Soviet space: Demography, labor market and values in empirical research. Singapore: Springer, 49-71. Download

Scheuring, S., Voßemer, J., Baranowska-Rataj, A. and G. Tattarini (2021). Does Fixed-Term Employment Have Spillover Effects on the Well-Being of Partners? A Panel Data Analysis for East and West Germany. Journal of Happiness Studies. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-020-00353-2 Download (open access!)

Lin, W.H. and M. Gebel (2021). Education tracking and adolescent smoking: A counterfactual and prospective cohort study. Addiction. Download (open access!)

Lettau, J., M. Gebel and G. Heineck (2020). Returns to education across the life course: Measuring health in adults in the National Educational Panel Study. NEPS Survey Paper No. 77. Bamberg, Germany: Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study. Download (open access!)

Bömmel, N., M. Gebel and G. Heineck (2020). Political participation and political attitudes as returns to education in the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS): Conceptual framework and measurement. NEPS Survey Paper No. 70. Bamberg, Germany: Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study. Download (open access!)

Fauser, S. (2020). Career trajectories and cumulative wages: The case of temporary employment. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. doi: 10.1016/j.rssm.2020.100529. (open access)

Scheuring, S. (2020) The Effect of Fixed-Term Employment on Well-Being: Disentangling the Micro-Mechanisms and the Moderating Role of Social Cohesion. Social Indicators Research, 152(1), 91-115. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-020-02421-9 Download (open access!)

Gebel, M. (2020). Young women’s transition from education to work in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 688(1), 137-154. Download

Sauer, C., Valet, P., Roscigno, V. J. & Wilson, G. (forthcoming). Neoliberalism’s Public-Sector Impact: The U.S. and Germany Compared. In Dwyer, R., Warhurst, C. & Mathieu, C. (Hrsg.). The Oxford Handbook of Job Quality. Cambridge: Oxford University Press.

Mandieva, E. and M. Gebel (2019). Methodological report on TEW-CCA semi-structured interviews on youth NEET in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Tajikistan. TEW-CCA Working Paper No. 6.1. Bamberg: TEW-CCA Project, University of Bamberg. Download (open access!)

Gebel, M., S. Olimova, M. Olimov and L. Mirov (2019). Descriptive analyses of youth transitions in Tajikistan. TEW‐CCA Working Paper No. 4.3. Bamberg: TEW‐CCA Project, University of Bamberg. Download (open access!)

Hajizadeh, A., R. Sattarov, T. Faradov and M. Gebel (2019). Descriptive analyses of youth transitions in Azerbaijan. TEW‐CCA Working Paper No. 4.1. Bamberg: TEW‐CCA Project, University of Bamberg. Download (open access!)

Adriaans, J., Valet, P. & Liebig S. (2019). Comparing Administrative and Survey Data: Is Information from Administrative Records of the German Institute for Employment Research Consistent with Survey Self-reports? Quality & Quantity. Online First

Calnitsky, D., E. Forget, and J. Latner (2019).  Life after work: The impact of basic income on non-employment activities. Social Science History, 43(4), 657-677.

Ehab Samy, M. (2019). Employment transitions of youth and health implications in Egypt. Economic Research Forum, Working Paper no. 1355. Download (Open Access!)

Högberg, B., J. Voßemer, J., M. Gebel & M. Strandh (2019). Unemployment, wellbeing and the moderating role of education policies: A multilevel study. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 60(4) 269 –291. Download

Voßemer, J., & Heyne, S. (2019) Unemployment and housework in couples: Task-specific differences and dynamics over time. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81(5), 1074–1090. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12602 

Badurashvili, I., M. Gebel, N. Kobakhidze, G. Meladze and R. Nadiradze (2019). Descriptive analyses of youth transitions in Georgia. TEW-CCA Working Paper No. 4.2. Bamberg: TEW-CCA Project, University of Bamberg. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Gebel, M. and G. Heineck (2019). Returns to education in the life course. In R. Becker (ed.) Research Handbook on Sociology of Education. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Chapter 24, 454–475. Information on book

Fauser, S. (2019). Time availability and housework: The effect of unemployment on couples' hours of household labor. Social Science Research. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.04.017

Voßemer, J. (2019). Losing standard employment in Germany: The consequences of displacement and dismissal for workers’ subsequent careers. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. doi: 10.1016/j.rssm.2019.100420 

Voßemer, J. (2019). The effects of unemployment on non-monetary job quality in Europe: The moderating role of economic situation and labor market policies. Social Indicators Research, 144, 379-401. doi: 10.1007/s11205-018-2044-7

Latner, J. (2019).  Economic insecurity and the distribution of income volatility in the United States. Social Science Research, 77, 193-213. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2018.09.005

Valet, P., Adriaans, J. & Liebig, S. (2019). Comparing Survey Data and Administrative Records on Gross Earnings: Nonreporting, Misreporting, Interviewer Presence and Earnings Inequality. Quality & Quantity, 53(1), 471-491. doi:10.1007/s11135-018-0764-z

Voßemer, J. (2019). The economic and non-economic consequences of job loss, unemployment, and inadequate re-employment in Germany and Europe. [PhD thesis] Bamberg: University of Bamberg.

Gebel, M. and E. Mandieva (2019). General methodology of the TEW‐CCA Youth Transition Surveys in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Tajikistan. In: M. Gebel, I. Badurashvili, S. Olimova and R. Sattarov (eds.) Methodological report on TEW-CCA Youth Transition Surveys in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Tajikistan. TEW-CCA Working Paper No. 3. Bamberg: University of Bamberg, pp. 7-54. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Gebel, M., I. Badurashvili, S. Olimova and R. Sattarov (eds.) (2019). Methodological report on TEW-CCA Youth Transition Surveys in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Tajikistan. TEW-CCA Working Paper No. 3. Bamberg: University of Bamberg. 99 pages. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Unt, M., M. Gebel and S. Bertolini (2018). Social exclusion of youth in Europe: Consequences of labour market insecurity. Journal of Transition States and Societies, 10(3), 1-8. Download (OPEN ACECSS!)

Unt, M., M. Gebel and S. Bertolini (eds.) (2018). Social exclusion of youth in Europe: Consequences of labour market insecurity. Journal of Transition States and Societies, 10(3), Special Issue. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Bela, A., N. Feinauer, M. Gebel, G. Heineck, J. Lettau and K. Mergard (2018). Returns to education across the life course in the National Educational Panel Study: Theoretical framework and corresponding survey program. (NEPS Survey Paper No. 50). Bamberg, Germany: Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Voßemer, J., M. Gebel, K. Täht, M. Unt, B. Högberg and M. Strandh (2018). The effects of unemployment and insecure jobs on well-being and health: the moderating role of labor market policies. Social Indicators Research, 138(3), 1229-1257. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Gebel, M., D. Hofäcker, M. Jeliazkova, S. Schadow, K. Täht and M. Unt (2018). Proposal for future research based on EXCEPT project. EXCEPT Working Papers No.58. Tallinn:  Tallinn  University. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Unt, M. and M. Gebel (2018). Synthesis of the main empirical findings of EXCEPT project. EXCEPT Working Papers No.57. Tallinn:  Tallinn  University. 121 pages. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Schlee, C. (2018). Young adults in insecure labour market positions in Germany – The results from a qualitative study, EXCEPT Working Papers, WP No 19. Tallinn University, Tallinn. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Gebel, M. (2018). The role of education institutions for the transition from education to work: A European comparative perspective. In P. Boyadjieva, M. Kanoushev, M. Ivanov (eds.) Inequalities and social (dis)integration: In search of togetherness. Jubilee collection in honor of Prof. Rumiana Stoilova. Sofia: Iztok-Zapad, 181-200.

Voßemer, J., M. Gebel, O. Nizalova and O. Nikolaieva (2018). The effect of an early-career involuntary job loss on later life health in Europe. Advances in Life Course Studies, 35, 69-76. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Gebel, M. and S. Heyne (2017). Familienverständnis in Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten. Analysen zu familiären Rollen und zur Abgrenzung vom Staat. University of Bamberg Press. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Gebel, M. (2017). Der Übergang vom Bildungssystem in den Arbeitsmarkt im europäischen Vergleich. Die Rolle von Bildungs– und Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen. In J. Schmid, K. Amos, J. Schrader and A. Thiel (eds.) Governance und Interdependenz von Bildung. Internationale Studien und Vergleiche. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 13–36. Download

Gebel, M. (2017). The effects of unemployment and temporary employment on leaving the parental home in Germany. In Baranowska-Rataj A., Bertolini S. and Goglio V. (eds.). Country level analyses of mechanisms and interrelationships between labour market insecurity and autonomy, EXCEPT Working Papers, WP No.11. Tallinn: Tallinn University, pp. 97-130. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Baranowska-Rataj, A., M. Gebel, K. Gousia, M. Klobuszewska, O. Nikolaieva, O. Nizalova, E. Norton, M. Rokicka, J. Stasiowski, M. Strandh and J. Voßemer (2016). Interdependencies between labour market insecurity and well-being - evidence from panel data. EXCEPT Working Paper No. 8. Tallinn: Tallinn University. 56 pages. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Athanasiades, C., L. Figgou, A. Flouli, M. Gebel, K. Gousia, B. Högberg, M. Kostouli, O. Nizalova, N. Shapoval, M. Sourvinou, M. Strandh, K. Täht, M. Unt, J. Voßemer and D. Xanthopoulou (2016). Report on the impact of the institutional setting and policies on the well-being and health of youth in insecure labour market positions in EU-28 and Ukraine. EXCEPT Working Paper No. 7. Tallinn: Tallinn University. 128 pages. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Heyne, S. and M. Gebel (2016). Education effects on the school-to-work transition in Egypt: A cohort comparison of labor market entrants 1970-2012. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 46(A), 37-49. Download

Gebel, M. and S. Heyne (2016). Delayed transitions in times of increasing uncertainty: School-to-work transition and the delay of first marriage in Jordan. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 46(A), 61-72. Download

Gebel, M. (2016). Education, employment dynamics and the middle class in Germany. Sociological Problems, 48(Special Issue), 23-45. Download

Gallie, D., M. Gebel, J. Giesecke, K. Halldén, P. van der Meer and R. Wielers (2016). Quality of work and job satisfaction: Comparing female part-time work in four European countries. International Review of Sociology, 26(3), 457-481. Download

Gebel, M. and J. Giesecke (2016). Does deregulation help? The impact of employment protection reforms on youths’ unemployment and temporary employment risks in Europe. European Sociological Review. 32(4), 486-500. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Voßemer, J. and B. Schuck (2016). Better overeducated than unemployed? The short- and long-term effects of an overeducated labor market re-entry. European Sociological Review, 32(2), 251-265. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcv093. Download

Voßemer, J. and N. Eunicke (2015). The impact of labor market exclusion and job insecurity on health and well-being among youth - a literature review. EXCEPT Working Papers, WP No 2. Tallinn University, Tallinn. Download

Gebel, M. (2015) Comment on "Berufliche, beruflich tertiäre und akademische Bildungsabschlüsse". In ZEW-BMBF Research Report "Bildungsindikatoren im internationalen Vergleich", pp. 22-27. Download (OPEN ACCESS!)

Gebel, M. (2015). Labor market instability: Labor market entry and early career development. In R. Scott and S. Kosslyn (eds.) Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences, New York: Wiley. Download

Gebel, M. (2015). Book review: D. Gallie (ed.): Economic crisis, quality of work, and social integration: The European experience. European Sociological Review, 31(1), 131-133. Download

Salikutluk, Zerrin and Stefanie Heyne (2014). "Wer ist tatsächlich benachteiligt? Die Wirkung traditioneller Geschlechterrollen auf schulische Leistungen und elterliche Aspirationen in deutschen und türkischen Familien." Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 43, Heft 6, S. 421-440. Download