Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-review)
Hopf, K., Nahr, N., Staake, T., & Lehner, F. (2025). The group mind of hybrid teams with humans and intelligent agents in knowledge-intense work. Journal of Information Technology, 40(1), 9–34.
Graichen, J., Stingl, C., Pakarinen, A., Rosio, R., Terho, K., Günther, S. A., Salanterä, S., & Staake, T. (2024). Improving hand hygiene of young children with a digital intervention: a cluster-randomised controlled field trial. Scientific Reports, 14(1, 6157), 1–10.
Kreft, M., Brudermueller, T., Fleisch, E., & Staake, T. (2024). Predictability of electric vehicle charging: Explaining extensive user behavior-specific heterogeneity. Applied Energy, 370(123544), 1–15.
Brudermüller, T., Kreft, M., Fleisch, E., & Staake, T. (2023). Large-scale monitoring of residential heat pump cycling using smart meter data. Applied Energy, 350(121734), 1–14.
Dangis, G., Terho, K., Graichen, J., Günther, S. A., Rosio, R., Salanterä, S., Staake, T., Stingl, C., & Pakarinen, A. (2023). Hand Hygiene of Kindergarten Children: Understanding the Effect of Live Feedback on Handwashing Behaviour, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation of Young Children; Protocol for a Multi-Arm Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. PLOS ONE, 18(1, e0280686), 1–18.
Fang, X., Goette, L., Rockenbach, B., Sutter, M., Tiefenbeck, V., Schoeb, S., & Staake, T. (2023). Complementarities in behavioral interventions: Evidence from a field experiment on resource conservation. Journal of Public Economics, 228(105028), 1–20.
Hopf, K., Müller, O., Shollo, A., & Thiess, T. (2023). Organizational Implementation of AI: Craft and Mechanical Work. California Management Review, 66(1), 23–47.
Hopf, K., Weigert, A., & Staake, T. (2023). Value creation from analytics with limited data: a case study on the retailing of durable consumer goods. Journal of Decision Systems, 32(2), 289–325.
Graichen, J. (2022). The economic impact of infectious diseases of children at kindergarten age. Public-Health-Forum, 30(3), 201–203.
Shollo, A., Hopf, K., Thiess, T., & Müller, O. (2022). Shifting ML value creation mechanisms: A process model of ML value creation. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 31(3, 101734), 1–20.
Weigert, A. (2022). Identification and classification of heat pump problems in the field and their implication for a user-centric problem recognition. Energy Informatics, 5(70), 1–37.
Weigert, A., Hopf, K., Günther, S. A., & Staake, T. (2022). Heat pump inspections result in large energy savings when a pre-selection of households is performed: A promising use case of smart meter data. Energy Policy, 169(113156), 1–15.
Günther, S., Staake, T., Schöb, S., & Tiefenbeck, V. (2020). The behavioral response to a corporate carbon offset program: A field experiment on adverse effects and mitigation strategies. Global Environmental Change, 64(102123), 1–14.
Hauser, M., Günther, S., Flath, C., & Thiesse, F. (2019). Towards Digital Transformation in Fashion Retailing: A Design-Oriented IS Research Study of Automated Checkout Systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 61(1), 51–66.
Sodenkamp, M., Wenig, J., Thiesse, F., & Staake, T. (2019). Who can drive electric? Segmentation of car drivers based on longitudinal GPS travel data. Energy Policy, 130, 111–129.
Tiefenbeck, V., Wörner, A., Schöb, S., Fleisch, E., & Staake, T. (2019). Real-time feedback promotes energy conservation in the absence of volunteer selection bias and monetary incentives. Nature Energy, 4(1), 35–41.
Wenig, J., Sodenkamp, M., & Staake, T. (2019). Battery versus infrastructure: Tradeoffs between battery capacity and charging infrastructure for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Applied Energy, 255(113787), 1–12.
Gajowniczek, K., Ząbkowski, T., & Sodenkamp, M. (2018). Revealing Household Characteristics from Electricity Meter Data with Grade Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithms. Applied Sciences, 8(9), 1–24.
Hopf, K. (2018). Mining volunteered geographic information for predictive energy data analytics. Energy Informatics, 1(4).
Hopf, K., Sodenkamp, M., & Staake, T. (2018). Enhancing energy efficiency in the residential sector with smart meter data analytics. Electronic Markets, 28(4), 453–473.
Schopfer, S., Tiefenbeck, V., & Staake, T. (2018). Economic assessment of photovoltaic-battery systems based household load profiles. Applied Energy, 223, 229–248.
Schöb, S., Günther, S., Regensburger, K., & Staake, T. (2018). NIWM: non-intrusive water monitoring to uncover heat energy use in households. Computer Science - Research and Development, 33(1–2), 127–133.
Sodenkamp, M. A., Tavana, M., & Di Caprio, D. (2018). An aggregation method for solving group multi-criteria decision-making problems with single-valued neutrosophic sets. Applied Soft Computing, 71, 715–727.
Tiefenbeck, V., Goette, L., Degen, K., Tasic, V., Fleisch, E., Lalive, R., & Staake, T. (2018). Overcoming Salience Bias: How Real-Time Feedback Fosters Resource Conservation. Management Science, 64(3), 1458–1476.
Hopf, K., Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., & Staake, T. (2016). Feature extraction and filtering for household classification based on smart electricity meter data. Computer Science - Research and Development, 31, 141–148.
Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., & Staake, T. (2016). Supervised classification with interdependent variables to support targeted energy efficiency measures in the residential sector. Decision Analytics, 3(1).
Sodenkamp, M., Tavana, M., & Di Caprio, D. (2016). Modeling synergies in multi-criteria supplier selection and order allocation: An application to commodity trading. European Journal of Operational Research, 254(3), 859–874.
Scherer, M., Haubensak, O., & Staake, T. (2015). Assessing distorted trading incentives of balance responsible parties based on the example of the Swiss power system. Energy Policy, 86, 792–801.
Loock, C.-M., Staake, T., & Thiesse, F. (2013). Motivating Energy-Efficient Behavior with Green IS: An Investigation of Goal Setting and the Role of Defaults. MIS Quarterly, 37(4), 1313–1332.
Tiefenbeck, V., Staake, T., Roth, K., & Sachs, O. (2013). For better or for worse? Empirical evidence of moral licensing in a behavioral energy conservation campaign. Energy Policy, 57, 160–171.
Sodenkamp, M., & Suhl, L. (2012). A Multicriteria Multilevel Group Decision Method for Supplier Selection and Order Allocation. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 3(1), 81–105.
Staake, T., Thiesse, F., & Fleisch, E. (2012). Business Strategies in the Counterfeit Market. Journal of Business Research, 65(5), 658–665.
Tulusan, J., Steggers, H., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2012). Supporting eco-driving with eco-feedback technologies: Recommendations targeted at improving corporate car drivers’ intrinsic motivation to drive more sustainable. Proceedings of Energy Informatics, 12(3).
Weiß, M., Staake, T., Mattern, F., & Fleisch, E. (2012). PowerPedia: changing energy usage with the help of a community-based smartphone application. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 16(6), 655–664.
Thiesse, F., Staake, T., Schmitt, P., & Fleisch, E. (2011). The rise of the next-generation bar code: an international RFID adoption study. Supply Chain Management, 16(5), 328–345.
Ilic, A., Ng, J. W. P., Bowman, P., & Staake, T. (2009). The value of RFID for RTI management. Electronic Markets, 19(2–3), 125–135.
Ilic, A., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2009). Using Sensor Information to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Perishable Goods. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 8(1), 22–29.
Loock, C.-M., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2009). Kundenportale in der Energiebranche: Bestandsaufnahme und Entwicklungspotenziale. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 33(3), 268–274.
Staake, T., Thiesse, F., & Fleisch, E. (2009). The Emergence of Counterfeit trade: A Literature Review. European Journal of Marketing, 43(3/4), 320–349.
Andere Zeitschriftenartikel
Hopf, K. (2025). Zwischen Kreativität und Planbarkeit. Heise online, KI Navigator #9.
Hopf, K. (2024). KI-Wertschöpfung in Unternehmen: Evolution statt Revolution. Red Stack Magazin, 4, 18–21.
Hopf, K., & Linnik, B. (2024). Phönix aus der Asche: KI braucht langfristige Perspektiven. Heise online, KI Navigator #4.
Vogel, B. (2021). Wozu Smart Meter gut sind. ET Elektrotechnik, 4, 46–49.
Sodenkamp, M., & Staake, T. (2016). Smart-Meter-Datenanalyse für massenmarkttaugliche Energiedienstleistungen. asut-Bulletin, Organ der asut (Schweizerischer Verband der Telekommunikation), 3, 32–33.
Vogel, B. (2016a). IT-unterstützte Energieberatung. Haus-Tech, 29(9), 56–59.
Vogel, B. (2016b). Conseil en énergie assisté par ordinateur - Conjonction du smart metering et du machine learning. Bulletin, 107 (2016), 9, 48–52.
Staake, T., Graml, T., Loock, C.-M., & Baeriswyl, M. (2011b). Mit Verhaltenswissenschaft zum erfolgreichen Kundenportal: Wie Velix die Vorarlberger zum Energiesparen bringt. Bulletin, 1, 8–10.
Staake, T., Graml, T., Loock, C.-M., & Baeriswyl, M. (2011a). Durch Online-Interaktion Kunden für Energiedienstleistungen begeistern. e|m|w Zeitschrift für Energie, Markt, Wettbwerb, 2, 54–57.
Beiträge in Konferenzbänden (peer-reviewed)
Bayer, D. R., Haag, F., Pruckner, M., & Hopf, K. (2024). Electricity Demand Forecasting in Future Grid States: A Digital Twin-Based Simulation Study. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies 2024 (SpliTech), 1–6.
Hopf, K., Joshi, M., Stelmaszak, M., & Shollo, A. (2024). Crafting Ever-Changing Data Products: Towards a Human-Centered Process Model of Data Work. ECIS 2024 Proceedings, 1–17.
Rahlmeier, N., & Hopf, K. (2024). Bridging Fields of Practice: How Boundary Objects Enable Collaboration in Data Science Initiatives. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024 Proceedings. 19. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2024), Würzburg.
Brudermueller, T., Breer, F., & Staake, T. (2023). Disaggregation of Heat Pump Load Profiles From Low-Resolution Smart Meter Data. BuildSys ’23: Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation, 228–231.
Giacomazzi, E., Haag, F., & Hopf, K. (2023). Short-Term Electricity Load Forecasting Using the Temporal Fusion Transformer: Effect of Grid Hierarchies and Data Sources. Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, 353–360.
Graichen, J., & Staake, T. (2023). Information Systems Research for the Next Generation: Child-Centricity in a Digital World. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023, 4026–4035.
Haag, F., Günther, S., Hopf, K., Handschuh, P., Klose, M., & Staake, T. R. (2023). Addressing Learners’ Heterogeneity in Higher Education: an Explainable AI-based Feedback Artifact for Digital Learning Environments. Proceedings of the 18th Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik. 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Paderborn, Germany.
Haag, F., Stingl, C., Zerfass, K., Hopf, K., & Staake, T. (2023). Overcoming Anchoring Bias: the Potential of AI and XAI-based Decision Support. ICIS 2023 Proceedings, 1–17.
Hopf, K., Hartstang, H., & Staake, T. R. (2023). Meta-Regression Analysis of Errors in Short-Term Electricity Load Forecasting. Companion Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), 32–39.
Kaiser, K., Kreft, M., Stai, E., Vayá, M. G., Hug, G., & Staake, T. (2023). Reducing power peaks in low-voltage grids via dynamic tariffs and automatic load control. 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), 1475–1479.
Stingl, C. (2023). Using Digital Performance Feedback for Behavior Change: a Review. AMCIS 2023 Proceedings, 1–11.
Brudermüller, T., Wirth, F., Weigert, A., & Staake, T. (2022). Automatic Differentiation of Variable and Fixed Speed Heat Pumps With Smart Meter Data. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), 412–418.
Graichen, J., Stingl, C., Günther, S., Staake, T., Pakarinen, A., Rosio, R., & Salanterä, S. (2022). No Longer Without a Reward: Do Digital Rewards Crowd Out Intrinsic Motivation of Young Children?. ICIS 2022 Proceedings. 43rd International Conference on Information Systems, Kopenhagen, Dänemark.
Haag, F., Hopf, K., Menelau Vasconcelos, P., & Staake, T. (2022). Augmented Cross-Selling Through Explainable AI: a Case From Energy Retailing. ECIS 2022 Proceedings, 1–19.
Michels, L., Ochmann, J., Günther, S., Laumer, S., & Tiefenbeck, V. (2022). Empowering Consumers to Make Environmentally Sustainable Online Shopping Decisions: A Digital Nudging Approach. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: January 3-7, 2022. 55th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, Hawaii, USA.
Stingl, C., Günther, S., & Staake, T. (2022). The Behavioral Mechanisms Behind Feedback: A Preliminary Model for Quantifying Cause-Effect Relationships. ECIS 2022: Research-in-Progress-Papers. 30. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Timișoara, Rumänien.
Fteimi, N., & Hopf, K. (2021). Knowledge Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Developing an Integrative Framework. ECIS 2021 Proceedings. 29. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh: Morocco.
Graichen, J. (2021b). Infectious illnesses of young children: financial burden for rich countries - a literature review. European Journal of Public Health, 31(Supplement_3), 533–534.
Graichen, J. (2021a). Estimating cost of illness for kindergarten children with contagious diseases in Germany. European Journal of Public Health, 31(Supplement_3), 261.
Günther, S. (2021). The impact of social norms on students’ online learning behavior: Insights from two randomized controlled trials. LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 12–21.
Stingl, C., Günther, S., & Staake, T. (2021). A Feedback Information System for Improving Hand Hygiene on a Personal and Organizational Level. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 Proceedings.
Wastensteiner, J., Weiss, T. M., Haag, F., & Hopf, K. (2021). Explainable AI for Tailored Electricity Consumption Feedback: An Experimental Evaluation of Visualizations. ECIS 2021 Proceedings, 1–19.
Günther, S., Stingl, C., Coroamă, V. C., Schöb, S., & Staake, T. (2020). Empowering personalized feedback on hot water usage: a field study with shower meters. SAC ’20: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 763–766.
Günther, S., Veihelmann, T., & Staake, T. (2020). Leveraging Social Norms to Encourage Online Learning: Empirical Evidence from a Blended Learning Course. ICIS 2020 Proceedings, 1205, 1–17.
Weigert, A., Hopf, K., Weinig, N., & Staake, T. (2020). Detection of heat pumps from smart meter and open data. Energy Informatics, 3(1), 14.
Weigert, A., Hopf, K., & Staake, T. (2019). A Cognitive Computing Solution to Foster Retailing of Renewable Energy Systems. HCI/MIS Workshop 2019: The 18th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS Sponsored by AIS SIGHCI, 2019, München.
Kupfer, A. (2018b). Research Methods in the Information Systems Discipline: A Literature Analysis of Conference Papers. AMCIS 2018: Proceedings.
Kupfer, A. (2018a). Self-tracking or Not? That is the question. Item Generation for Construct Development. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018: Data Driven X - Turning Data into Value, 3, 1020–1026.
Kupfer, A., Tiefenbeck, V., & Staake, T. (2018). The Ambiguous Boundary Between Professional and Private Use of Information Systems. ECIS 2018: Research Papers, 1–19.
Stingl, C., Hopf, K., & Staake, T. (2018). Explaining and predicting annual electricity demand of enterprises – a case study from Switzerland. Energy Informatics, 1(Suppl. 1, 50), 149–166.
Ableitner, L., Tiefenbeck, V., Hosseini, S., Schöb, S., Fridgen, G., & Staake, T. (2017). Real-world impact of Information Systems: The effect of seemingly small design choices. Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Seoul, South Korea, 387–402.
Hauser, M., Günther, S., Flath, C. M., & Thiesse, F. (2017a). Leveraging RFID Data Analytics for the Design of an Automated Checkout System. Tagungsband Der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 1201–1204.
Hauser, M., Günther, S., Flath, C., & Thiesse, F. (2017b). Designing Pervasive Information Systems: A Fashion Retail Case Study. ICIS 2017 Proceedings.
Hopf, K., Kormann, M., Sodenkamp, M., & Staake, T. (2017). A Decision Support System for Photovoltaic Potential Estimation. IML ’17: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning, Article No.: 3, 1–10.
Hopf, K., Riechel, S. J., Sodenkamp, M., & Staake, T. (2017). Predictive Customer Data Analytics: The Value of Public Statistical Data and the Geographic Model Transferability. ICIS 2017 Proceedings, 1–20.
Schopfer, S., Tiefenbeck, V., Fleisch, E., & Staake, T. (2017). Providing primary frequency control with residential scale photovoltaic-battery systems: A techno-economic simulation study of a virtual power plant. Computer Science - Research and Development, 32(1–2), 105–115.
Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., Hopf, K., & Staake, T. (2017). Smart Meter Data Analytics for Enhanced Energy Efficiency in the Residential Sector. Proceedings Der 13. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017), 1235–1249.
Ableitner, L., Kupfer, A., Tiefenbeck, V., Schöb, S., & Staake, T. (2016). Resource Conservation with Green IS: A Field Experiment on Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary Strategies. Proceedings of the SIG Green Pre-ICIS Workshop.
Hopf, K., Sodenkamp, M., & Kozlovskiy, I. (2016). Energy Data Analytics for Improved Residential Service Quality and Energy Efficiency. ECIS 2016: Research-in-Progress Papers, 1–11.
Hopf, K., Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., & Staake, T. (2016). Household classification using annual electricity consumption data. 4th D-A-CH Conference Energieinformatik; 12-13 November 2015, Karlsruhe.
Kozlovskiy, I., Schöb, S., & Sodenkamp, M. (2016). Non-intrusive disaggregation of water consumption data in a residential household. Informatik 2016: 26.-30. September 2016 Klagenfurt, Österreich, 1381–1387.
Kozlovskiy, I., Sodenkamp, M., Hopf, K., & Staake, T. (2016). Energy Informatics for Environmental, Economic and Societal Sustainability: A Case of the Large-Scale Detection of Households with Old Heating Systems. ECIS 2016: Research Papers, 1–16.
Kupfer, A., Ableitner, L., Schöb, S., & Tiefenbeck, V. (2016). Technology Adoption vs. Continuous Usage Intention: do Decision Criteria Change when Using a Technology?. Proceedings of the 22th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).
Kupfer, A., Kehr, F., & Tiefenbeck, V. (2016). Towards a measurement scale for self-tracking: Attitudes and user characteristics. ECIS 2016: Research-in-Progress Papers, 1–11.
Lossin, F., Kozlovskiy, I., Sodenkamp, M., & Staake, T. (2016). Incentives to go green: An empirical investigation of monetary and symbolic rewards to motivate energy savings. ECIS 2016: Research Papers, 1–16.
Lüders, P., Wenig, J., & Sodenkamp, M. (2016). A Behavioral Approach to Energy-efficient Driving. Energie Für Unser Europa: 14. Symposium Energieinnovation, 455–456.
Tiefenbeck, V., Tasic, V., Schöb, S., & Staake, T. (2016). Long-lasting effects or short-term spark?: On the persistence of behaviour change induced by real-time feedback on resource consumption. ECIS 2016: Research Papers, 1–17.
Hopf, K., Dageförde, F., & Wolter, D. (2015). Identifying the Geographical Scope of Prohibition Signs. Spatial Information Theory: 12th International Conference, COSIT 2015 Santa Fe, NM, USA, October 12–16, 2015, Proceedings, 247–267.
Sodenkamp, M., Kozlovskiy, I., & Staake, T. (2015). Gaining IS Business Value through Big Data Analytics: A Case Study of the Energy Sector. ICIS 2015 Proceedings.
Tasic, V., Tiefenbeck, V., Schöb, S., & Staake, T. (2015). Short-term Spark or Sustained Impact?: Investigating the Long-term Effect of Real-time Feedback. ECIS 2015 Proceedings, 1–10.
Wenig, J., Sodenkamp, M., & Staake, T. (2015). Data-based Assessment of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Driving. Energy Informatics: 4th D-A-CH Conference, EI 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, November 12-13, 2015, Proceedings, 115–126.
Avrachenkov, K., Bazan, P., Bisconti, C., Brandes, U., Colle, D., Corallo, A., De Turck, K., Demeester, P., Duboz, R., Eger, K., Feuchtinger, U., Fiems, D., Fortunato, L., Frank, R., Gentile, A. A., German, R., Gloor, P. A., Grahl, J., Haverkort, B. R., … Zweig, K. A. (2014). MMB & DFT 2014: Proceedings of the International Workshops; Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and their Applications (SOCNET 2014) & Demand Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Future Generation Energy Networks and Energy-Efficient Systems (FGENET 2014).
Wenig, J., & Staake, T. (2014). Evaluation of Four Possible Load Shifting Strategies for Electric Vehicles Utilizing Autoregressive Moving Average Methods for Electricity Price Forecasting. MMB & DFT 2014: Proceedings of the International Workshops; Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and Their Applications (SOCNET 2014) & Demand Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Future Generation Energy Networks and Energy-Efficient Systems (FGENET 2014), 123–126.
Kleiminger, W., Beckel, C., Staake, T., & Santini, S. (2013). Occupancy Detection from Electricity Consumption Data. BuildSys’13: Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Buildings, 1–8.
Tiefenbeck, V., Tasic, V., Staake, T., & Schöb, S. (2013). Mechatronics to drive environmental sustainability: measuring, visualizing and transforming consumer patterns on a large scale. Energieinformatik 2013: Tagungsband, 24–29.
Baeriswyl, M., Przepiorka, W., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2012). Identifying individuals’ preferences using games: A field experiment in promoting sustainable energy consumption. ICIS 2011 Proceedings, Volume 2, 1029–1039.
Loock, C.-M., Landwehr, J., Staake, T., Fleisch, E., & Pentland, A. (2012). The influence of reference frame and population density on the effectiveness of social normative feedback on electricity consumption. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
Paefgen, J., Skorna, A. C. H., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2012). Einsatz ubiquitärer Informationssysteme in der Versicherungswirtschaft: Gestaltung von Pay-Per-Risk Tarifierungsmodellen. MMS 2012: Mobile und ubiquitäre Informationssysteme, 83–95.
Tasic, V., Staake, T., Stiefmeier, T., Tiefenbeck, V., Fleisch, E., & Tröster, G. (2012). Self-powered Water Meter for Direct Feedback. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on the Internet of Things, 24–30.
Tulusan, J., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2012a). Direct or indirect sensor enabled eco-driving feedback: Which preference do corporate car drivers have?. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on the Internet of Things, 39–46.
Tulusan, J., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2012b). Providing eco-driving feedback to corporate car drivers: what impact does a smartphone application have on their fuel efficiency.. UbiComp ’12: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 212–215.
Weiß, M., Loock, C.-M., Staake, T., Mattern, F., & Fleisch, E. (2012). Evaluating Mobile Phones as Energy Consumption Feedback Devices. Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Service; 7th International ICST Conference; Revised Selected Papers, 63–77.
Baeriswyl, M., Staake, T., & Loock, C.-M. (2011). The effects of user identity and sanctions in online communities on real-world behavior. ICIS 2011 Proceedings.
Graml, T., Loock, C.-M., Baeriswyl, M., & Staake, T. (2011). Improving residential energy consumption at large using persuasive systems. ECIS 2011 Proceedings. 19th European Conference on Information Systems, June 9 - 11, 2011, Helsinki, Finland.
Loock, C.-M., Graml, T., Baeriswyl, M., & Staake, T. (2011). How to motivate energy efficiency online. IAMOT 2011: Conference Proceedings.
Loock, C.-M., Landwehr, J., Staake, T., Fleisch, E., & Herrmann, A. (2011). I am green: The role of effort and image on green identity signaling. EMAC 2011: The Day after: Inspiration, Innovation, Implementation: Conference Proceedings.
Loock, C.-M., Staake, T., & Landwehr, J. (2011). Green IS Design and Energy Conservation: An Empirical Investigation of Social Normative Feedback. ICIS 2011 Proceedings.
Paefgen, J., Michahelles, F., & Staake, T. (2011). GPS Trajectory Feature Extraction for Driver Risk Profiling. Proceedings of the 2011 International Workshop on Trajectory Data Mining and Analysis, 53–56.
Tulusan, J., Staake, T., Soi, L., Paefgen, J., & Brogle, M. (2011). Eco-efficient feedback technologies: Which eco-feedback types prefer drivers most?. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2011), 268–275.
Dada, A., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2010). Reducing Environmental Impact in Procurement by Integrating Material Parameters in Information Systems: The Example of Apple Sourcing. AMCIS 2010 Proceedings.
Mattern, F., Staake, T., & Weiß, M. (2010). ICT for Green: How computers can help us to conserve energy. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking, 1–10.
Weiß, M., Staake, T., Fleisch, E., & Merkle, A. (2010). Towards a PowerPedia: A collaborative energy encyclopedia. 12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: Workshop Papers.
Weiß, M., Graml, T., Staake, T., Mattern, F., & Fleisch, E. (2009). Handy feedback: Connecting smart meters with mobile phones. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia.
Dada, A., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2008). The Potential of UbiComp Technologies to Determine the Carbon Footprints of Products. International Conference on Pervasive Computing: Workshoppaper. International Conference on Pervasive Computing, 6th, May 19-22 2008, Sydney, Australia.
Pionteck, T., Stiefmeier, T., Staake, T., & Glesner, M. (2007). On The Design of A Dynamically Reconfigurable Function-Unit for Error Detection And Correction. VLSI-SoC: From Systems to Silicon, 283–297.
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Michahelles, F., & Fleisch, E. (2006). Strengthening the Security of Machine Readable Documents by Combining RFID and Optical Memory Devices. Developing Ambient Intelligence: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ambient Intelligence Developments (AmID’06), 77–92.
Nochta, Z., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2006). Product Specific Security Features Based on RFID Technology. Proceedings: International Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops, 72–75.
Pionteck, T., Staake, T., Stiefmeier, T., Kabulepa, L. D., & Glesner, M. (2004). On the Design of a Function Specific Reconfigurable Hardwre Accelerator for the MAC-Layer in WLANs. Proceedings of the 2004 ACMSIGDA 12th International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, 258.
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Günther, S. A., Haag, F., Hopf, K., Handschuh, P., Klose, M., & Staake, T. R. (2023). A feedback component that leverages counterfactual explanations for smart learning support. In L. Mrohs, J. Franz, D. Herrmann, K. Lindner, & T. Staake (Eds.), Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln: Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (pp. 285–291). Springer VS.
Mrohs, L., Herrmann, D., Franz, J., Lindner, K., & Staake, T. R. (2023). Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln: einleitende Verortungen. In L. Mrohs, J. Franz, K. Lindner, D. Herrmann, & T. Staake (Eds.), Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln: Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (pp. 1–5). Springer.
Staake, T. R., Tiefenbeck, V., & Stiefmeier, T. (2023). Information Systems and Behavioural Change: Feedback Interventions to curb the consumption of natural resources. In V. A. Cooper, J. J. Kranz, S. K. Mathew, & R. T. Watson (Eds.), Research handbook on information systems and the environment (pp. 253–274). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Fischbach, K., Overhage, S., Staake, T., & Weitzel, T. (2016). Einleitung. In T. Benker, C. Jürck, & M. Wolf (Eds.), Geschäftsprozessorientierte Systementwicklung von der Unternehmensarchitektur zum IT-System; [Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Beiträge zu Ehren von Herrn Prof. Dr. Elmar J. Sinz] (pp. 1–7). Springer Vieweg.
Sodenkamp, M., Hopf, K., & Staake, T. (2015). Using Supervised Machine Learning to Explore Energy Consumption Data in Private Sector Housing. In M. Tavana & K. Puranam (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Organizational Transformations through Big Data Analytics (pp. 320–333). IGI Global.
Fischbach, K., Krieger, U. R., & Staake, T. (2014). Preface. In K. Fischbach, M. Großmann, U. R. Krieger, & T. Staake (Eds.), MMB & DFT 2014: Proceedings of the International Workshops; Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and their Applications (SOCNET 2014) & Demand Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Future Generation Energy Networks and Energy-Efficient Systems (FGENET 2014) (pp. V–VII). University of Bamberg Press.
Sodenkamp, M., & Suhl, L. (2014). A Multi-Criteria Vendor Selection and Order Allocation GDSS using a Mixed Alternative and Value Focused Thinking Approach. In M. Tavana (Ed.), Analytical Approaches to Strategic Decision-Making: Interdisciplinary Considerations (pp. 108–138). IGI Global.
Graml, T., Wieß, M., Staake, T., & Fleisch, E. (2010). Produkt & Inovation: Energieeffizienz-Dienstleistungen. In T. Friedli & N. O. Walti (Eds.), Managementguide für Schweizer Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU): Herausforderungen des Strommarktwandels richtig begegnen (pp. 253–261). Haupt.
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Michahelles, F., & Fleisch, E. (2008a). Strengthening the Security of Machine-Readable Documents. In P. H. Cole & D. C. Ranasinghe (Eds.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting (pp. 253–267). Springer.
Lehtonen, M., Staake, T., Michahelles, F., & Fleisch, E. (2008b). The Potential of RFID and NFC in Anti-Counterfeiting. In P. H. Cole & D. C. Ranasinghe (Eds.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting (pp. 211–222). Springer.
Staake, T., Michahelles, F., & Fleisch, E. (2008). The application of RFID as anti-counterfeiting technique: issues and opportunities. In S. B. Miles, S. E. Sarma, & J. R. Williams (Eds.), RFID Technology and Applications (pp. 157–168). Cambridge University Press.
Staake, T., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E., Williams, J. R., Min, H., Cole, P. H., Lee, S.-G., McFarlane, D., & Murai, J. (2008). Anti-Counterfeiting and Supply Chain Security. In P. H. Cole & D. C. Ranasinghe (Eds.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting (pp. 33–43). Springer.
Staake, T., Nochta, Z., & Fleisch, E. (2008). Product Specific Security Based on RFID Technology. In P. H. Cole & D. C. Ranasinghe (Eds.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting (pp. 249–252). Springer.
Koh, R., & Staake, T. (2005). Nutzen von RFID zur Sicherung der Supply Chain der Pharma-Indistrie. In E. Fleisch & F. Mattern (Eds.), Das Internet der Dinge: Ubiquitous Computing und RFID in der Praxis; Visionen, Technologien, Anwendungen, Handlungsanleitungen (pp. 161–175). Springer.