Presentations until 2020


  • “Globalization and the Quest for North-Eurasian trade”. Gastvortrag am Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Osteuropäische Geschichte, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, November 2018.
  • “The eastern European grain trade from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century”. Gastvortrag am Institute for Mediterranean Studies, University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece, September 2018.
  • “The impact of global competition on the Russian grain trade in the first half of the nineteenth century”. 43rd Annual Economics and Business History Society Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 2018.
  • “Maritime transport services clusters in preindustrial Europe (ca. 1650-1800)”. Settimani di Studi on “Maritime Networks as a Factor in European Integration”, Fondazione Instituto internazionale di storia economica F. Datini, Prato, Mai 2018.


  • “The role of the Baltic in the emerging North-Eurasian system of commercial exchange, 1667-1762”. Gastvortrag bei der International Research Training Group “Baltic borderlands. Shifting boundaries of mind and culture in the borderlands of the Baltic Sea region”, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, November 2017.
  • “La naissance d’un secteur du transport maritime sur les littoraux hollandais et allemand, ca. 1300-1850”. Flaran 39: Journées internationales d’histoire “Le Paysan et la Mer. Ruralités littorales et maritimes en Europe au Moyen Âge et à l’Époque moderne”, Hastingues, oktober 2017.
  • “Der transportgeschichtliche Wert der Sundzollregister”. Gastvortrag am Lehrstuhl für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt-am-Main, Juni 2017.
  • “Between the Black Sea and the Baltic: commodity flows in Poland-Lithuania, 1386-1569”. Gastvortrag, University of Kumamoto, Kumamoto, Mai 2017.
  • “Between the Black Sea and the Baltic: commodity flows in Poland-Lithuania, 1386-1569”. Gastvortrag, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Mai 2017.
  • “North-Eurasian fairs from the late Middle Ages to early industrialization”. Conference of the Japanese Society for Western History, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Mai 2017.


  • Transport statistics based on pre- and early industrial shipping registers: a methodological outline based on the Sound Toll Registers Online. International Workshop “Historical transport statistics in European economic history: The challenges and opportunities of Sound Toll Registers Online, Leipzig, Oktober 2016.
  • “Commodity flows between Central Europe and the New World”. Central Europe and Colonialism, Wrocław, September 2016.
  • “Handelsrouten vom Sund bis Sibirien”. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Überseegeschichte, Leipzig, Juni 2016.
  • “Städte in der politischen Ökonomie des Ostseehandels”. Presentation at the GWZO (Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Ostmitteleuropa), Leipzig, April 2016.


  • (with Michael Serruys) Ostend, the Austrian Netherlands and the Baltic trade. 6th Sound Toll Conference, Antwerp, Oktober 2015.
  • “Commercial Relations between Portugal and Russia: neutrality, trade and finance (1722-1849)”. XVIIth World Economic History Conference, Kyoto, August 2015.
  • “The Crimean War and the Modernization of Russian Finance (1853-1860)”. XVIIth World Economic History Conference, Kyoto, August 2015.
  • “The changing structure of Stettin’s international trade and its impact on the Pomeranian Littoral (1700-1850)”. XVIIth World Economic History Conference, Kyoto, August 2015.
  • “North-Eurasian Fairs from the late Middle Ages to the nineteenth century”. Internationale Messen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart / International Fairs in Past and Present: Internationale wissenschaftliche Tagung anlässlich des Jubiläums “850 Jahr Leipziger Messen”, Leipzig, Juni 2015.
  •  “Die politische Ökonomie der Teilungen Polens – oder der Ostseehandel neu konfiguriert”. I. Deutscher Kongress für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Münster, März 2015.
  • “Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Teilungen Polens”, Gastvortrag beim Oberseminar des Lehrstuhls Prof. Luise Schorn-Schütte, Frankfurt-am-Main, Februar 2015.
  • “Die politische Ökonomie des Ostseehandels (1670-1850)”. Gastvortrag am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Januar 2015.


  • “The impact of Russia’s foreign economic policy on the structure of Europe’s Baltic trade, 1650-1850”. STRO conference 2014, Elseneur, Oktober 2014.
  • “The development of Russian economic thought in the first half of the nineteenth century: Heinrich Friedrich von Storch (1766-1835) and Nikolay Semyonovich Mordvinov (1754-1845)”. Mercantilism and Cameralism – New Approaches and Reconfigurations. International Workshop, Leipzig, Juli 2014.
  • “The changing structure of Stettin’s international trade and its impact on the Pomeranian littoral in the eighteenth century”. European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, April 2014.
  • “Die krisenhaften Auswirkungen der polnischen Teilungen auf die Struktur der baltischen Seehandel, 1772-1846”. Wirtschaftskrisen als strukturelle Umbrüche. Ursachen und Folgen vom Mittelalter bus zur Gegenwart, DHI Warschau, Januar 2014.


  • “Maße und Gewichten. Konvertierungsmöglichkeiten auf Basis der Sound Toll Registers Online”. Wiegen. Zählen. Registrieren: Massenquellen als Herausforderung der spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Handelsgeschichte, Krems a/d Donau, September 2013.


  • “Formal and informal organisations of maritime transporters in the Low Countries, 1400-1800”. Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action. A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Elinor Ostrom, Utrecht, December 2012.
  • “Papenburg in the Duchy of Arenberg: the first virtual community?”. Sound Toll Registers Online Workshop, Groningen, October 2012.
  • “Organisations of maritime transporters in the Low Countries”. 1st Thematic Conference of the IASC on the “Knowledge Commons”. Louvain, September 2012.
  • (mit Drs. M.W. Serruys) “The development of Baltic maritime trade in the Austrian Netherlands, 1700-1795”. 6th International Maritime Economic History Conference, Ghent, Juli 2012.
  • “Specialisatie in de maritieme transportsector in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw”. Werkgroep Maritieme geschiedenis, Leeuwarden, Februar 2012.
  • (with Dr. J.W. Veluwenkamp) “Specialisation in the maritime transport business in the second half of the eighteenth century. The cases of Pekela and Papenburg”. The World at our doorstep. Entanglements of regions in a global world in past and present times. Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung, Oldenburg, Januar 2012.


  • “The Spatial Structure of the Dutch Maritime Transport Sector, 1500-1800”. FRESH Meeting on Economic growth and development before 1900 (Antwerp Frontier Research in Economic and Social History Meeting), Antwerp, Oktober 2011.
  • (with Dr. J.W. Veluwenkamp) “Routes of Baltic timber in the 18th Century. A brief survey: DCCD and STRO”. Digital Collaboratory for Cultural Dendrochronology (DCCD) in the Low Countries, Final Symposium (Cultural Heritage Agency, Amersfoort, September 2011.
  • “Discovery of Knowledge from Historical Ship movement data”. Young Researchers Forum, Gent, August 2011.
  • “The changing geography of demand for Dutch maritime transport in the eighteenth century”. Business History Conference, 2011 Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, April 2011.
  • “External trade statistics in the Netherlands, 1700-1830”. Workshop ‘European External Trade Statistics’, Lille, März 2011.
  • “Functional classification of ports as a tool for visual analysis of the structure of shipping in the eighteenth century”. International Workshop ‘Gateways and Hinterlands, Venice, Januar 2011.


  • “Functional Classification of shipmasters’ domiciles as a tool for visual analysis of the structure of Baltic shipping in the eighteenth century”. 2nd Soundtoll online Workshop, Leeuwarden, Oktober 2010.
  • “The volume of Baltic shipping at the end of the eighteenth century: a new estimation based on the Danish Sound Toll Registers”. 21st International Congress of the Historical Sciences, Amsterdam, August 2010.
  • “Movement data, economic evolution and the historical case”. 13th AGILE international conference on Geographic information Science, Guimaraes, Mai 2010.


  • “Tourbières et construction de marchés dans la région d'Emsland au XVIIIe siècle”. Journée d'études "Les petits ports et leurs marchés", Aix-en-Provence, November 2009.
  • (with Prof. Dr. Kurt Dopfer) “Why is economic history not an evolutionary science?”. World Economic History Congress, Utrecht, August 2009.


  • “The hierarchic spatial structure of Dutch timber export trade in the Gulf of Finland, 1722-1780”. IXth International Conference on Urban History, Lyon, August 2008.
  • “The impact of a new port on the organization of maritime shipping: an attempt to generalize the results of a case-study on the foundation of St. Petersburg and its influence on Dutch maritime shipping in the Gulf of Finland and Archangel (1703-1740)”. Atelier Simiand - Economic History Seminars of the Paris School of Economics, Paris, April 2008.
  • “From maritime shipping resource to evolutionary information system: Theory and Practice”. Navigocorpus Conference, Nice, März 2008.


  • “Enhancing early-modern maritime shipping records by adapting them to an evolutionary framework of economics. Description and assessment”. 4th Workshop of “The Dynamics of Economic Culture in the North Sea and Baltic Region ca. 1200-1700” project, Stockholm, Dezember 2007.
  • “Logistics in early-modern Europe: a discussion of specialization, flexibility and efficiency in the activities of the Dutch shipping community in the eighteenth century“. Globalization - Long-Run Perspectives” 27th Congress of the Portuguese Economic and Social History Association, Lisboa, November 2007.
  • “The diverse patterns of shipping and trade: the case of the Dutch Arkhangel’sk trade in the first decades of the eighteenth century”. Meeting of the Association of Business Historians and the Centre for the History of Retail and Distribution: Business Links: Trade, Distribution and Networks, Wolverhampton, Juni 2007.


  • “When Nyen became St. Petersburg: Patterns of specialization in Dutch shipping in the eastern Gulf of Finland in the first half of the eighteenth century”. Second Flemish-Dutch Conference “Economic History of the Low Countries before 1850”, Antwerpen, April 2006.


  • “Sources for the study of Dutch shipping and trade in the Gulf of Finland, 1558-1780”. “Stadt und Meer im Ostseeraum während des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Seehandel, Sozialstruktur und Hausbau - dargestellt in historischen Informationssystemen”, Stralsund, September 2005.


  • Days of Dutch Culture, St. Petersburg, September 2003.