
Scheltjens, Werner (2025): STRO 2.0: Re-engineering Sound Toll Registers Online. In: Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications 7.

Scheltjens, Werner (2024): The burden of complexity: Dealing with measurement and taxation in the Sound Toll registers – a response to Yrjö Kaukiainen. In: International Journal of Maritime History 36, S. 333–341.

Marzagalli, Silvia/Scheltjens, Werner/Land, Jeremy (2023): The Contribution of Historical Databases to the Current State of Digital Maritime History. In: Histoire et mesure XXXVIII, S. 3–16.

Scheltjens, Werner (2023a): A synergistic approach to non-narrative historical sources: the database and digital edition of the Spängler household account books, 1733–1785. In: RIDE, S. 1–22.

Scheltjens, Werner (2023b): Upcycling historical data collections: A paradigm for digital history?. In: Journal of documentation 79, S. 1325–1345.

Scheltjens, Werner/Veluwenkamp, Jan Willem (2023): Sound Toll Registers Online, 1497-1857 : la base de données des registres du péage du Sund en ligne. In: Histoire et mesure XXXVIII, S. 17–38.

Scheltjens, Werner (2022): French Entries in the “Hamburgische Waarenberechnungen”: First Insights from a Collection of Commodity Calculations for Hamburg’s Trade in the Eighteenth Century. In: Histoire et Mesure 37, S. 15–38.

Scheltjens, Werner/Eisold, Robert (2022): Leipzig als Zentrum des globalen Pelzhandels zwischen den Weltkriegen: Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung. In: Jahrbuch für Leipziger Stadtgeschichte 2, S. 293–302.

Scheltjens, Werner (2021): Tetradas: Dataset of Tonnage Estimates of Trade through the Danish Sound, 1670–1856. In: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 108, S. 373–394.

Scheltjens, Werner/Veluwenkamp, Jan Willem/Van der Woude, Siem (2021): Sound Toll Registers Online. In: T.seg 18, S. 147–160.

Scheltjens, Werner/Theodoridis, Dimitrios/Rönnbäck, Klas (2020): Factor endowments and international trade: a study of land embodied in trade on the Baltic Sea region, 1750–1856. In: European Review of Economic History 24, S. 716–735.

Scheltjens, Werner/Veluwenkamp, Jan Willem (2018): Baltic Drugs Traffic, 1650-1850. Sound Toll Registers Online as a source for the import of exotic medicines in the Baltic Sea area. In: Social History of Medicine 31, S. 140–176.

Scheltjens, Werner (2015a): Netherlands, 1753-1809. In: Revue de l{\textquotesingle}{OFCE} 140, S. 295–300.

Scheltjens, Werner (2015b): French imports to the Baltic, 1670-1850: a quantitative analysis. In: Revue de l‘Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Économiques (OFCE) 140, S. 137–173.

Scheltjens, Werner (2015c): Netherlands, 1753-1809. In: Revue de l{\textquotesingle}{OFCE} 140, S. 343–344.

Scheltjens, Werner (2015d): Russia, 1758-1766. In: Revue de l{\textquotesingle}{OFCE} 140, S. 343–344.

Scheltjens, Werner (2014): Het ontstaan van een geïntegreerde maritieme transportruimte in de Lage Landen, ca. 1300-1800. In: Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire 92, S. 293–363.

Scheltjens, Werner/Veluwenkamp, Jan Willem (2013): STRO en bos: De Sonttolregisters als instrument voor de bestudering van de bosgeschiedenis, 1500-1850. In: Historisch-geografisch Tijdschrift 31, S. 209–217.

Scheltjens, Werner (2012a): The Changing Geography of Demand for Dutch Maritime Transport in the Eighteenth Century. In: Histoire & Mesure XXVII, S. 5–47.

Scheltjens, Werner (2012b): The operational structure of historical maritime shipping: a general review of knowledge discovery tools. In: The Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, S. 357–389.

Scheltjens, Werner et al. (2012): Navigocorpus at Work: a brief overview of the potential of a database. In: International Journal of Maritime History 24, S. 331–359.

Scheltjens, Werner/Veluwenkamp, Jan Willem (2012): Sound Toll Registers Online: Introduction and First Research Examples. In: International Journal of Maritime History 24, S. 301–330.

Scheltjens, Werner (2011): The influence of spatial change on operational strategies in early-modern Dutch maritime shipping: a case-study on Dutch maritime shipping in the Gulf of Finland and on Archangel, 1703-1740. In: International Journal of Maritime History 23, S. 115–147.

Scheltjens, Werner et al. (2011): Navigocorpus: A Database for Shipping Information – A Methodological and Technical Introduction. In: International Journal of Maritime History 23, S. 241–261.

Scheltjens, Werner (2009): The volume of Dutch Baltic shipping at the end of the eighteenth century: a new estimation based on the Danish Sound Toll Registers. In: Scripta Mercaturae XLIII, S. 74–102.

Scheltjens, Werner (2006): De Nederlandse literatuur in Rusland 1956-2003. Een receptieonderzoek. In: Filter 13, S. 64–76.