News Professur für Demografie 29.04.2024 Neue Publikation in Socius On the Relationship between Telework and Health in Germany: Causal or Selection Effects? 10.04.2024 Neue Publikation im European Journal of Population A Precarious Path to Partnership? The Moderating Effects of Labour Market Regulations on the Relationship Between Unstable Employment and Union… 30.01.2024 Neuer Bayerischer Forschungsverbund Familienleben in Bayern – Empirische Einsichten zu Transformationen, Ressourcen und Aushandlungen (ForFamily) 30.11.2023 Neue Publikation in Clinical Oral Implants Research Clinical and radiographic outcomes of zirconia dental implants—A systematic review and meta-analysis 21.08.2023 Neue Publikation in Social Science & Medicine Education and age trajectories of chronic conditions: Are tests of the cumulative advantage and disadvantage hypothesis biased by underreporting? 29.06.2023 Neue Publikation im Journal of Family Research Women's agency and childbirth: The effect of transition to motherhood and subsequent births on women's agency in Egypt 08.05.2023 Neue Publikation in DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH Family inequality: On the changing educational gradient of family patterns in Western Germany 04.05.2021 Einladung zum hochschulöffentlichen Habilitationsvortrag von Dr. Florian Schulz Thema: "Physische Aktivität und Alkoholkonsum in Deutschland" 19.04.2021 Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten Aktualisiertes Merkblatt zur Verfassung einer Seminar-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit an der Professur für Demografie
29.04.2024 Neue Publikation in Socius On the Relationship between Telework and Health in Germany: Causal or Selection Effects?
10.04.2024 Neue Publikation im European Journal of Population A Precarious Path to Partnership? The Moderating Effects of Labour Market Regulations on the Relationship Between Unstable Employment and Union…
30.01.2024 Neuer Bayerischer Forschungsverbund Familienleben in Bayern – Empirische Einsichten zu Transformationen, Ressourcen und Aushandlungen (ForFamily)
30.11.2023 Neue Publikation in Clinical Oral Implants Research Clinical and radiographic outcomes of zirconia dental implants—A systematic review and meta-analysis
21.08.2023 Neue Publikation in Social Science & Medicine Education and age trajectories of chronic conditions: Are tests of the cumulative advantage and disadvantage hypothesis biased by underreporting?
29.06.2023 Neue Publikation im Journal of Family Research Women's agency and childbirth: The effect of transition to motherhood and subsequent births on women's agency in Egypt
08.05.2023 Neue Publikation in DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH Family inequality: On the changing educational gradient of family patterns in Western Germany
04.05.2021 Einladung zum hochschulöffentlichen Habilitationsvortrag von Dr. Florian Schulz Thema: "Physische Aktivität und Alkoholkonsum in Deutschland"
19.04.2021 Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten Aktualisiertes Merkblatt zur Verfassung einer Seminar-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit an der Professur für Demografie