Project News

Psychological Contracts @ AIB 2025

We are very happy to announce that our manuscript “Cultural Dynamics in the Expatriate Experience: Unpacking Spillover Effects in the Breach-Violation Relationship” has been accepted for a presentation at the AIB Conference 2025.

This year's conference will take place in Louisville from June 28 to July 2. We look forward to the participation and many interesting discussions and insights.

More infos can be found here: 

Participation at AIB 2024 in Seoul

Prof. Dr. Tassilo Schuster presented the findings of his research on “The Influence of Work Digitalization on Psychological Contracts: Advancing the Dynamic Phase Model” at the Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference in Seoul on June 30th, 2024. 

The study examines the impact of digital transformation on the evolving nature of psychological contracts between employers and employees. It explores how shifts in expectations, trust, and mutual obligations are reshaping these contracts in increasingly digital work environments. The presentation provided a valuable opportunity to share insights and engage in meaningful discussions with fellow academics on this timely and relevant topic.

Accepted for Publication

We are very pleased about the publication of our article “Unravelling psychological contracts in a digital age of work: a systematic literature review” in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

You can read the article here:
Ballas, L., Schuster, T., & Pflaum, A. (2024). Unravelling psychological contracts in a digital age of work: a systematic literature review. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33(5), 614–631.

Psychological Contracts @ EURAM 2023

After three exciting days, this year's EURAM Conference in Dublin concluded on June 16, 2023. In addition to engaging discussions and inspiring presentations, we also had the opportunity to share insights into the DFG project. Lisa Ballas presented the topic "Psychological Contracts in a Digitalized World of Work." Tassilo Schuster presented the study "The Impact of Cultural Distance and Cultural Intelligence on the Psychological Contract Breach-Violation Relationship During International Assignments," and together with his co-authors, he won the First Runner-Up Award des Journal of Global Mobility.

Participation at AIB Conference 2023 in Warsaw

As part of the annual AIB Conference 2023 in Warsaw, we presented our study "Is Ignorance Bliss on International Assignments? The Role of Cultural Intelligence and Cultural Distance in Expatriate Psychological Contract Settings".


More information about the conference can be found here.


Participation at EURAM 2023

Under the motto "Transforming Business for Good," the European Academy of Management is hosting this year's EURAM Conference, which will take place from June 14-16, 2023, at Trinity College in Dublin. Among the numerous submissions, two of our contributions were also selected, and we are looking forward to participating in the conference.


More information about the conference can be found here.

Accepted for Publication

We are very delighted about the publication of our article "Does what happens abroad stay abroad? Displaced aggression and emotional regulation in expatriate psychological contracts" in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology!

You can read the article here:
Schuster, T., Bader, A. K., Bader, B., Bader, B., & Rousseau, D. M. (2022). Does what happens abroad stay abroad? Displaced aggression and emotional regulation in expatriate psychological contracts. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psycholog y, 95, 867– 888.