
Christoph Brielmaier, M. Sc.
Feldkirchenstr. 21
96052 Bamberg
Raum F21/03.63

Tel.: 0951/ 863 2665

nach Vereinbarung

Christoph Brielmaier, M. Sc.


  • Open Strategy
  • Attention-Based View
  • New roles in new forms of organizing

Betreute Lehrveranstaltungen

  • Bachelorarbeitenseminar
  • Internationalisierung: Strategie und Organisation
  • Seminar: Management Consulting Challenge
  • Tutorium Corporate Strategy and Growth
  • Seminar: Strategy Practice and Process

Verantwortlichkeiten am Lehrstuhl

  • Prüfung der Anerkennung inländischer Prüfungsleistungen
  • Koordination und Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten


  • Studium der Psychologie, Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Geschichte an der Universität Würzburg
  • Masterstudium Organisationspsychologie an der Universität Würzburg
  • Consultant Digitale Transformation im Bereich SAP Cloudlösungen
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Organisation seit 07/2020


  • Plotnikova A., Brielmaier C., Friesl M. (fc) Performing Micro-Role Transistions in Open Strategy. Journal of Management Studies.
  • Brielmaier C.; Ortner, T.; Friesl, M.; Hautz, J. (2024) Sitting in a Glasshouse? Employees' Social Experiences of Organizational Transparency. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings
  • Friesl, M.; Brielmaier, C.; Dobusch L. (2023) Taking individual choices seriously: A process perspective of self-selection in strategy work. Organization Theory
  • Brielmaier, C. and Friesl, M. (2023) The Attention-Based-View: Review and Conceptual Extension Towards Situated Attention. International Journal of Management Reviews, 25(1), 99-129.
  • Brielmaier, C., and Friesl, M. (2023). Pulled in all directions: Open strategy participation as an attention contest. Strategic Organization, 21(3), 709-720.


  • Dittmar I.; Brielmaier C.; Friesl M. (2024) Types of ambiguity in Co-Creation settings in strategy education. SMS 44st Annual Conference, Istanbul.
  • Brielmaier C.; Ortner, T.; Friesl, M.; Hautz, J. (2024) Employees' Social Experiences of Organizational Transparency. 84nd Annual Meeting of the Chicago, August, Boston, USA.
  • Brielmaier C.; Ortner, T.; Friesl, M.; Hautz, J. (2024) Employees' Social Experiences of Organizational Transparency. 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milano.
  • Friesl M. /Brielmaier C. / Seidl D. (2024). More than words: How vocabularies shape attention allocation in dynamic environments. 4th Organization Theory Winter Workshop, Innsbruck.
  • Brielmaier C. / Reis M. / Friesl M. /Pfister R. (2024). Who sits at the table? Social media exposure biases managers’ situated attention and strategic preferences. 48th WK Org Workshop, Lueneburg.
  • Brielmaier C. (2023). Creating Order Where There is None: The Reconciliation of Fragmented Attention Structures through framing practices. SMS 43st Annual Conference, Toronto.Best PhD paper award Strategy as Practice IG & SMS Annual Conference Best Paper Prize (honorable mention)
  • Brielmaier C. (2023). Creating Order Where There is None: The Reconciliation of Fragmented Attention Structures through framing practices. 83nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), August, Boston, USA. / Pushing the boundaries award Strategy as Practice IG
  • Friesl M. / Brielmaier C. / Dobusch L. (2023). Taking individual choices seriously: A process perspective of self-selection in strategy work. 47. WK Org Workshop, Linz.
  • Friesl M. / Brielmaier C. / Dobusch L. (2022). Taking individual choices seriously: How self-selection influences strategy work. SMS 42st Annual Conference, London. / Best paper award Strategy as Practice IG
  • Brielmaier, C. / Reis, M. / Friesl, M. (2022). Just a bit scrolling or? The impact of social media on situated attention and strategic action. BAM 36th Annual Conference. Manchester.
  • Friesl M. / Brielmaier C. / Dobusch L. (2022). Taking individual choices seriously: How self-selection influences strategy work. 38th EGOS Colloquium, Vienna.
  • Brielmaier, C. / Friesl, M. (2021). Pulled in All Directions: Open Strategy Participation as an Attention Contest. Virtual Toronto SMS 41st Annual Conference.
  • Plotnikova A.  / Brielmaier C. / Friesl M. (2021). One word at a time: Non-strategists identity work in open strategy communities. Virtual Toronto SMS 41st Annual Conference.
  • Brielmaier, C. / Friesl, M. (2021). Pulled in All Directions: Open Strategy Participation as an Attention Contest. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam 2021.
  • Plotnikova A. / Brielmaier C. / Friesl M. (2021). One word at a time: Non-strategists identity work in open strategy communities. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam 2021.

Other Academic Writing

  • Friesl, M. / Brielmaier, C. / Hurst, M. / Nicolini, D. (fc). Attention Based View and Strategy-as-Practice. In Grossmann-Hensel, B.; Jarzabkowski, P.; Kratochvil, R.; Seidl, D.; Spee, P.; Whittington, R. (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Strategy as Practice.
  • Brielmaier, C. / Ortner, T. / Hautz, J. / Friesl, M. (fc) Experiments and Strategy-as-Practice. In Grossmann-Hensel, B.; Jarzabkowski, P.; Kratochvil, R.; Seidl, D.; Spee, P.; Whittington, R. (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Strategy as Practice.
  • Dittmar I. / Friesl M. / Brielmaier C., et al. (2024). Professionally polished: Co-Creation as an employable approach. EFMD Global.
  • Dittmar, I. / Brielmaier, C. / Friesl, M. / Newton, R  (2023). Responsive Management Education: Giving Back Control. EFMD Global.
  • Dittmar, I. / Friesl, M. / Brielmaier, C./ (2023). When the process becomes the prize: Co-creation in management education in DIBERG Blog - The University of Sydney.