
Decisions over the Graduate School's overall direction are the responsibility of the General Meeting. It convenes at least once a year and comprises all members of the School. Between General Meetings, the Executive Committee is the School's highest decision-making body. Day-to-day management is the duty of the Director and the Deputy Directors, the Pillar Coordinators and the General Management.

The Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences is firmly embedded in the University's general quality management procedures. Regular student evaluations and recommendations by our external Academic Advisory Council are crucial to the continuous development of the School and its programme.

All rules concerning organisation and management are laid down in the Graduate School's Constitution and Rules of Procedure ("Ordnung")(191.9 KB)


___ Membership

The Graduate School's membership consists of all eligible professors, postdoctoral and doctoral members. The rights and duties of all members are defined in the Graduate School's Ordinances(191.9 KB) (in German).

Doctoral members of BAGSS either receive a Starter Scholarship from the Graduate School or are funded by an external source, typically a position as research or teaching fellows at a university chair or a scholarship from one of the numerous national or international foundations. The Graduate School supports its doctoral members by providing them with necessary funds as well as by integrating them into its research community and its international scientific network. If needed, doctoral members of BAGSS might also be provided with working space and technical equipment. Apart from their doctoral projects, doctoral members of BAGSS complete a structured programme, aimed to provide with all necessary tools for their academic and professional development.

Postdoctoral members of BAGSS typically hold a position as postdoctoral researchers at the University of Bamberg or any other research institute in the region. Postdoctoral members can benefit from the provided programme, funds and infrastructure at the Graduate School and can participate in the course and mentoring programme. A postdoctoral membership will be granted for the duration of three years and can be extended on request.

+ Learn more about membership at BAGSS models and our application process 

+ Learn more about the Doctoral Programme of BAGSS

+ Learn more about the Postdoctoral Programme of BAGSS


___ Executive Committee

The Graduate School's executive committee consists of the director and the deputy directors, at least three further professors, including all pillar coordinators, and two doctoral student representatives. They hold at least once per semester a meeting.

The executive committee decides on the academic programme and the qualification measures of BAGSS, votes on the acceptance and exclusion of members, coordinates the work with partners, reports to the German Science Foundation and decides about the use of funds. Further tasks are the quality management and marketing decisions.

The current members of the executive committee are:

Professor Dr Ulrich Sieberer (Director)
Professor Dr Steffen Schindler (Deputy Director and Coordinator of Pillar 2)
Professor Dr Claus Carstensen (Coordinator of Pillar 1)
Professor Dr Rasmus Hoffmann (Coordinator of Pillar 3)
Professor Dr Carina Schmitt (Coordinator of Pillar 4)
Professor Dr Corinna Kleinert
Professor Dr Christian R. Proaño
Dr Alexander Herzog (Postdoctoral Representative)​​​​​​​
Lana Blažević, M.A. (Student Representative)
Maybrit Wächter, M.A. (Student Representative)

___ Doctoral Student Council

The doctoral student council ensures that the interests of all doctoral students are considered. They have considerable influence on the Graduate School as they can submit anytime suggestions for activities such as new courses, seminars, workshops, guest lectures and general improvements and the overall development of the Graduate School. Two members of the doctoral student council are members of the executive committee.

The doctoral student council is elected by all students once per year in May.

Current members of the student council:

Armin Aminian, M.Sc.
Lana Blažević, M.A.
Josefine Dehn, M.A.
Melanie Hochmuth, M.A.
Maybrit Wächter, M.A.

___ Representation of Postdoctoral Researchers

One postdoctoral representative advocates for the interests of the postdoctoral researchers in the Executive Committee and beyond. They ensure that the interests of all postdoctoral students are incorporated in the School’s programme. They influence the Graduate School as they can submit suggestions for activities such as new courses, seminars, workshops, guest lectures and general improvements and the overall development of the Graduate School at anytime.

The postdoctoral student representative is elected by all postdoctoral researchers once a year.

Current postdoctoral representative:

Dr Alexander Herzog


___ Academic Advisory Council

The external Academic Advisory Council of the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences consists of at least four internationally renowned scientists who do not belong to the University of Bamberg. Their task is to regularly evaluate the Graduate School, give advice regarding the scientific, structural and personnel development of the Graduate School and to formulate recommendations and reports for the further development of the Graduate School. The Academic Advisory Council meets at least once in five years.

The following scientists of outstanding international reputation were appointed to
form the Graduate School’s Academic Advisory Council from 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2025:

Professor Dr Rolf Becker, University of Bern
Professor Dr Thomas Bräuninger, University of Mannheim
Professor Dr Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Aarhus University
Professor Dr Carola Grunschel, University of Münster
Professor Dr Stefani Scherer, University of Trento
Professor Dr Susanne K. Schmidt, University of Bremen

They provide input to the Graduate School’s quality management and review progress.








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