Die Aufnahemverfahren laufen kontinuierlich. Sie können sich damit jederzeit bei uns bewerben. Kontaktieren Sie dazu Herrn Professor Dr. Claus-Christian Carbon, Markusplatz 3, D-96047 Bamberg, email: ccc(at)uni-bamberg.de.
Übersicht über Promotionsvorhaben an der BaGrACS
Nr | Name | topic | supervisor |
1 | Arendt, Denise | Kognitive Ursachen geringer Literalität im Erwachsenenalter | Prof. Rüsseler |
2 | Campagna, Marella | Multisensory Hedonics | Prof. Carbon |
3 | Döbler, Niklas | Human Enhancement, Bioengineering und Transhumanismus | Prof. Carbon |
4 | Finzel, Bettina | Transparent Medical Expert Companion | Prof. Schmid |
5 | Goetz, Itay | Experience of Art | Prof. Carbon |
6 | Gröschel, Sebastian | Entwicklung einer App zum Training der Lesefähigkeit | Prof. Rüsseler |
7 | Hirmke, Moritz | Achtsamkeit und Leistung im Sport | Prof. Hock |
8 | Jäger, Daniel | The role of emotions in recurrent decision making | Prof. Rüsseler |
9 | Münder, Mara | Psychoacoustics in the automotive context | Prof. Carbon |
10 | Poungjit, Apiradee | Prosopagnosie | Prof. Carbon |
11 | Richter, Louisa Sophie | Resting-state EEG as indiced of improved cognition | Prof. Rüsseler |
12 | Schmittlutz, Thorsten | Creativity and Complexity | Prof. Carbon |
13 | Schneider, Tobias | Repräsentation von Gesichtern | Prof. Carbon |
14 | Schwarz, Martin | Kognitionspsychologische Untersuchungen zum Einfluss narrativer Informationen auf Investmententscheidungen) | Prof. Carbon |
15 | Seiferth, Caroline | Geschlechtsunterschiede in psychologischen aufrechterhaltenden und auslösenden Faktoren der Adipositas | Prof. Steins-Löber |
16 | Springer, Romy | Achtsamkeitsbasierte Intervention zur akuten Stressreduktion bei Patient*innen mit Bewusstseinsstörung | Prof. Rüsseler |
17 | van der Velde, Caroline | Geschlechtsunterschiede in psychologischen aufrechterhaltenden und auslösenden Faktoren der Adipositas | Prof. Steins-Löber |
18 | Vorndran, Vivien | Defizite und Trainingsmöglichkeiten der mimischen Emotionserkennung | Prof. Rüsseler |
19 | Wolf, Daniel | Effekt von Farbe auf Wahrnehmen von Emotionen | Prof. Schütz |
Vertretung der Promovierenden
Bettina Finzel
Teaching Assistant
M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate
Office: WE5/05.045
Consultation hour: by apppointment
Phone: +49 951 863 2862
Email: bettina.finzel(at)uni-bamberg.de
Bettina Finzel holds a bachelor and a master degree in Applied Computer Science from the University of Bamberg. She is mainly interested in machine learning and cognitive science research, especially for human-centered explaining of AI-based decisions in medicine and education. In 2018 she joined the chair of Cognitive Systems as a research assistant and doctoral candidate in the project Transparent Medical Expert Companion (TraMeExCo), which has been funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research from September 2018 until December 2021. From January 2022 until March 2023 she continued her research on explainability for clinical decision-making in the PainFaceReader Project, funded by the German Research Foundation. While finalizing her doctoral thesis, she is currently teaching assistant at the chair of Cognitive Systems for introductory courses on artificial intelligence, machine learning, AI evaluation and neuro-symbolic systems. She is member of the Bamberg Center for Artificial Intelligence, the German Informatics Society, the Federation of German Scientists (VDW), the national Society for Cognitive Science (GK) and of the Bamberg Graduate School of Affective and Cognitive Sciences (BaGrACS). She actively supports various associations outside the university, including ArbeiterKind.de and the network Gendermedizin & Öffentlichkeit which operate across Germany. As alumni of the make IT mentoring program of the faculty, she offers training and support to current mentors and program coordinators. She is Junior Fellow of the German Informatics Society.