Dr. Wieke de Neef

Leitung, Arbeitsgebiet Archäologische Prospektion
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Denkmalwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte
Am Kranen 14, Raum 02.12
96045 Bamberg
Tel.: +49 951 863-3930
E-Mail: wieke.de-neef(at)uni-bamberg.de
Sprechstunde während der Vorlesungszeit: Di, 10:00-12:00 Uhr
Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2025
Vorlesung: Hillforts in Europe / Befestigte Höhensiedlungen in Europa (Dienstag, 16.15-17.45, U9 / 01.11)
Seminar (PS/HS): Hillforts in Europe / Befestigte Höhensiedlungen in Europa (Mittwoch, 12.15-13.45, MG 01/02)
Feldpraktikum / Übung: Prospektionslabor Staffelberg (Bad Staffelstein), Samnitic Hillforts in Italy
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
Mountains, Mobility and Memory
Pollino Archaeological Landscape Project (with University of Groningen and Pollino National Park – UNESCO Geopark, Italy)
Prima Europa / Frattesina - geophysical prospection and geoarchaeology (with Sapienza Universita di Roma, CPSSAE, Soprintendenza Verona)
Prima Europa / Villamarzana - geophysical prospection and geoarchaeology (with University of Padova, Soprintendenza Verona)
Publikationen (Auswahl)
De Neef, W. and Meyer, C. 2025. Magnetometer prospection at San Basilio di Ariano nel Polesine, 2020-2024. In: J. Bonetto and G. Falezza (eds.), Archeologia a San Basilio: Work in Progress. Atti della Giornata di Studi, Padova, 19 Gennaio 2024. Rome, Quasar: 11-24.
Vermeulen, F. and De Neef, W. 2024. Non-invasive investigations of Roman villa sites in the Potenza-valley (marche, IT). GROMA: Documenting Archaeology 8 (1): 3-17.
Fontana, G. and De Neef, W. 2024. Italy's empty hillforts: reassessing urban-centric biases through combined non-invasive prospection methods on a Samnite site (fourth-third centuries BC). Antiquity 48 (402): 1558-1575.
Ullrich, B. and De Neef, W. 2024. Geophysical Prospection in Mountain Archaeology. In: F. Carrer et al. (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Mountain Archaeology, Oxford University Press (online) https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197608005.013.20
De Neef, W. 2023. Sensing the Bronze Age. Non-invasive geophysical prospection in the archaeology of Bronze Age Italy and adjacent areas. Origini 46: 109-136.
De Neef, W., Ullrich, B., Ferdani, D., Demetrescu, E., Hayward, S., Maass, R., Noorda, N., Zoellner, H. 2023. Non-invasive prospection and landscape archaeology of Monte Primo (Marche, Italy): new perspectives on a monumental mountain site. Archeologia Picena, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Frapiccini, N., Naso, A. (eds.), Rome, Quasar: 72-91.
De Neef, W., Voutsaki, S., Ullrich, B., Freibothe, R., 2022. A palace under the olive trees. Investigating the spatial organization of the Mycenaean palatial center at Ayios Vasileios (Laconia, Greece) through large-scale magnetic gradiometry. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences DOI: 10.1007/s12520-022-01513-6.
De Neef, W., and Ullrich, B. 2021. Tracing protohistoric technology using geophysical techniques in Italy and the Crimea. Bulletin Antieke Beschavingen BABesch, Supplement 41. Tracing Technology. Forty Years of Archaeological Research at Satricum, Gnade, M., Revello Lami, M. (eds.), Leuven, Peeters: 227-239.
De Neef, W., Larocca, A., Attema, P. 2021. Archaeology meets ethnography: mobility in the foothills and uplands of the Pollino range (Calabria) during the Bronze Age and Late Modern period. In: Larocca, F., Mittica, G., Colelli, C., Larocca, A. (eds.), Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplement: Dal Pollino all’Orsomarso. Ricerche archeologiche tra Ionio e Tirreno.Rome, Accademia di Danimarca: 363-381.
Tol, G., De Haas, T., Sevink, J., Schepers, M., Ullrich, B., De Neef, W. 2021. “There's more than meets the eye”: Developing an integrated archaeological approach to reconstruct human–environment dynamics in the Pontine marshes (Lazio, Central Italy). Geoarchaeology 36(1): 109-129.
De Neef, W. 2020. A crossroads in the central Potenza Valley: non-invasive research of settlement (dis-) continuity at Monte Franco (Pollenza, Marche, Italy). In: Boschi, F., Giorgi, E., Vermeulen, F. (eds), Picenum and the Ager Gallicus at the Dawn of the Roman Conquest: Topography and Material Culture.Oxford: Archaeopress: 133-141.
Sevink, J., De Neef, W., Alessandri, L., Van Hall, R., Cinquegrana, M.R., Ullrich, B., Attema, P.A.J. 2020. Protohistoric briquetage at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy): principles and processes of an industry, based on leaching of saline lagoonal sediments. Geoarchaeology. DOI: 10.1002/gea.21820