Dr. Robert Craig

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter



BA (First Class Hons with Distinction) - Modern & Medieval Languages (French & German), University of Cambridge (2007-2011)

MPhil (Distinction) - European Literature & Culture, University of Cambridge (2011-2012: AHRC Award)

PhD - 'The Dialectic of Nature and the Self in Alfred Döblin's Work before 1933', University of Cambridge (2012-2016: AHRC Award)

DAAD Postdoctoral Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin (Juli - Oktober 2016)

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Januar 2017 - )



‘Bodies, Embodiment, and Environment in German and British Modernism: A Comparative Exploration' (Postdoc-Projekt)

Posthumanism and the Posthuman: Chances and Challenges in German and European Literature and Culture' (zusammen mit Kolleginnen an den Universitäten Cambridge und London (KCL))

Publikationen, Tagungen und Vorträge


Alfred Döblin: Monsters, Cyborgs and Berliners, 1900-1933 (Cambridge: MHRA, 2021), 218 S.

Hg. mit Ina Linge, Biological Discourses: The Language of Science and Literature around 1900 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017), 428 S.


Artikel und Kapitel:

‘Rainer Maria Rilke’s Dark Ecology’, in Daniela Dora and Katie Ritson (Hg.), Ecology in German Literary Criticism, Oxford German Studies, 51:3 (2022), 256-71.

'Learning from Psychiatry? Gottfried Benn, Alfred Döblin, and the Limits of "Narrative Medicine"', Open Library of Humanities, 8:2 (2022). Den 'open-access' Artikel finden Sie hier.

'Monsters and other cyborgs: the "post-human" in Alfred Döblin's Berge Meere und Giganten', in: Steffan Davies and David Midgley (Hg.), Internationales Alfred-Döblin-Kolloquium Cambridge 2017: Natur, Technik und das (Post-)Humane in den Schriften Alfred Döblins (Bern: Peter Lang, 2019), S. 243-59.

(mit Ina Linge), 'Introduction: Can Science and Literature Share a Language?', in: Robert Craig & Ina Linge (Hg.), Biological Discourses: The Language of Science and Literature around 1900 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017), S. 1-30.

'The City as Creature: Reconfiguring the Creaturely Self in Alfred Döblin's Berlin Alexanderplatz', in: Robert Craig & Ina Linge (Hg.)., Biological Discourses: The Language of Science and Literature around 1900 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017), S. 397-422. 

'"Ist die Schwarze Köchin da? Jajaja...": Mimesis and Günter Grass's Die Blechtrommel', Monatshefte, 108:1 (2016), 99-119.

'Dilthey, Gadamer, and Facebook: Towards a New Hermeneutics of the Social Network', The Modern Language Review, 110:1 (2015), 184-203.

(mit Holger Sievert), 'Using International Corporate Communication Theory for the Strategic Practice of Merger Communication - Why the Globally Oriented DaimlerChrysler Deal Had to End Up in Conflict Because of a Failure to Take Communicational Issues Into Account', in Z.C. Li & C.A. Spaulding (Hg.), 15th International Public Relations Research Conference - Using Theory for Strategic Practice Through Global Engagement and Conflict Research: March 8-10, 2012, S. 584-613.



Ailsa Henderson and Richard Wyn Jones: Englishness: The Political Force Transforming Britain. Ailsa Henderson and Richard Wyn Jones: Englishness: The Political Force Transforming Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 259:1(2022), 185-87.

The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Science, Ed. Steven Meyer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 257:2 (2020), 172-73.


Podcasts und Radiosendungen:

'Charles III. in Deutschland: "Eindruck einer Annäherung"', Interview, WDR 5 Morgenego, 29.03.23.

'Tod der Queen: Wichtiger Wendepunkt für das Land', Interview, WDR 5 Morgenecho,19.09.22.

'Tagesgespräch: Queen Elizabeth ist tot. Was wird fehlen?', Tagesgespräch, Bayern 2, Freitag 09.09.22, 12:05-13:00 Uhr.

'Ecology in German Literary Criticism: Recent Developments and Approaches', DAAD-Cambridge Hub, Januar 2021.



Posthumanism and the Posthuman: Chances & Challenges in German & Eruopean Literature and Culture (Leitung des Organisationsteams. Mitorganistorinnen: Annegret Märten und Dr. Rebecca Wismeg-Kammerlander (KCL)), Institute of Languages, Cultures, Societies, University of London, March 2023.

'Ringing the changes? Literary and Cultural responses to the Anthropocene': Vortragsrunde und Podiumsdiskussion, Annual Conference of the Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland, University of Bristol, September 2021.

'Ecocriticism and the Anthropocene in German Literature': Vortragsrunde und Podiumsdiskussion (Mitorganisatorin: Dr. Nicola Thomas (Oxford)), Annual Conference of the Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland, University of Bristol, September 2019.

Biological Discourses: The Language of Science and Literature around 1900 (Mitorganisatorinnen: Dr. Anja Neumann und Dr. Ina Linge (Cambridge)), University of Cambridge, April 2015.


Vorträge und Vorlesungen (Auswahl):

'The British School System: Entrenched Inequality?'. BaTEG Thementag „Schulsysteme weltweit“/ "School systems around the world“ 2023, Universität Bamberg, Juli 2023.

'Shadows of Empire: How (not) to remember Britain's tricky past', verfilmte öffentliche Vorlesung an der Volkshochschule Bamberg, 20. Juni 2023.

"Must Rhodes fall?" Collective Memory and Cancel Culture in the UK', Vortrag an dem Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung Symposium, '"Wir müssen reden": Cancel Culture', Theodor-Heuss-Akademie, Gummersbach, 12.-13. November 2022.

‘Just Another Brick in the Wall? British Education and its Discontents’. Thementag – Seminar Day: Schulsystem Weltweit 2022 – School Systems Worldwide 2022, University of Bamberg, July 2022.

'Rainer Maria Rilke and Dark Ecology'. Workshop: Ecology in German Literary Criticism: Recent Developments and Approaches, DAAD-Cambridge Research Hub for German Studies, University of Cambridge, Dezember 2020. [Die Podcast-Aufnahme einer Podiumsdiskussion finden Sie hier.]

'Learning from Psychiatry? Alfred Döblin between medicine and literature'. Fachkonferenz: The Pathological Body. European Literary and Cultural Perspectives, Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London, September 2019.

'Cyborgs and Other Monsters: the "post-human" in Berge Meere und Giganten. Tagung: Internationales Alfred-Döblin-Kolloquium, University of Cambridge, September 2017.

'Strange New World: Döblin's Dystopian Utopia.' Tagung: Annual Conference of the Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland, University of Warwick, September 2017. 

'The Creaturely Carnival: Alfred Döblin's Strange Hermeneutics of the Everyday.' Tagung: Fortieth German Studies Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, September 2016.

'"I looked for myself... but found the world": Looking for a New Hermeneutics in Alfred Döblin's Literary Anthropologies and Biologies.' Tagung: Biological Discourses: The Language of Science and Literature around 1900, University of Cambridge, April 2015.

'"Langsam, langsam singt der Tod": Life, Death, and Redemption in Alfred Döblin's Berlin Alexanderplatz.' Kolloquium: Death and the Afterlife in German Literature and Culture: Cambridge -- Chicago -- Berlin Graduate Workshop, University of Chicago, Juli 2014.

'"Wir wissen, was wir wissen": Rethinking the Metropolitan Subject in Alfred Döblin's Berlin Alexanderplatz.' Tagung: Annual Conference of the Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland, University of Manchester, April 2014.

'"Man lerne von der Psychiatrie": The Case of Alfred Döblin.' Fachkonferenz: German Literature and Biological Thought around 1900.The Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London, März 2014.

'"Vom Leben mehr verlangen als das Butterbrot": The normal, the strange, and the metaphysical in Alfred Döblin's Berlin Alexanderplatz.' Tagung: Norms, Normality, and Normalization: DAAD Postgraduate Conference & Summer School. University of Nottingham, Juli 2013.