Symposium 2014: "Nature – Mobility – Literature: The Environmental Imagination of Migration"
University of Bamberg, January 24, 2014
Conference Program
- Dr. Alexandra Ganser (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): "A 'civil wildness': Nature and Frontier Migration in Caroline Kirkland's A New Home, Who'll Follow? (1839)"
- Prof. Dr. Sylvia Mayer (Universität Bayreuth): "Ethics of Place, Displacement, and the Contemporary Climate Change Novel"
- Prof. Dr. Gesa Mackenthun (Universität Rostock): "Postcolonial Ecologies: Conceptual Crossovers, Divergent Literary Chronotopes"
Conference Organizer
Christine Gerhardt
Professur für Amerikanistik
Universität Bamberg
+49 (951) 863-2298
+49 (951) 863-2242 (Sekretariat)