Dr. Stella J. Faerber
Wahrnehmungs- und Gedächtnispsychologie, Dynamische Aspekte der ästhetischen Verarbeitung, Adaptation, Innovations- und Designforschung, bisher verwendete Methoden (behaviorale Forschung und EEG)
Die fünf wichtigsten Publikationen:
Coetzee, V., Faerber, S. J., Greeff, J. M., Lefevre, C. E., Re, D. E., & Perrett, D. I. (accepted). African perceptions of female attractiveness. PlosOne. (IF = 4.411)
Faerber, S. J., & Carbon, C. C. (2012). The power of liking: Highly sensitive aesthetic processing for guiding us through the world. iPerception, 3(8), 553-561. (IF = forthcoming)
Gerger, G., Leder, H., Faerber, S. J., & Carbon, C. C. (2011). When the others matter: Context-dependent effects on changes in appreciation of innovativeness. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 70(2), 75-83. (IF = 1.024)
Faerber, S. J., Leder, H., Gerger, G., & Carbon, C. C. (2010). Priming semantic concepts affects the dynamics of aesthetic appreciation. Acta Psychologica, 135(2), 191-200. (IF = 2.155)
Walla, P., Richter, M., Färber, S., Leodolter, U., & Bauer, H. (2010). Food evoked changes in humans: Startle response modulation and event-related potentials (ERPs). Journal of Psychophysiology, 24(1), 25-32. (IF = 2.488)