Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Psychologie und Methodenlehre
CCC lab
Janina Knuth (secretary)
Markusplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
Fon: +49(0)951- 863-1861
Fax: +49(0)951- 863-1848
minitel: 3615 DESIRS RECHERCHE
Das sind wir:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claus-Christian Carbon
Janina Knuth
Prof. (em.) Dr. Dr. h.c. Dietrich Dörner
Lab Management
Dr. Alexander Pastukhov (Lab manager)
Senior International Research Fellow
Technische Leitung
Heiko Kellner
Jakob Roetner
Ammara Nasim
Research Associates
apl. Professor*innen
External Lectures
Dr. Johannes Leder
Scholarship holders
Dr. Benno Belke
Dr. Udo Meißner
PD Dr. Dr. Matthias Scherbaum
Sandra Adiarte
Dr. Martian Grüter
Dr. Thomas Grüter
External PhDs
Dipl.-Ing.univ. Maximilian Reitmeir
M.Sc. Mara Münder
M.Sc. Stefan Breitschaft
Student researchers / Juwis ("studentische Hilfskräfte"):
General Information
Please visit the UnivIS system for information on courses offered by the department. (In German)
We offer individual courses and course modules within the following areas of focus:
B.Sc. Psychology
- Introduction to Psychology
- General Psychology I
- General Psychology II
- Statistics I and Research Methods
- Statistics II
- Dealing with Test Subjects
- Career-Oriented Internship
- Empirical Studies Internship (research-methodological internship)
- Applied Cognitive Psychology
- Bachelor’s Thesis
- Applied Statistics
- Methods in Practice
- Thought and Action in Complex Situations
M.Sc. Psychology
- Research Methods
- Cognition, Education and Development
- Master’s Thesis
- Internship
- Cognitive Psychology
- Cognitive Informatics
- Psychology of Aesthetics