Publikationen (Aktuelle Auswahl)
Benzmüller, Christoph/Scott, Dana S. (2025): Notes on Gödel’s and Scott’s Variants of the Ontological Argument (Isabelle/HOL dataset). In: Archive of Formal Proofs.
Lawniczak, Lara/Benzmüller, Christoph (2025): Logical Modalities within the European AI Act: An Analysis. arXiv. S. 1–16.
Steen, Alexander/Sutcliffe, Geoff/Benzmüller, Christoph (2025): Solving quantified modal logic problems by translation to classical logics. In: Journal of logic and computation, S. 1–23.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Heule, Marijn J.H./Schmidt, Renate A. (Hg.) (2024a): Automated Reasoning: 12th International Joint Conference: IJCAR 2024; Nancy, France, July 3–6, 2024; Proceedings. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Otten, Jens/Ramanayake, Revantha (Hg.) (2024): Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2024), Nancy, France, July 1, 2024.
Steen, Alexander/Benzmüller, Christoph (Hg.) (2024a): Künstliche Intelligenz: KI; Forschung, Entwicklung, Erfahrungen. Berlin: Springer.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Heule, Marijn J.H./Schmidt, Renate A. (Hg.) (2024b): Automated Reasoning: 12th International Joint Conference: IJCAR 2024; Nancy, France, July 3–6, 2024; Proceedings. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Bayer, Jonas et al. (2024): Mathematical Proof Between Generations. In: Notices of the American Mathematical Society 71, S. 79–92.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2024a): Who finds the short proof?: Searching for Wormholes in Proof-Space. In: Dagstuhl Reports 13, S. 6.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2024b): Logikbasierte Wissensverarbeitung. In: Furbach, Ulrich et al. (Hg.): Künstliche Intelligenz für Lehrkräfte: Eine fachliche Einführung mit didaktischen Hinweisen. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg. S. 139–162.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Andrews, Peter (2024): Church’s Type Theory. In: Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Fuenmayor, David (2024): The LogiKEy Methodology: Applications in AI Ethics and Prospects in Logic Teaching. In: Formal Methods and Science in Philosophy V, International Conference, Book of AbstractS. Zagreb. S. 9–10.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Fuenmayor, David/Lomfeld, Bertram (2024): Modelling Value-Oriented Legal Reasoning in LogiKEy. In: Logics 2, S. 31–78.
Benzmüller, Christoph et al. (2024): Who Finds the Short Proof?. In: Logic journal of the IGPL 32, S. 442–464.
Furbach, Ulrich/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024): Schließen aus Wissen. In: Furbach, Ulrich et al. (Hg.): Künstliche Intelligenz für Lehrkräfte: Eine fachliche Einführung mit didaktischen Hinweisen. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg. S. 39–50.
Höper, Lukas/Schulte, Carsten/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024): Verantwortung. In: Furbach, Ulrich et al. (Hg.): Künstliche Intelligenz für Lehrkräfte: Eine fachliche Einführung mit didaktischen Hinweisen. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg. S. 219–242.
Mühlenbeck, Cordelia/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024): On the Maximum of Positive Properties and Modal Collapse in Gödel’s Ontological Argument Compared to its Variants. In: Formal Methods and Science in Philosophy V, International Conference, Book of Abstracts. Zagreb. S. 31–32.
Parent, Xavier/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024a): Conditional normative reasoning as a fragment of HOL (Isabelle/HOL dataset). In: Archive of Formal Proofs.
Parent, Xavier/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024b): Conditional normative reasoning as a fragment of HOL. In: Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, S. 1–32.
Passeto, Luca/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024): Implementing the Fatio Protocol for Multi-Agent Argumentation in LogiKEy. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2024), Nancy, France, July 1, 2024. S. 38–47.
Solopova, Veronika et al. (2024a): Check News in One Click: NLP-Empowered Pro-Kremlin Propaganda Detection. arXiv. S. 1–8.
Solopova, Veronika et al. (2024b): Check News in One Click: NLP-Empowered Pro-Kremlin Propaganda Detection. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations. St. Julians, Malta: Association for Computational Linguistics. S. 44–51.
Solopova, Veronika et al. (2024c): AI-powered automatic feedback on reflective writing. In: Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) “Teacher Education – Connecting Glocal”. Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universität. S. 1–13.
Steen, Alexander/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024b): Non-Classical Reasoning for Contemporary AI Applications. In: Künstliche Intelligenz 38.
Steen, Alexander/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024c): What are Non-classical Logics and Why Do We Need Them?: An Extended Interview with Dov Gabbay and Leon van der Torre. In: Künstliche Intelligenz.
Steen, Alexander/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024d): Challenges for Non-Classical Reasoning in Contemporary AI Applications. In: Künstliche Intelligenz.
Steen, Alexander/Sutcliffe, Geoff/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024): Solving Quantified Modal Logic Problems by Translation to Classical Logics. arXiv.
Vestrucci, Andrea/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024): Kurt Gödel and the Logical Existence of God. In: Allen, Paul/Maracacci, Flavia (Hg.): Divined explanations: the theological and philosophical context for the development of the sciences (1600-2000). Leiden: Brill. S. 255–285.
Wasenmüller, Robert/Hilbert, Kevin/Benzmüller, Christoph (2024): Script-Based Dialog Policy Planning for LLM-Powered Conversational Agents: A Basic Architecture for an „AI Therapist“. arXiv.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Otten, Jens (Hg.) (2023): CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Aachen: RWTH Aachen.
Baroni, Pietro/Benzmüller, Christoph/Wáng, Yì (Hg.) (2023): Journal of logic and computation. Eynsham, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Passon, Oliver/Benzmüller, Christoph/Falkenburg, Brigitte (Hg.) (2023): On Gödel and the Nonexistence of Time: Gödel und die Nichtexistenz der Zeit; Kurt Gödel essay competition 2021: Kurt-Gödel-Preis 2021. 1. Aufl. Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum Berlin.
Baroni, Pietro/Benzmüller, Christoph/N Wáng, Yì (2023): Preface: Special Issue on Logic and Argumentation. In: Journal of logic and computation 33, S. 189–191.
Bayer, Jonas et al. (2023): Category Theory in Isabelle/HOL as a Basis for Meta-logical Investigation. In: Intelligent Computer Mathematics: 16th International Conference, CICM 2023, Cambridge, UK, , September 5–8, 2023 Proceedings. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. S. 69–83. (= Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 14101).
Benzmüller, Christoph (2023a): A Simplified Variant of Gödel’s Ontological Argument. In: Vestrucci, Andrea (Hg.): Beyond Babel: Religion and Linguistic Pluralism. 1. Aufl. Cham: Springer International Publishing. S. 271–286.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2023b): Is HOL (as a metalogic) all we need for flexible normative reasoning?. In: Dagstuhl Reports. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl. S. 22.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2023c): Reasonable, Trusted AI through Symbolic Ethico-legal Control and Reflection? (Keynote Abstract). In: Proceedings of FLAIRS-36, May 14-17, 2023, Clearwater Beach, FL. Florida: LibraryPress@UF. (= The Florida Artificial Interlligence Research Society #PLACEHOLDER_PARENT_METADATA_VALUE#).
Benzmüller, Christoph et al. (2023a): Category Theory in Isabelle/HOL as a Basis for Meta-logical Investigation. arXiv. S. 1–16.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Fuenmayor, David (2023): Mathematical Proof Assistants for Teaching Logic: the LogiKEy Methodology. In: Book of Abstracts: International Congress Tools for Teaching Logic V. Madrid. S. 1–3.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Reiche, Sebastian (2023): Automating public announcement logic with relativized common knowledge as a fragment of HOL in LogiKEy. In: Journal of Logic and Computation 33, S. 1243–1269.
Benzmüller, Christoph et al. (2023b): Automated Multilingual Detection of Pro-Kremlin Propaganda in Newspapers and Telegram Posts. In: Datenbank-Spektrum 25.
Parent, Xavier/Benzmüller, Christoph (2023a): Normative Conditional Reasoning as a Fragment of HOL. Online: arXiv. S. 1–22.
Parent, Xavier/Benzmüller, Christoph (2023b): Automated Verification of Deontic Correspondences in Isabelle/HOL: First Results. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Aachen, Germany: RWTH Aachen. S. 92–108.
Rothgang, Colin/Rabe, Florian/Benzmüller, Christoph (2023a): Theorem Proving in Dependently-Typed Higher-Order Logic: Extended Preprint. arXiv.
Rothgang, Colin/Rabe, Florian/Benzmüller, Christoph (2023b): Theorem Proving in Dependently-Typed Higher-Order Logic. In: Automated Deduction – CADE 29: 29th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Rome, Italy, July 1–4, 2023, Proceedings. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. S. 438–455. (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14132).
Solopova, Veronika/Benzmüller, Christoph/Landgraf, Tim (2023): The Evolution of Pro-Kremlin Propaganda From a Machine Learning and Linguistics Perspective. In: Proceedings of the Second Ukrainian Natural Language Processing Workshop (UNLP 2023). Dubrovnik. S. 40–48.
Solopova, Veronika et al. (2023a): PapagAI: Automated Feedback for Reflective Essays. arXiv. S. 1–12.
Solopova, Veronika et al. (2023b): Automated multilingual detection of Pro-Kremlin propaganda in newspapers and Telegram posts. arXiv.
Solopova, Veronika et al. (2023c): PapagAI: Automated Feedback for Reflective Essays. In: KI 2023: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 46th German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, September 26–29, 2023; Proceedings. Cham: Springer. S. 198–206.
Steen, Alexander et al. (2023): Solving Modal Logic Problems by Translation to Higher-Order Logic. In: Herzig, Andreas/Luo, Jieting/Pardo, Pere (Hg.): Logic and Argumentation: 5th International Conference, CLAR 2023, Hangzhou, China, September 10-12, 2023; Proceedings. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. S. 25–43.
Bayer, Jonas et al. (2022): Mathematical Proof Between Generations. arXiv. S. 1–17.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2022a): Studies in Computational Metaphysics: Results of an Interdisciplinary Research Project. In: Cukierman, Henrique/Bertato, Fabio (Hg.): Tópicos em História e Filosofia da Computação. Campinas, Brasilien: University of Campinas (UNICAMP). S. 129–160.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2022b): A Simplified Variant of Gödel’s Ontological Argument. In: Zygon 57, S. 953–962.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2022c): Symbolic AI and Gödel’s Ontological Argument. In: Zygon 57.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Farjami, Ali/Parent, Xavier (2022): Dyadic Deontic Logic in HOL: Faithful Embedding and Meta-Theoretical Experiments. In: Rahman, Shahid/Armgardt, Matthias/Nordtveit Kvernenes, Hans Christian (Hg.): New developments in legal reasoning and logic: from ancient law to modern legal systems. Cham: Springer. S. 353–377.
Benzmüller, Christoph et al. (2022a): Automation of Boolos’ Curious Inference in Isabelle/HOL. In: Archive of Formal Proofs.
Benzmüller, Christoph et al. (2022b): Who Finds the Short Proof?: an Exploration of Variants of Boolos’ Curious Inference using Higher-order Automated Theorem Provers. arXiv.
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2022): Higher-order Logic as a Lingua Franca for Logico-Pluralist Argumentation. In: Logics for New-Generation AI: Second International Workshop. 10-12 June 2022, Zhuhai. London: College Publications. S. 83–94.
Mucha, Henrik et al. (2022): Collaborative Speculations on Future Themes for Participatory Design in Germany. In: i-com 21, S. 283–298.
Steen, Alexander et al. (2022a): Automated Reasoning in Non-classical Logics in the TPTP World. arXiv.
Steen, Alexander et al. (2022b): Automated Reasoning in Non-classical Logics in the TPTP World. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning Co-located with the 11th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (FLoC/IJCAR 2022), Haifa, Israel, August, 11 - 12, 2022. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Steen, Alexander et al. (2022c): Solving QMLTP Problems by Translation to Higher-order Logic. arXiv.
(2021): Logic and Argumentation: 4th International Conference, CLAR 2021, Hangzhou, China, October 20–22, 2021, Proceedings. Cham: Springer. (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13040).
Passon, Oliver/Benzmüller, Christoph (Hg.) (2021): Wider den Reduktionismus: Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Kurt Gödel Preis 2019. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum.
Ammon, Sabine et al. (2021): KI als Laboratorium?: Ethik als Aufgabe!. Berlin. (= #VerantwortungKI - Künstliche Intelligenz und gesellschaftliche Folgen 3).
Benzmüller, Christoph (2021): Exploring Simplified Variants of Gödel’s Ontological Argument in Isabelle/HOL. In: Archive of Formal Proofs.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Fuenmayor, David (2021a): Cantor’s Theorem without Reductio Ad Absurdum. Research Gate. S. 1–3.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Fuenmayor, David (2021b): Value-Oriented Legal Argumentation in Isabelle/HOL. In: 12th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2021). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. S. 1–20. (= Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 193).
Benzmüller, Christoph/Reiche, Sebastian (2021a): Automating Public Announcement Logic and the Wise Men Puzzle in Isabelle/HOL. In: Archive of Formal Proofs.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Reiche, Sebastian (2021b): Automating Public Announcement Logic with Relativized Common Knowledge as a Fragment of HOL in LogiKEy. Online: arXiv. S. 1–28.
Solopova, Veronika et al. (2021): A German Corpus of Reflective Sentences. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON). India (NLPAI): NLP Association of India (NLPAI). S. 593–600.
Steen, Alexander/Benzmüller, Christoph (2021): Extensional Higher-Order Paramodulation in Leo-III. In: Journal of Automated Reasoning, S. 775–807.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Miller, Bruce (Hg.) (2020): Intelligent Computer Mathematics: 13th International Conference, CICM 2020, Bertinoro, Italy, July 26-31, 2020, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing. (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12236).
Benzmüller, Christoph (2020a): A (Simplified) Supreme Being Necessarily Exists, says the Computer: Computationally Explored Variants of Gödel’s Ontological Argument. In: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. IJCAI Organization. S. 779–789.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2020b): A (Simplified) Supreme Being Necessarily Exists, says the Computer: Computationally Explored Variants of Gödel’s Ontological Argument. arXiv. S. 1–11.
Benzmüller, Christoph et al. (2020): LogiKEy workbench: Deontic logics, logic combinations and expressive ethical and legal reasoning (Isabelle/HOL dataset). In: Data in Brief.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Fuenmayor, David (2020): Computer-supported Analysis of Positive Properties, Ultrafilters and Modal Collapse in Variants of Gödel’s Ontological Argument. In: Bulletin of the Section of Logic 49, S. 127–148.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Fuenmayor, David/Lomfeld, Bertram (2020): Modelling Value-oriented Legal Reasoning in LogiKEy. arXiv. S. 1–57.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Lomfeld, Bertram (2020a): Reasonable Machines: a Research Manifesto. In: KI 2020. Berlin: Springer. S. 251–258.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Lomfeld, Bertram (2020b): Reasonable Machines: a Research Manifesto. arXiv. S. 1–8.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Parent, Xavier/Ricca, Francesco (2020): Introduction to the Special Issue on Logic Rules and Reasoning: Selected Papers from the 2nd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2018). In: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press. S. 1–3.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Parent, Xavier/van der Torre, Leendert (2020): Designing normative theories for ethical and legal reasoning: LogiKEy framework, methodology, and tool support. In: Artificial Intelligence.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Scott, Dana S. (2020): Automating Free Logic in HOL, with an Experimental Application in Category Theory. In: Journal of Automated Reasoning 64, S. 53–72.
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020a): Computer-Supported Analysis of Arguments in Climate Engineering. In: Logic and Argumentation. Cham: Springer. S. 104–115. (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12061).
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020b): A Case Study on Computational Hermeneutics: E. J. Lowe’s Modal Ontological Argument. In: Silvestre, Ricardo Sousa et al. (Hg.): Beyond Faith and Rationality: Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures. Cham: Springer. S. 195–228.
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020c): Normative Reasoning with Expressive Logic Combinations. In: ECAI 2020: 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August–8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain – Including 10th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS 2020). IOS Press. S. 2903–2904. (= Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 325).
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020d): Higher-order Logic as Lingua Franca -- Integrating Argumentative Discourse and Deep Logical Analysis. arXiv.
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020e): Higher-order Logic as Lingua Franca: Integrating Argumentative Discourse and Deep Logical Analysis. arXiv. S. 1–35.
Makarenko, Irina/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020): Positive Free Higher-Order Logic and Its Automation via a Semantical Embedding. In: Lecture notes in computer science. Berlin: Springer. S. 116–131.
Reiche, Sebastian/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020a): Public Announcement Logic in HOL. In: Dynamic Logic: New Trends and Applications. Cham: Springer. S. 222–238. (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Reiche, Sebastian/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020b): Public Announcement Logic in HOL. arXiv. S. 1–17.
Steen, Alexander/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020a): On Reductions of Hintikka Sets for Higher-Order Logic. arXiv. S. 1–10.
Steen, Alexander/Benzmüller, Christoph (2020b): The Higher-Order Prover Leo-III. In: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Amsterdam: IOS Press. S. 2937–2938.
Tiemens, Lucca et al. (2020): Computer-Supported Exploration of a Categorical Axiomatization of Modeloids. In: Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science. Cham: Springer. S. 302–317. (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12062).
(2019): Selected Student Contributions and Workshop Papers of LuxLogAI 2018. Kalpa Publications in Computing.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Stuckenschmidt, Heiner (Hg.) (2019): KI 2019: Advances in Artificial Intelligence; 42nd German Conference on AI, Kassel, Germany, September 23-26, 2019, Proceedings. Cham: Springer. (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11793).
Benzmüller, Christoph (2019a): Universal (meta-)logical reasoning: The Wise Men Puzzle (Isabelle/HOL dataset). In: Data in Brief 24.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2019b): Universal (meta-)logical reasoning: Recent successes. In: Science of computer programming 172, S. 48–62.
Benzmüller, Christoph (2019c): What is a proof? What should it be?. In: arXiv.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Andrews, Peter (2019): Church’s Type Theory. In: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Benzmüller, Christoph et al. (2019): I/O Logic in HOL. In: Journal of Applied Logics -- IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications 6, S. 715–733.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Farjami, Ali/Parent, Xavier (2019): Aqvist’s Dyadic Deontic Logic E in HOL. In: Journal of Applied Logics -- IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications 6, S. 733–755.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Fuenmayor, David (2019): Computer-supported Analysis of Positive Properties, Ultrafilters and Modal Collapse in Variants of Gödel’s Ontological Argument. arXiv.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Parent, Xavier/Ricca, Francesco (2019): Report on the Second International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning. In: AI Magazine 40, S. 73–74.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Parent, Xavier/van der Torre, Leendert (2019): Designing Normative Theories for Ethical and Legal Reasoning: LogiKEy Framework, Methodology, and Tool Support. arXiv. S. 1–50.
Benzmüller, Christoph/Sutcliffe, Geoff (2019): Explicit Normative Reasoning and Machine Ethics. In: Arcade 2019 Automated Reasoning: Challenges, Applications, Directions, Exemplary Achievements. S. 5.
Fuenmayor Pelaez, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2019): Mechanised Assessment of Complex Natural-Language Arguments Using Expressive Logic Combinations. In: Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2019). Cham: Springer. S. 112–128.
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2019a): Harnessing Higher-Order (Meta-)Logic to Represent and Reason with Complex Ethical Theories. arXiv. S. 1–14.
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2019b): A Computational-Hermeneutic Approach for Conceptual Explicitation. arXiv. S. 1–29.
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2019c): Computational Hermeneutics: an Integrated Approach for the Logical Analysis of Natural-Language Arguments. In: Dynamics, Uncertainty and Reasoning: the Second Chinese Conference on Logic and Argumentation. Singapore: Springer. S. 187–207. (= Logic in Asia : Studia Logica Library #PLACEHOLDER_PARENT_METADATA_VALUE#).
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2019d): Harnessing Higher-Order (Meta-) Logic to Represent and Reason with Complex Ethical Theories. In: PRICAI 2019: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Cham: Springer. S. 418–432.
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2019e): A Computational-Hermeneutic Approach for Conceptual Explicitation. In: Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology (MBR 2018). Cham: Springer. S. 441–469. (= Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics 49).
Kirchner, Daniel/Benzmüller, Christoph/Zalta, Edward N. (2019a): Computer Science and Metaphysics: a Cross-Fertilization. In: Open Philosophy 2, S. 230–251.
Kirchner, Daniel/Benzmüller, Christoph/Zalta, Edward N. (2019b): Computer Science and Metaphysics: a Cross-Fertilization. arXiv. S. 1–39.
Kirchner, Daniel/Benzmüller, Christoph/Zalta, Edward N. (2019c): Mechanizing prinzipia Logico-Metaphysica in functional type-theory. In: The review of symbolic logic 13, S. 206–218.
Steen, Alexander/Benzmüller, Christoph (2019): Extensional Higher-Order Paramodulation in Leo-III. arXiv. S. 1–34.
Tiemens, Lucca et al. (2019): Computer-supported Exploration of a Categorical Axiomatization of Modeloids. arXiv. S. 1–24.
Zahoransky, Valeria (2019): Modelling the US Constitution to establish constitutional dictatorship. In: MIREL 2019: MIning and REasoning with Legal texts. Aachen, Germany: RWTH Aachen. S. 1–13. (= CEUR Workshop Proceedings).
Fuenmayor, David/Benzmüller, Christoph (2017): Automating Emendations of the Ontological Argument in Intensional Higher-Order Modal Logic. In: KI 2017: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Cham: Springer. S. 114–127. (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10505).
Wisniewski, Max et al. (2016): Effective Normalization Techniques for HOL. In: Automated Reasoning — 8th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2016, Coimbra, Portugal, June 27 – July 2, 2016, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing. S. 362–370. (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9706).
Benzmüller, Christoph (1997): A calculus and a system architecture for extensional higher-order resolution. Pittsburgh, USA: Figshare. S. 1–27. (= Research Report 97-198 June,1997).
Benzmüller, Christoph (1993): HDMS-A und OBSCURE in KORSO: die Funktionale Essenz von HDMS-A aus Sicht der algorithmischen Spezifikationsmethode; Teil 3: Spezifikation der atomaren Funktionen. Universität des Saarlandes.