Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claus-Christian Carbon ("CCC")


Markusplatz 3
D-96047 Bamberg

Zimmer M3/02.15

Fon: +49(0)951-863-1860

Fax: +49(0)951-863-1864

eMail: ccc(at)uni-bamberg.de


Mittwoch, 11.15 - 11.45 Uhr und nach persönlicher Vereinbarung

--in den Semesterferien nur nach Vereinbarung!


Ich forsche auf den Gebieten der Wahrnehmungs- und Gedächtnispsychologie, der kognitiven Ergonomie, der Innovations- und Designforschung und der angewandten psychologischen Methodenentwicklung.

Hauptforschungsschwerpunkt ist das Gebiet der EMPIRISCHEN ÄSTHETIK (siehe www.epaeg.de).

Liste aktueller Hauptforschungsthemen:


    • Aestetkcs (Ästhetik)
    • Aesthetic Aha
    • Gestalt
    • Face Perception
    • Prosopagnosia
    • Illusions
    • Haptics
    • Acoustics
    • Music
    • Gustatory processing
    • Experience
    • Bodily Self-Awareness
    • Neurocognitive mecahnisms of perceptual states
    • Sensory Modulation and Enhancement
    • Human Enhancement

    • Innovation Leadership
    • Prediction of Acceptance
    • Innovation Science

    • Multimodal Marketing
    • Authentic Marketing
    • Brand recognition
    • Development of Brands



Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter http://www.experimental-psychology.de


Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Bamberg

Bamberg Graduate School of Affective and Cognitive Sciences (BaGrACS)

Bamberg LivingLab Dementia

Ergonomics, Psychological AEsthetics, Gestalt (Research Group EPAEG)

Faculty of Humanities, European Academy of Sciences and Arts


Curriculum vitae (cv)

Curriculum vitae (cv) ist hier als PDF downloadbar





Publikationen (wichtigste Artikel der letzten Jahre):

Eine vollständige Publikationsliste finden Sie unter http://www.experimental-psychology.de/ccc/publications.htm

Legal note: PDF are provided for convenience, in order to share scientific findings with colleagues. Because some of these files are copyrighted, please download only if you or your institution has a subscription to the journal

[233]     Lavrsen, J. C., & Carbon, C. C., & Daalhuizen, J. (2024, in press). Developing Design Mindset: How individual and contextual factors influence the development of Design Mindset through Method Teaching. Journal of Engineering Design. {IF=2.5}

[231] Schwappach, D., Faix, W., Mergenthaler, J., & Carbon, C. C. (2024, in press). Developing an ecosystem framework for green hydrogen scale-up: A contribution to innovation leadership Journal of the Knowledge Economy. Journal of Knowledge Economy. {IF=4.0}

[227]    Lavrsen, J. C., & Carbon, C. C., & Daalhuizen, J. (in press). Measuring Design Mindset. Developing the Design Mindset Inventory through its relationship with ambiguity tolerance, self-efficacy, and sensation-seeking. Design Science. {IF=1.8}

[226]    Tagscherer, F., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Digital servitization and leadership – A holistic view on required leadership traits and skills. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation. {IF=n.a.}

[224]    Berni, A., Borgianni, Y., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Association change and its relationship with designs in context and form: how product evaluation is affected by negative framings. Journal of Engineering Design. {IF=2.7}

[223]    Carbon, C. C. (in press). About the role of perceptual psychology in art history. Old unit, new opportunities. Art & Perception. {IF=0.7}

[222]   Münder, M., Müller, G.-J., Raab, M. & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Unfolding dynamics in the perception of interior vehicle acoustics via Continuous Evaluation Procedure (CEP). Frontiers in Acoustics

[220]   Schramm, L., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Critical success factors for creating sustainable digital health applications: A systematic review of the German case. Digital Health. {IF=3.9}

[219] Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2024). Predicting instabilities. An embodied perspective on unstable experiences with art and design. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379, 1895. {IF=6.3} 

[218] Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2024, in press). Ambivalence of artistic photographs stimulates interest and the motivation to engage. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. {IF=4.349}

[217] Bergner-Köther, R., Peschka, L., Pastukhov, A., Carbon, C. C., Steins-Loeber, S., Hajak, G., Rettenberger, M. (2024, in press). The relevance of hypersexuality and impulsivity in different groups of treatment-seekers with and without (exclusive) pedophilia. Sexual Abuse. {IF=2.3} 

[216]   Carbon, C. C. (2023). About the need for a more adequate way to get an understanding of the experiencing of aesthetic items. Behavioral Sciences, 13(10). {IF=2.6}

[214]   Goetz, I., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). The Art of Experiencing Art: On The Nature and The Origins of The Mode of Art eXperience (MAX). Journal of Percepual Imaging, xx(yy), XYZ. {IF=0.6}

[212] Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Predicting instabilities. An embodied perspective on unstable experiences with art and design. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. {IF=6.3}

[210] Knossalla, C. E., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Neither entrepreneurship nor intrapreneurship: A review of how to become an innovative split-off start-up. Frontiers in Sociology--Work, Employment and Organizations. {IF=2.43}

[208] Pavlova, M., Moosavi, J., Carbon, C. C., Fallgatter, A. & Sokolov, A. (in press). Emotions behind a mask: the value of disgust. Schizophrenia. {IF=4.966}

[207]   Utz, S., Müller, R., Strobach, T., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Naturalistic face adaptation: How we adapt to freckles fast and sustainably. I-Perception. {IF=1.492}

[206]   Döbler, N., & Carbon, C. C. (accepted pending minor revision). Boosting human capacities: Attitudes toward Human Enhancement and vaccination in the context of perceived naturalness and invasiveness. Discover Psychology.

[205]   Döbler, N., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Adapting ourselves, instead of the environment: An inquiry into human enhancement for function and beyond. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science.

[200] Utz, S., Müller, R., Strobach, T., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Under the sun: Adaptation effects to changes in facial complexion. BMC Psychology. {IF=2.588}

[199] Berni, A., Borgianni, Y., Basso, D., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Fundamentals and issues of User Experience in the process of designing consumer products. Design Science. {IF=n.a.}

[195] Pastukhov, A., Kossmann, L., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Reconstructing a disambiguation sequence that forms perceptual memory of multistable displays via reverse correlation method: Bias onset perception but gently. Journal of Vision, 23(3), 1-16. {IF=2.24}

[194] Pavlova, M. A., Carbon, C. C., Coello, Y., Sokolov, A. A., & Proverbio, A. M. (2023). Editorial. Impact of face covering on social cognition and interaction. Frontiers in Neuoscience—Perception Science. {IF=5.152} [DirectLink to Frontiers]

[192] Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Ambivalence of artistic photographs stimulates interest and the motivation to engage.Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. {IF=4.349} 

[191] Leder, J., Koßmann, L., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). Perceptions of persons who wear face coverings are modulated by the perceivers' attitude. Frontiers in Neuoscience—Perception Science, 16, 1-16. {IF=5.152}

[189] Utz, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). The unnoticed zoo: lnattentional deafness to animal sounds in music. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. {IF=2.199} 

[187] Münder, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). A literature review [2000-2022] on vehicle acoustics -Investigations on perceptual parameters of interior soundscapes in electrified vehicles. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering-Vibration Systems, 8(974464), 1-24. {IF=n.a}

[185] Carbon, C. C., Utz, S., & Hesslinger, V. M. (2022). Less is More: Perception as a fun way to Rich Minimalism. I-Perception, 13(2), 1-5. {IF=1.588} 

[180] Watson, D., Krug, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). The relationship between citations and the linguistic traits of specific academic discourse communities identified by using Social Network Analysis.Scientometrics, 127, 1755-1781. {IF=3.238}

[178] Schneider, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). The Episodic Prototypes Model (EPM): On the nature and genesis of facial representations.I-Perception, 12(5), 1-46. {IF=1.535}

[179] Münder, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). Howl, whirr, and whistle: The perception of electric powertrain noise and its importance for perceived quality in electrified vehicles.Applied Acoustics, 185(1), 1-10. {IF=2.639}

[174] Pastukhov, A., Koßmann, L., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). When Perception is stronger than Physics: Perceptual similarities rather than laws of physics govern the perception of interacting objects.Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 24-137. {IF=1.893} 

[173] Pastukhov, A., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). Change not State: Perceptual coupling in multistable displays reflects transient bias induced by perceptual change.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29, 97-07. {IF=5.536} 

[171] Carbon, C. C. & Serrano, M. (2021). About the acceptance of wearing face masks in times of a pandemic.I-Perception, 12(4), 1-17. {IF=1.535}

[170] Breitschaft, S., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Function Follows Form: Using the Aesthetic Association Principle to enhance haptic interface design. Frontiers in Psychology—Human Media Interaction. {IF=2.323}

[169] Raab, M. H., Döbler, N. A., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). A Game of Covid. Strategic thoughts about a ludified pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology—Cultural Psychology, 12(2392), 1-9. {IF=2.323}

[168] Carbon, C. C. (2021). About the acceptance of wearing face masks in times of a pandemic.I-Perception, 12(3), 1-14. {IF=1.535}

[166] Carbon, C. C. (in press). Good, bad and ugly genes? Science matters, also in terms of terminology and word usageOpen Psychology. {IF=0.610}

[161] Carbon, C. C. (2020). Ecological Art Experience: How we can gain experimental control while preserving ecologically valid settings and context.Frontiers in Psychology, 11(800), 1-14. {IF=2.129}

[160] Ortlieb, S. A., Kuegel, W., & Carbon, C. C. (2020). Fechner: The Aesthetic Association Principle.I-Perception, 11(3), 1-20. {IF=1.087}

[156] Carbon, C. C. (2019). Psychology of Design. Design Science, 5(e26), 1-18. {IF=n.a.}

[155] Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). When art is not mastered but creates insights. Art & Perception. {IF=n.a.}

[154] Muth, C., Westphal-Fitsch, G. & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Seeking (dis)order. Ordering appeals but slight disorder and complex order trigger interest. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. {IF=2.325}

[151] Breitschaft, S., Clarke, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). A theoretical framework of haptic processing in automotive user interfaces and its implications on design and engineering. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1470), 1-18. {IF=2.192} [DirectLink to Frontiers]

[149] Carbon, C. C. (in press). Empirical approaches to capturing Art Experience. Journal of Perceptual Imaging. {IF=na}

[148] Ortlieb, S. A., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). A functional model of kitsch and art: Linking aesthetic appreciation to the dynamics of social motivation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(2437). {IF=2.089}

[146] Ortlieb, S. A., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). Kitsch and Perception: Towards a New ‘Aesthetic from Below’. Art & Perception, 7(1), 1-26. {IF=n.a.}

[144] Carbon, C. C., Faerber, S. J., Augustin, M. D., Mitterer, B., Lutz, M., & Hutzler, F. (2018). First gender, then attractiveness: Indications of gender-specific attractiveness processing via ERP onsets. Neuroscience Letters, 686, 186-192. {IF=2.159}

[142] Carbon, C. C., & Pastukhov, A. (2018). Reliable top-left light convention starts with Early Renaissance: An extensive approach comprising 10k artworks. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(454), 1-7. {IF=2.321} [DirectLink Frontiers]

[138] Muth, C., Hesslinger, V. M., & Carbon, C. C. (2018). Variants of Semantic Instability (SeIns) in the arts. A classification study based on experiential reports. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12(1), 11-23. {IF=2.224}

[136] Hesslinger, V. M., Carbon, C. C., & Hecht, H. (2017). Social factors in aesthetics: Social conformity pressure and a sense of being watched affect aesthetic judgments. i-Perception, 8(6), 1-16. [DirectLink i-Perception]{IF=1.051}

[132] Schneider, T. M., & Carbon, C. C. (2017). Taking the perfect selfie: Investigating the impact of perspective on the perception of higher cognitive variables. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(971). {IF=2.463} [DirectLink Frontiers]

[130] Carbon, C. C., & Gebauer, F. (2017). The Safe-Range-Inventory (SRI): An assistance tool for optimizing the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Journal: Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 47, 101-113. {IF=1.444}

[128] Wirth, B. E., & Carbon, C. C. (2017). An easy game for frauds? Effects of professional experience and time pressure on passport-matching performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 23(2), 138-157. {IF=2.355}

[126] Carbon, C. C. (2017). Universal principles of depicting oneself across the centuries: From Renaissance self-portraits to selfie-photographs. Frontiers in Psychology: Human-Media Interaction, 8(245), 1-9. {IF=2.463} [DirectLink Frontiers]

[125] Carbon, C. C. (2017). Art perception in the museum: How we spend time and space in art exhibitions. i-Perception, 8(1), 1-15. {IF=1.813} [DirectLink i-Perception]

[119] Hesslinger, V.. M. & Carbon, C. C. (2016). #TheDress: The role of illumination information and individual differences in the psychophysics of perceiving white‐blue ambiguities. i-Perception, 7(2), 1-10. {IF=1.482} [DirectLink i-Perception]

[114] Carbon, C. C. (2016). Creating a framework for holistic assessment of aesthetics. A response to Nilsson and Axelsson (2015) on attributes of aesthetic quality of textile quality. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 122(1), 96-100. {IF=0.568}

[113] Carbon, C. C., & Albrecht, S. (2016). The Fluency Amplification Model supports the GANE principle of arousal enhancement. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS), 39, 22-22. {IF=20.771}

[112] Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). SeIns: Semantic Instability in Art. Art & Perception, 4, 145-184. {IF=to be calculated}

[111] Carbon, C. C., & Hesslinger, V. M. (2015). Restoring depth to Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. Was La Gioconda the model for one of the world’s earliest attempts at threedimensional imaging? American Scientist, 103(6), 404-409 {IF=0.556}

[109] Lueschow, A., Weber, J. E., Carbon, C. C., Deffke, I., Sander, T., Grueter, T., Grueter, M., Trahms, L., & Curio, G. (2015). Congenital prosopagnosia: An entity of its own. PlosOne. {IF=3.534}

[107] Utz, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2015). Afterimages are biased by top-down information. Perception, 44(1), 1263-1274. {IF=1.114}

[99]    Carbon, C. C. (2014). Understanding human perception by human-made illusions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(566), 1-6. {IF=2.906}

[94]    Albrecht, S. & Carbon, C. C. (2014). The Fluency Amplification Model: Fluent stimuli show more intense but not evidently more positive evaluations. Acta Psychologica, 148, 195-203. {IF=2.206}

[88]    Carbon, C. C., & Hesslinger, V. M. (2013). Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa entering the next dimension. Perception, 42(8), 887-893. {IF=1.311}

[84]    Ditye, T., Javadi, A. H., Carbon, C. C., & Walsh, V. (2013). Sleep links sensory adaptation to memory. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, 280(1769), 1-8. {IF=5.863}

[78]    Strobach, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2013). Face adaptation effects: Reviewing the impact of adapting information, time, and transfer. Frontiers in Perception Science, 4(318), 1-12.

[77]    Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2013). The Aesthetic Aha. About the pleasure of having insights into Gestalt. Acta Psychologica, 144(1), 25-30. {IF=2.255}

[72]    Carbon, C. C., & Hesslinger, V. M. (2013). Navigating through a volumetric world does not imply needing a full 3D-representation. Behavioral Brain Sciences, 36, 547-548. {IF=25.056}

[67]    Carbon, C. C., & Jakesch, M. (2013). A model for haptic aesthetic processing and its implications for design. Proceedings of the IEEE, 101, 1-11. {IF=6.810}

[61]    Schneider, T. M., Hecht, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2012). Judging body-weight from faces: The height-weight illusion. Perception, 41, 121-124.{IF=1.293}

[60]    Jakesch, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2012). The Mere Exposure effect in the domain of haptics. PlosONE, 7(2), e31215. {IF=4.411}

[58]    Carbon, C. C., & Schoormans, J. P. L. (2012). Rigidity rather than age as a limiting factor to appreciate innovative design. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 71(2), 51-58. {IF=1.024}

[56]    Augustin, M. D., Wagemans, J., & Carbon, C. C. (2012). All is beautiful? Generality vs. specificity of word usage in visual aesthetics. Acta Psychologica, 139(1), 187-201.{IF=2.194}

[50]    Augustin, M. D., Defranceschi, B., Fuchs, H. K., Carbon, C. C. & Hutzler, F. (2011). The neural time course of art perception: An ERP study on the processing of style versus content in art. Neuropsychologia, 49, 2071-2081.{IF=4.345}

[46]   Carbon, C. C., & Ditye, T. (2011). Sustained effects of adaptation on the perception of familiar faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Performance and Perception, 37(3), 615-625. {IF=2.947}

[45]    Schoormans, J., Carbon, C. C., & Gattol, V. (2011). “It’s time to take a stand”: Depicting crosshairs can indeed promote violence. Perception, 40(3), 371-372. {IF=1.462}

[42]    Gattol, V., Sääksjärvi, M. C., & Carbon, C. C. (2011). Extending the Implicit Association Test (IAT): Assessing consumer attitudes based on multi-dimensional implicit associations. Plos ONE, 6(1), e15849.  {IF=4.351}

[41]    Grüter, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2010). Escaping attention. Some cognitive disorders can be overlooked. Science, 328(5977), 435-436. {IF=28.103}

[37]    Carbon, C. C. (2010). Fundamental change in German research policy. Science, 328(5978), 569-569.  {IF=28.103}

[35]    Carbon, C. C. (2010). The cycle of preference: long-term dynamics of design properties. Acta Psychologica, 134(2), 233-244. {IF=2.155}

[33]    Carbon, C. C., Grüter, T., Grüter, M., Weber, J. E., & Lueschow, A. (2010). Dissociation of facial attractiveness and distinctiveness processing in congenital prosopagnosia. Visual Cognition, 18(5), 641-654.  {IF=2.095}

[28]    Carbon, C. C. (2009). Science means jobs. On the necessity of planning reliability in science. Current Science, 95(7), 875.  {IF=0.774}

[26]    Grüter, T., Grüter, M., Bell, V., & Carbon, C. C. (2009). Visual mental imagery in congenital prosopagnosia. Neuroscience Letters, 453(3), 135-140.  {IF=2.200}

[24]    Carbon, C. C. (2008). Web of Science: Science trapped in a spider’s web. Current Science, 94(10), 1234-1234. {IF=0.737}

[23]    Carbon, C. C. (2008). Second basket's negative impact. Science, 319(5869), 1483-1483.  {IF=30.028}

[21]    Augustin, M. D., Leder, H., Hutzler, F., & Carbon, C. C. (2008). Style follows content. On the microgenesis of art perception. Acta Psychologica, 128(1), 127-138.  {IF=2.094}

[20]    Carbon, C. C. (2008). Famous faces as icons. About the illusion of being an expert in the recognition of famous faces. Perception, 37(5), 801-806.  {IF=1.585}

[19]    Grueter, T., Grueter, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2008). Neural and genetic foundations of face recognition and prosopagnosia. Journal of Neuropsychology, 2(1), 79-97 {IF=1.140}

[17]    Carbon, C. C., Grueter, T., Weber, J. E., & Lueschow, A. (2007). Faces as objects of non-expertise: Processing of Thatcherised faces in congenital prosopagnosia. Perception, 36(11), 1635-1645 {IF=1.585}

[16]    Carbon, C. C., Strobach, T. Langton, S., Harsányi, G., Leder, H.,. & Kovács, G. (2007). Adaptation effects of highly familiar faces: immediate and long lasting. Memory & Cognition, 35(8), 1966-1976. {IF=1.512}

[13]    Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2006). The Mona Lisa effect: is 'our' Lisa fame or fake? Perception, 35(3), 411-414 {IF=1.585}

[12]    Leder, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2006). Face-specific configural processing of relational information. British Journal of Psychology, 97(1), 19-29.{IF=1.641}

[11]    Leder, H., Carbon, C. C., & Ripsas, A. (2006). Entitling art: Influence of title information on understanding and appreciation of paintings. Acta Psychologica, 121(2), 176-198. {IF=2.094}

[08]    Carbon, C. C. & Leder, H. (2005). The Repeated Evaluation Technique (RET). A method to measure dynamic effects of innovativeness and attractiveness. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19(5), 587-601. {IF=1.028}

[05]    Leder, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2005). When context hinders. Learn-test-compatibility in face recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58A(2), 235-250.  {IF=2.154}

[04]    Carbon, C. C., Schweinberger, S. R., Kaufmann, J. M., & Leder, H. (2005). The Thatcher illusion seen by the brain: An event-related brain potentials study. Cognitive Brain Research, 24(3), 544-555. {IF=2.568}

[02]    Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2005). The Wall inside the Brain. Overestimation of distances crossing the former iron curtain. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 12(4), 746-750. {IF=2.229}

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Peer-reviewed publications (extended list)

{cIF-all > 460}

2024 and 'in press' {cIF=41.4}

[234]     Lorenz, C., Carbon, C. C., Meffert, R. H., & Eden, L. (2024, in press). Plate or Arthroplasty for complex Mason TypeIII Radial Head Fractures? Midtolong term results from a blinded outcome assessor study. Injury. {IF=2.2}

[233]     Lavrsen, J. C., & Carbon, C. C., & Daalhuizen, J. (2024, in press). Developing Design Mindset: How individual and contextual factors influence the development of Design Mindset through Method Teaching. Journal of Engineering Design. {IF=2.5}

[232]     Schwappach, D., Faix, W., Mergenthaler, J., & Carbon, C. C. (2024, in press). Developing an ecosystem framework for green hydrogen scale-up: A contribution to innovation leadership Journal of the Knowledge Economy. Journal of Knowledge Economy. {IF=4.0}

[231]     Englert, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2024, in press). The first impression of the first internal customer: A triad-perspective approach to investigate how and when the salesforce becomes internally aware of innovative new products. Journal of Marketing Communications.

[230]     Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2024, in press). Ambivalence of artistic photographs stimulates interest and the motivation to engage. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. {IF=4.349}

[229]    Hoessler, S., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Digital transformation in incumbent companies: A qualitative study on exploration and exploitation activities in innovation. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

[228]    Englert, C., & Carbon, C. C. (accepted pending minor revision). Innovation Mentality: Three Perspectives of the Selling Function. Journal of Selling.

[227]    Lavrsen, J. C., & Carbon, C. C., & Daalhuizen, J. (in press). Measuring Design Mindset. Developing the Design Mindset Inventory through its relationship with ambiguity tolerance, self-efficacy, and sensation-seeking. Design Science. {IF=1.8}

[226]    Tagscherer, F., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Digital servitization and leadership – A holistic view on required leadership traits and skills. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation. {IF=n.a.}

[225]    Döbler, N. A., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Inferring their minds and analyzing our beliefs: On the contribution of (exo)psychology to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. International Journal of Astrobiology. {IF=1.3}

[224]    Berni, A., Borgianni, Y., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Association change and its relationship with designs in context and form: how product evaluation is affected by negative framings. Journal of Engineering Design. {IF=2.7}

[223]    Carbon, C. C. (2024). About the role of perceptual psychology in art history. Old unit, new opportunities. Art & Perception. {IF=1.1}

[222]   Münder, M., Müller, G.-J., Raab, M. & Carbon, C. C. (2024). Unfolding dynamics in the perception of interior vehicle acoustics via Continuous Evaluation Procedure (CEP). Frontiers in Acoustics,2,1423168.

[221]   Beitelmal, W. H., Carbon, C. C., & Khozaei, F. (in press). Influence of personal and career burnout on women's employers’ subjective Evaluation of workplace acoustics environment. Work. {IF=2.3}

[220]   Schramm, L., & Carbon, C. C. (2024). Critical success factors for creating sustainable digital health applications: A systematic review of the German case. Digital Health, 10, 1-14. {IF=3.9}

[219]   Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2024). Predicting instabilities. An embodied perspective on unstable experiences with art and design. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379, 1895. {IF=6.3}

[218]   Bergner-Köther, R., Peschka, L., Pastukhov, A., Carbon, C. C., Steins-Loeber, S., Hajak, G., Rettenberger, M. (2024, in press). The relevance of hypersexuality and impulsivity in different groups of treatment-seekers with and without (exclusive) pedophilia. Sexual Abuse. {IF=2.3}

[217]   Döbler, N., & Carbon, C. C. (2024, in press). Adapting ourselves, instead of the environment: An inquiry into human enhancement for function and beyond. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. {IF=1.1}

[216]   Goetz, I., & Carbon, C. C. (2024). The Art of Experiencing Art: On the nature and the origins of the mode of art eXperience (MAX). Journal of Percepual Imaging, 6, 1-19. {IF=0.6}

[215]    Khozaei, F., Ul Islam, Q., Ramayah, T., Ayub, N., & Carbon, C. C. (2024, in press). Unveiling destination choices: Uncovering the influence of missing visual information on tourists’ decision-making and visit intention. Journal of Migration and Health. {IF=4.6}

2023 {cIF=38.570}

[214]   Carbon, C. C. (2023). About the need for a more adequate way to get an understanding of the experiencing of aesthetic items. Behavioral Sciences, 13(10). {IF=2.6}

[213]   Styrnal, M., Carbon, C. C., & Pastukhov, A. (2023). When a bank becomes a bank, and a bank is the bank but not the bank: Multistability of homonyms’ meaning. i-Perception, 14(4), 1-6. {IF=1.5}

[212]   Döbler, N. A., Carbon, C. C., & Schaub, H. (2023). Human Enhancement without organizational knowledge and by organizational order. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement. {IF=2.2}

[211] Metzner, S., Müller-Bohn, J., Steigleder, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Live-gespielte Klänge gegen Schmerz. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 44(4), 336-351.

[210]   Sadia, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Looking for the Edge of the World: How 3D Immersive Audio Produces a Shift From an Internalised Inner-Voice to Unsymbolised Affect-Driven Ways of Thinking and Heightened Sensory Awareness. Behavioral Sciences, 13(10), 858. {IF=2.6}

[209]   Schneider, T. M., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). On the Semantics of Selfies (SoS). Frontiers in Communication—Visual Communication, 8(1233100), 1-15. {IF=2.4}

[208]   Knossalla, C. E., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Neither entrepreneurship nor intrapreneurship: A review of how to become an innovative split-off start-up. Frontiers in Sociology--Work, Employment and Organizations, 8(267706), 1-15. {IF=2.43}

[207]    Khozaei, F., Kim, M. J., Beitelmal, W., Ul Hassan, I., & Carbon, C. C.  (2023). Unveiling destination choices: Uncovering the influence of missing visual information on tourists’ decision-making and visit intention. International Journal of Tourism Cities. {IF=0.711}

[206]   Pavlova, M., Moosavi, J., Carbon, C. C., Fallgatter, A. & Sokolov, A. (2023). Emotions behind a mask: the value of disgust. Schizophrenia, 58(9), 1-8. {IF=4.966}

[205]   Döbler, N., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Boosting human capacities: Attitudes toward Human Enhancement and vaccination in the context of perceived naturalness and invasiveness. Discover Psychology, 3(1), 24.

[204]   Utz, S., Müller, R., Strobach, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Naturalistic face adaptation: How we adapt to freckles fast and sustainably. I-Perception, 14(4), 1-13. {IF=1.9}

[203]   Döbler, N., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Is there anybody out there? Can individual loneliness, need for closure, and religiosity predict the belief in extraterrestrial life and intelligence? Discover Psychology, 3(1), 21.

[202]   Ganske, P., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Communication as success factor for clusters. Frontiers in Communication,8, 1194103. {IF=2.4}

[201]   Döbler, N., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Affordances in Outer Space:Forms of Life, Material Engagement, and Meaning within Space Exploration and SETI. Acta Astronautica, 210, 350-363. {IF=2.954}

[200]   Utz, S., Müller, R., Strobach, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Under the sun: Adaptation effects to changes in facial complexion. BMC Psychology, 11(1), 96. {IF=2.588}

[199]   Tagscherer, F., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Leadership for successful digitalization: A literature review on companies’ internal and external aspects of digitalization. Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 100039.

[198]   Berni, A., Borgianni, Y., Basso, D., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Fundamentals and issues of User Experience in the process of designing consumer products. Design Science, 9, e10.

[197]   Ganske, P., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Re-thinking cluster policies: The role of shared vision and Place Leadership on the development of resilient clusters. Leadership, Education, Personality: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 4, 1-6.

[196]   Pastukhov, A., Styrnal, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). History-dependent changes to distribution of dominance phases in multistable perception. Journal of Vision, 23(3), 1-15. {IF=2.24}

[195]    Carbon, C. C. (2023). Connecting the beholder with the artwork: Thoughts on gaining liveliness by the usage of paraphernalia. i-Perception, 14(2), 1-5. {IF=1.9}

[194]    Pastukhov, A., Kossmann, L., & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Reconstructing a disambiguation sequence that forms perceptual memory of multistable displays via reverse correlation method: Bias onset perception but gently. Journal of Vision, 23(3), 1-16. {IF=2.24}

[193]    Hoessler, S. & Carbon, C. C. (2023). Digital transformation and ambidexterity: A literature review on exploration and exploitation activities in companies’ digital transformation. c, 26(8), 1-54.

[192]    Pavlova, M. A., Carbon, C. C., Coello, Y., Sokolov, A. A., & Proverbio, A. M. (2023). Editorial. Impact of face covering on social cognition and interaction. Frontiers in Neuoscience—Perception Science, 17(1150604), 1-4. {IF=5.152}

2022 {cIF=29.621}

[191] Leder, J., Koßmann, L., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). Perceptions of persons who wear face coverings are modulated by the perceivers' attitude. Frontiers in Neuoscience—Perception Science, 16, 1-16. {IF=5.152} 

[190] Burzlaff, P., & Carbon, C. C., & Metzner, S. (2022). Potential of mixed methods in music therapy research. Musiktherapeutische Umschau. {IF=n.a.} 

[189] Utz, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). The unnoticed zoo: lnattentional deafness to animal sounds in music. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. {IF=2.199} 

[188] Prasch, J., Neelim, A., Carbon, C. C., Schoormans, J. & Blijlevens, J. (2022). An Application of the Dual Identity Model and Active Categorisation to Increase Intercultural Closeness. Frontiers in Psychology—Personality and Social Psychology, 13(705858), 1-21. {IF=2.990} 

[187] Münder, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). A literature review [2000-2022] on vehicle acoustics -Investigations on perceptual parameters of interior soundscapes in electrified vehicles. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering-Vibration Systems, 8(974464), 1-24. 

[186] Khozaei, F., Carbon, C. C., Hosseini, M., & Kim, M. J. (2022). Preferences for hotels with biophilic design attributes during post COVID-19 era. Buildings, 12(427), 1-13. {IF=2.648} 

[185] Carbon, C. C., Utz, S., & Hesslinger, V. M. (2022). Less is More: Perception as a fun way to Rich Minimalism. I-Perception, 13(2), 1-5. {IF=1.588} 

[184] Khozaei, F., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). On the parental influence on children’s physical activities and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology—Health Psychology, 13(675529), 1-12. {IF=2.990}

[183] Carbon, C. C., Held, M. J., & Schütz, A. (2022). Reading emotions in faces with and without masks is relatively independent of extended exposure and individual difference variables.Frontiers in Psychology—Perception Science, 13(856971), 1-11. {IF=2.990}

[182] Breitschaft, S., Heijboer, S., Shor, D., Tempelman, E., Vink, P., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). The Haptic Fidelity Framework: A qualitative overview and categorization of cutaneous-based haptic technologies through fidelity.Transactions on Haptics, 15(2), 232-245. {IF=2.487}

[181] Khozaei, F., Carbon, C. C., & Abd Razak, N. (2022). Determinants of mental disorders of Afghan migrants during the COVID‐19 Pandemic. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 18(4), 301-314. {IF=0.703} 

[180] Watson, D., Krug, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). The relationship between citations and the linguistic traits of specific academic discourse communities identified by using Social Network Analysis.Scientometrics, 127, 1755-1781. {IF=3.238} 

[179] Münder, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). Howl, whirr, and whistle: The perception of electric powertrain noise and its importance for perceived quality in electrified vehicles.Applied Acoustics, 185(1), 1-10. {IF=2.639} 

2021 {cIF=29.018}

[178] Breitschaft, S., Pastukhov, & Carbon, C. C. (2021). Where’s My Button? Evaluating the User Experience of Surface Haptics in Featureless Automotive User Interfaces.Transactions on Haptics. {IF=2.487}

[177] Mueller, R., Utz, S. Carbon, C. C., & Strobach, T. (2021).Face adaptation: investigating non-configural saturation alterations. I-Perception, 12(6), 1-24. {IF=1.535}

[176] Schneider, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). The Episodic Prototypes Model (EPM): On the nature and genesis of facial representations.I-Perception, 12(5), 1-46. {IF=1.535}

[175] Döbler, N., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). Vaccination Against SARS-CoV-2: A Human Enhancement Story.Translational Medicine Communications, 6(27), 1-10. {IF=n.a.}

[174] Pastukhov, A., Koßmann, L., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). When Perception is stronger than Physics: Perceptual similarities rather than laws of physics govern the perception of interacting objects.Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. {IF=1.893}

[173] Pastukhov, A., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). Change not State: Perceptual coupling in multistable displays reflects transient bias induced by perceptual change.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. {IF=5.536}

[172] Goldie, K., Cumming, D., Voropai, D., Mosahebi, A., Fabi, S., &  Carbon, C. C.(in press). Aesthetic delusions: An investigation into the role of rapid visual adaptation in aesthetic practice.Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. {IF=2.489}

[171] Carbon, C. C. & Serrano, M. (2021). About the acceptance of wearing face masks in times of a pandemic.I-Perception, 12(4), 1-17. {IF=1.535}

[170] Breitschaft, S., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Function Follows Form: Using the Aesthetic Association Principle to enhance haptic interface design. Frontiers in Psychology—Human Media Interaction. {IF=2.323}

[169] Raab, M. H., Döbler, N. A., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). A Game of Covid. Strategic thoughts about a ludified pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology—Cultural Psychology, 12(2392), 1-9. {IF=2.323}

[168] Carbon, C. C. (2021). About the acceptance of wearing face masks in times of a pandemic.I-Perception, 12(3), 1-14. {IF=1.535}

[167]    Mueller, R., Utz, S. Carbon, C. C., & Strobach, T. (in press).Face adaptation effects on non-configural face information. Advances in Cognitive Psychology. {IF=1.200}

[166]    Carbon, C. C. (in press). Good, bad and ugly genes? Science matters, also in terms of terminology and word usageOpen Psychology. {IF=0.610}

[165] Pastukhov, A., & Carbon, C. C. (2021). Clever cats: Do they utilize change blindness as a covered approaching strategy?I-Perception, 12(1), 1-4. {IF=1.535} [DirectLink to iPerception]

[164] Muth, C., Westphal-Fitch, G. & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Seeking (dis)order. Ordering appeals but slight disorder and complex order trigger interest. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. {IF=2.482}

[163] Heiligensetzer, S., Schmittlutz, T., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Creativity and complexity: Creative solutions are more complex and time.Art & Perception. {IF=n.a.}


2020 {cIF=14.534}

[162] Carbon, C. C. (2020). The impact of face masks on emotional reading Wearing face masks strongly confuses counterparts in reading emotions.Frontiers in Psychology—Emotion Science, 11(566886), 1-8. {IF=2.129} [DirectLink to Frontiers]

[161] Schmidtmann, G., Logan, A., Carbon, C. C., Loong, J., & Gold, I. (2020). In the blink of an eye: reading mental states from briefly presented eye regions.I-Perception, 11(5), 1-17. {IF=1.535} [DirectLink to iPerception]

[160] Utz, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2020). The more-or-less morphing face illusion revisited: Perceiving natural transient changes in faces despite fast saccades.I-Perception, 11(4), 1-10. {IF=1.535} [DirectLink to iPerception]

[159] Carbon, C. C. (2020). Ecological Art Experience: How we can gain experimental control while preserving ecologically valid settings and context.Frontiers in Psychology—Perception Science, 11(800), 1-14. {IF=2.129} [DirectLink to Frontiers]

[158] Ortlieb, S. A., Kuegel, W., & Carbon, C. C. (2020). Fechner: The Aesthetic Association Principle.I-Perception, 11(3), 1-20. {IF=1.535} [DirectLink to iPerception]

[157] Muth, C., Briesen, J., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). “I like how it looks but it is not beautiful”. Sensory appeal. Poetics. {IF=1.649} [DirectLink to Poetics]

[156] Mueller, R., Utz, S. Carbon, C. C., & Strobach, T. (2020).Face adaptation and face priming as tools for getting insights into the quality of face space. Frontiers in Psychology—Perception Science, 11(168), 1-17. {IF=2.129} [DirectLink to Frontiers]

[155] Pastukhov, A., Burkel, K. & Carbon, C. C. (2020). Shape-specificity of neural persistence for kinetic-depth effect matches perceptual adaptation but not sensory memory. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 1942-1948. {IF=1.893}


2019 {cIF=13.636}

[154] Carbon, C. C. (2019).Psychology of Design. Design Science, 5(e26), 1-18. {IF=n.a.}

[153] Brandenstein, N., Gebauer, F., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). How do we perceive “aliens”? About the implicit processes underlying the perception of people with alien paraphernalia. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1551). {IF=2.192}.

[152] Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). When art is not mastered but creates insights. Shifting in and out of Semantic Instability. Art & Perception, 7(2-3), 123-136. {IF=n.a.}

[151] Breitschaft, S., Clarke, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). A theoretical framework of haptic processing in automotive user interfaces and its implications on design and engineering. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1470), 1-18. {IF=2.192}

[150] Pastukhov, A., Kastrup, B., Abs, I., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). Switch rates for orthogonally-oriented kinetic-depth displays are correlated across observers. Journal of Vision, 19(1), 1-13. {IF=2.266}

[149] Carbon, C. C. (2019). Empirical approaches to capturing Art Experience. Journal of Perceptual Imaging, 2(1(010501)), 1-7.{IF=na}

[148] Ortlieb, S. A., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). A functional model of kitsch and art: Linking aesthetic appreciation to the dynamics of social motivation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(2437). {IF=2.089}

[147] Muth, C., Ebert, S. A., Marković, S. & Carbon, C. C. (2019). ‘Aha’ptics: Enjoying an Aesthetic Aha during haptic exploration. Perception, 48(1), 3-25. {IF=1.371} [DirectLink to Perception]

[146] Ortlieb, S. A., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). Kitsch and Perception: Towards a New ‘Aesthetic from Below’. Art & Perception, 7(1), 1-26. {IF=n.a.}

[145] Schifferstein, H. N. J., Wehrle, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2019). Consumer expectations for vegetables with typical and atypical colors: The case of carrots. Food Quality and Preference, 72, 98-108. {IF=3.652}


2018 {cIF=13.473}

[144] Carbon, C. C., Faerber, S. J., Augustin, M. D., Mitterer, B., Lutz, M., & Hutzler, F. (2018). First gender, then attractiveness: Indications of gender-specific attractiveness processing via ERP onsets. Neuroscience Letters, 686, 186-192. {IF=2.159}

[143] Carbon, C. C., Mchedlidze, T., Raab, M. H., & Waechter, H. (2018). The power of shape: How shape of node-link diagrams impacts aesthetic appreciation and triggers interest. i-Perception, 9(5), 1-18. {IF=0.942}

[142] Carbon, C. C., & Pastukhov, A. (2018). Reliable top-left light convention starts with Early Renaissance: An extensive approach comprising 10k artworks. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(454), 1-7. {IF=2.321} [DirectLink Frontiers]

[141]    Pastukhov, A., Zaus, C. R., Aleshin, S., Braun, J., & Carbon, C. C. (2018). Perceptual coupling induces co-rotation and speeds up alternations in adjacent bi-stable structure-from-motion objects. Journal of Vision, 18(21), 1-14. {IF=2.671}

[140]    Pastukhov, A., Prasch, J., & Carbon, C. C. (2018). Out of sight, out of mind: Occlusion and eye closure destabilize moving bi-stable structure-from-motion displays. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80(5), 1193-1204. {IF=1.863}

[139] Güss, C. D., Hauth, D., Wiltsch, F., Carbon, C. C., Schütz, A., & Wanninger, K. (2018). Patience in everyday life: Three field studies in France, Germany, and Romania. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(3), 355-380. {IF=1.657}

[138] Muth, C., Hesslinger, V. M., & Carbon, C. C. (2018). Variants of Semantic Instability (SeIns) in the arts. A classification study based on experiential reports. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Artss, 12(1), 11-23. {IF=2.224}



[137] Hesslinger, V. M., Carbon, C. C., & Hecht, H. (2017). The sense of being watched is modulated by arousal and duration of the perceptual episode. i-Perception, 8(6), 1-11. [DirectLink i-Perception]{IF=1.051}

[136] Hesslinger, V. M., Carbon, C. C., & Hecht, H. (2017). Social factors in aesthetics: Social conformity pressure and a sense of being watched affect aesthetic judgments. i-Perception, 8(6), 1-16. [DirectLink i-Perception]{IF=1.051}

[135] Muth, C., Albrecht, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2017). Affect and self-efficacy infuse the experience of ambivalent photographs. Psihologija, 50(3), 307-317. {IF=0.420} [DirectLink Psihologija]

[134] Carbon, C. C., & Gebauer, F. (2017). Data and material of the Safe-Range-Inventory: An assistance tool helping to improve the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Data in Brief, 14, 573-578.  {IF=n.a.}

[133] Ortlieb, S. A., Stojilović, I., Rutar, D., Fischer, U. C., & Carbon, C. C. (2017). On kitsch and kič: Comparing kitsch concepts from Bavaria, Serbia and Slovenia. Psihologija. {IF=0.420}

[132] Schneider, T. M., & Carbon, C. C. (2017). Taking the perfect selfie: Investigating the impact of perspective on the perception of higher cognitive variables. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(971). {IF=2.463}

[131] Ayana Abdi, T., Hailu, B. H., Andualem Adal, van Gelder, T. P. H. A. J. M., Hagenzieker, M. P., Carbon, C. C. (2017). Road crashes in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Empirical findings between the years 2010 and 2014. African Research Review: An international multi-disciplinary journal, 11(2), 1-13.

[130] Carbon, C. C., & Gebauer, F. (2017). The Safe-Range-Inventory (SRI): An assistance tool for optimizing the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Journal: Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 47, 101-113. {IF=1.444}

[129] Muth, C., Raab, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2017). Expecting the unexpected: How gallery-visitors experience Semantic Instability in art. Art & Perception, 5(2), 1-22.

[128] Wirth, B. E., & Carbon, C. C. (2017). An easy game for frauds? Effects of professional experience and time pressure on passport-matching performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 23(2), 138-157. {IF=2.355}

[127] Mongoven, C., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Perceptibility of acoustic reflection symmetry. Musicae Scientiae. {IF=0.809}

[126] Carbon, C. C. (2017). Universal principles of depicting oneself across the centuries: From Renaissance self-portraits to selfie-photographs. Frontiers in Psychology: Human-Media Interaction, 8(245), 1-9. {IF=2.463} [DirectLink Frontiers]

[125] Carbon, C. C. (2017). Art perception in the museum: How we spend time and space in art exhibitions. i-Perception, 8(1), 1.15. {IF=1.813} [DirectLink i-Perception]

[124] Gebauer, F., Raab, M. H., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Imagine all the forces: The impact of threatening news coverage on the willingness to militarily engage in the resurgence of the East vs. West conflict. Journal of Media Psychology-Theories Methods and Applications, 29(2), 102-108. {IF=0.882}



[124] Utz, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Is the Thatcher Illusion modulated by face familiarity? Evidence from an eye tracking study. PLoS One, 11(10), e0163933. {IF=3.057}

[123] Gebauer, F., Raab, M. H., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Back to the USSR: How colors might shape the political perception of East vs. West. i-Perception. {IF=1.831}

[122] Gebauer, F., Raab, M. H., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Conspiracy formation is in the detail: On the interaction of conspiratorial predispositions and semantical cues. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30(6), 917-924. {IF=1.481}

[121] Carbon, C. C. (2016). The folded paper size illusion: Evidence of inability to perceptually integrate more than one geometrical dimension. i-Perception, 7(4), 1-5. {IF=1.813} 

[120] Röder, S., Carbon, C. C., Shackelford, T. K., Pisanski, K., Weege, B., & Fink, B. (2016). Men’s visual attention to and perceptions of women’s dance movements. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 1-3. {IF=1.861}

[119] Hesslinger, V.. M. & Carbon, C. C. (2016). #TheDress: The role of illumination information and individual differences in the psychophysics of perceiving white‐blue ambiguities. i-Perception, 7(2), 1-10. {IF=1.813}

[118] Ortlieb, S., Fischer, U. C., & Carbon, C. C. (in press). Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful: Is there a Male Gaze in Empirical Aesthetics? Art & Perception.

[117] Gebauer, F., Vilimek, R., Keinath, A. & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Changing attitudes towards e-mobility by actively elaborating fast-charging technology.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 106, 31-36. {IF=2.058}

[116] Muth, C., Raab, M. H., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Semantic stability is more pleasurable in unstable episodic contexts. On the relevance of perceptual challenge in art appreciation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10(43). {IF=3.626}

[115] Gebauer, F., Raab, M. H., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Imagine all the forces: The impact of threatening news coverage on the willingness to militarily engage in the resurgence of the East vs. West conflict. Journal of Media Psychology-Theories Methods and Applications. {IF=0.882}

[114] Carbon, C. C. (2016). Creating a framework for holistic assessment of aesthetics. A response to Nilsson and Axelsson (2015) on attributes of aesthetic quality of textile quality. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 122(1), 96-100. {IF=0.546}

[113] Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). SeIns: Semantic Instability in Art. Art & Perception, 4, 145-184. {IF=to be calculated}

[112] Carbon, C. C., & Albrecht, S. (2016). The Fluency Amplification Model supports the GANE principle of arousal enhancement. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS), 39, 22-23. {IF=20.771}


2015 {cIF= 21.271}

[111] Carbon, C. C., & Hesslinger, V. M. (2015). Restoring depth to Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. Was La Gioconda the model for one of the world’s earliest attempts at threedimensional imaging? American Scientist, 103(6), 404-409. {IF=0.556}

[110] Weth, K., Raab, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2015). Investigating emotional responses to self-selected sad music via self-report and automated facial analysis. Musicae Scientiae, 19(4), 412-432. {IF=0.809}

[109] Lueschow, A., Weber, J. E., Carbon, C. C., Deffke, I., Sander, T., Grueter, T., Grueter, M., Trahms, L., & Curio, G. (2015). The 170ms response to faces as measured by MEG (M170) is consistently altered in congenital prosopagnosia. PlosOne, 10(9), e0137624. {IF=3.534}

[108] Belke, B., Leder, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2015). When challenging art gets liked: Evidences for a dual preference formation process for fluent and non-fluent portraits. PlosOne, 10(8), e0131796. {IF=3.534}

[107] Utz, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2015). Afterimages are biased by top-down information. Perception, 44(1), 1263-1274. {IF=1.114}

[106] Röder, S., Weege, B., Carbon, C. C., Shackelford, T. K., & Fink, B. (2015). Men's perception of women's dance movements depends on mating context, but not men's sociosexual orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, 86, 172-175. {IF=1.861}

[105] Carbon, C. C. (2015). The moon as a tiny bright disc. Insights from observations in the planetarium. Perception, 44(7), 421-424. {IF=1.114}

[104] Hesslinger, V. M., Goldbach, L. & Carbon, C. C. (2015). Men in red: A reexamination of the red-attractiveness effect. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(4),1142-1148.  {IF=2.986}

[103] Muth, C., Raab, M. H., & Carbon, C. C. (2015). The stream of experience when watching artistic movies. Dynamic aesthetic effects revealed by the Continuous Evaluation Procedure (CEP). Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 365. {IF=2.843}

[102] Muth, C., Hesslinger, V. M., & Carbon, C. C. (2015). The Appeal of Challenge in the Perception of Art: How Ambiguity, Solvability of Ambiguity and the Opportunity for Insight Affect Appreciation. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 9(3), 206-216. {IF= 1.787}

[101] Carbon, C. C. & Hesslinger, V. M. (2015). On the nature of the background behind Mona Lisa. Leonardo, 48(2), 182-184. {IF=n.a.} {IF=n.a.}

[100] Harsányi, G., & Carbon, C. C. (2015). How perception affects racial categorization: On the influence of initial visual exposure on labelling people as diverse individuals or racial subjects. Perception, 44(1), 100-102. {IF=1.114}


2014 {cIF= 17.093}

[099] Carbon, C. C. (2014). Understanding human perception by human-made illusions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(566), 1-6. {IF=2.906}

[098] Cattaneo, Z., Schiavi, S., Lega, C., Renzi, C., Tagliaferri, M., Boehringer, J., Carbon, C. C., & Vecchi, T. (2014). Biases in spatial bisection induced by viewing male and female faces. Experimental Psychology, 61(5), 368-377. {IF=1.921}

[097] Guevara-Rojas, G., Figl, M., Schicho, K., Seemann, R., Traxler, H., Vacariu, A., Carbon, C. C., Ewers, R., & Watzinger, F. (2014). Patient-specific polyetheretherketone facial implants in a computer-aided planning workflow. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 72(9), 1801-1812. {IF=1.333}

[096] Haertel, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2014). Is this a “Fettecke” or just a “greasy corner”? About the capability of laypersons to differentiate between art and non-art via object’s originality. i-Perception, 5(7), 602-610. {IF=forthcoming}

[095] Wolz, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2014). What’s wrong with an art fake? Cognitive and emotional variables influenced by authenticity status of artworks. Leonardo, 47(5), 467-473. {IF=n.a.}

[094] Leidenfrost, B., Strassnig, B., Schütz, M., Carbon, C. C., & Schabmann, A. (2014). The impact of peer mentoring on mentee academic performance: Is any mentoring style better than no mentoring at all? International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 26(1), 102-111. {IF=n.a.}

[093] Carbon, C. C. & Hesslinger, V. M. (2014). Stable aesthetic standards delusion: Changing “artistic quality” by elaboration. Perception, 43, 1006-1013. {IF=1.311}

[092] Cattaneo, Z., Renzi, C., Bona, S., Merabet, L. B., Carbon, C. C., & Vecchi, T. (2014). Hemispheric asymmetry in discriminating faces differing for featural or configural (second-order relations) aspects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21(2), 363-369. {IF=2.248}

[091] Carbon, C. C. & Schwarz, M. E. (2014). The share price neglect: Inverse exponential relation between stock share price and risk tolerance. International Journal of School Psychology and Cognitive Psychology, 1(102), 1-7. {IF=n.a.}

[090] Albrecht, S. & Carbon, C. C. (2014). The Fluency Amplification Model: Fluent stimuli show more intense but not evidently more positive evaluations. Acta Psychologica, 148, 195-203. {IF=2.206}

[089] Carbon, C. C., & Wirth, B. E. (2014). Neanderthal paintings? Production of prototypical human (homo sapiens) faces shows systematic distortions. Perception, 43, 99-102. {IF=1.311}

[088] Cattaneo, Z., Lega, C., Boehringer, J., Girelli, L. & Carbon, C. C. (2014). Happiness takes you right: The effect of emotional stimuli on line bisection. Cognition and Emotion, 28(2), 325-344. {IF=2.377}

2013 {cIF= 73.286}

[087] Carbon, C. C., Grüter, M. & Grüter, T. (2013). Age-dependent face detection and face categorization performance. PlosOne, 8(10), e79164. {IF=3.730}

[086] Planinc, R., Kampel, M., Ortlieb, S., & Carbon, C. C. (2013). User-centered design and evaluation of an ambient event detector based on a balanced scorecard approach. Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 5(3&4), 237-249. {IF=to be calculated}

[085] Carbon, C. C., & Deininger, P. (2013). Golden perception: Simulating perceptual habits of the past. i-Perception, 4(6), 468-476. {IF=forthcoming}

[084] Carbon, C. C. & Hesslinger, V. M. (2013). Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa entering the next dimension. Perception, 42(8), 887-893. {IF=1.311}

[083] Renzi, C., Schiavi, S., Carbon, C. C., Vecchi, T., Silvanto, J., & Cattaneo, Z. (2013). Processing of featural and configural aspects of faces is lateralized in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: A TMS study. Neuroimage, 74, 45-51. {IF=6.252}

[082] Ditye, T., Javadi, A. H., Carbon, C. C., & Walsh, V. (2013). Sleep links sensory adaptation to memory. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, 280(1769), 1-8. {IF=5.863}

[081] Carbon, C. C. (2013). Creating a framework for experimentally testing early visual processing. A response to Nurmoja et al.’s article on trait perception from pixelized faces. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 117(1), 1-4. {IF=0.655}

[080] Raab, M., Auer, N., Ortlieb, S. & Carbon, C. C. (2013). The Sarrazin effect: the presence of absurd statements in conspiracy theories makes canonical information less plausible. Frontiers in Personality Science and Individual Differences, 4(453), 1-8. {IF=forthcoming}

[079] Raab, M., Ortlieb, S., Guthmann, K., Auer, N., & Carbon, C. C. (2013). Thirty shades of truth: Conspiracy theories as stories of individuation, not of pathological delusion. Frontiers in Personality Science and Individual Differences, 4(406), 1-9. {IF=forthcoming}

[078] Carbon, C. C., & Hesslinger, V. M. (2013). Attitudes and cognitive distances: On the non-unitary and flexible nature of cognitive maps. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 9(3), 121-129. {IF=n.a.}

[077] Strobach, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2013). Face adaptation effects: Reviewing the impact of adapting information, time, and transfer. Frontiers in Perception Science, 4(318), 1-12. {IF=n.a.}

[076] Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2013). The Aesthetic Aha: On the pleasure of having insights into Gestalt. Acta Psychologica, 144(1), 25-30. {IF=2.255}

[075] Carbon, C.C., Faerber, S. J., Gerger, G., Forster, M., & Leder, H. (2013). Innovation is appreciated when we feel safe: On the situational dependence of the appreciation of innovation. International Journal of Design, 7(2), 43-51. {IF=0.632}

[074] Schneider, T. M., Hecht, H., Stevanov, J. & Carbon, C. C. (2013). Cross-ethnic assessment of body weight and height on the basis of faces. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 356-360. {IF=1.877}

[073] Cattaneo, Z., Vecchi, T., Monegato, M., Pece, A., Merabet, L. & Carbon, C. C. (2013). Strabismic amblyopia affects relational but not featural and holistic processing of faces. Vision Research, 80, 19-30. {IF=2.414}

[072] Carbon, C. C., & Hesslinger, V. M. (2013). Navigating through a volumetric world does not imply needing a full 3D-representation. Behavioral Brain Sciences, 36, 547-548. {IF=25.056}

[071] Muth, C., Pepperell, R. & Carbon, C. C. (2013). Give me Gestalt! Preference for Cubist artworks depicting highly detectable objects. Leonardo, 46(5), 488-489. {IF=forthcoming}

[070] Carbon, C. C. (2013). German Bundesrat proposes 2nd usage of publicly funded research. Current Science, 104(3), 283-283. {IF=0.935}

[069] Faerber, S. J., & Carbon, C. C. (2013). Jump on the innovator's train: Cognitive principles for creating appreciation in innovative product design. Research in Engineering Design, 24(3), 313-319. {IF=1.243}

[068] Schmid, U., Siebers, M., Folger, J., Schineller, S., Seuss, D., Raab, M., Carbon, C. C., & Faerber, S.J. (2013). A cognitive model for predicting esthetical judgements as similarity to dynamic prototypes. Cognitive Systems Research, 24, 72-79. {IF=1.173}

[067] Carbon, C. C., & Jakesch, M. (2013). A model for haptic aesthetic processing and its implications for design. Proceedings of the IEEE, 101(9), 1-11. {IF=6.810}

[066] Carbon, C. C. (2013). BiDimRegression: Bidimensional regression modeling using R. Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 52(1), 1-11. {IF=4.091}

2012 {cIF= 16.264}

[65]    Carbon, C. C., & Albrecht, S. (2012). Bartlett’s schema theory: The unreplicated “portrait dhomme” series from 1932. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65(11), 2258–2270. {IF=2.212}

[64]    Faerber, S. J., & Carbon, C. C. (2012). The power of liking: Highly sensitive aesthetic processing for guiding us through the world. i-Perception, 3, 553-561. {IF=forthcoming}

[63]    Carbon, C. C. (2012). Dynamics of aesthetic appreciation. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, 8291(1A), 1-6. {IF=n.a.}

[62]    Augustin, M. D., Carbon, C. C., & Wagemans, J. (2012). Artful terms: A study on aesthetic word usage for visual art versus film and music. i-Perception, 3, 319-337. {IF=forthcoming}

[61]    Schneider, T. M., Hecht, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2012). Judging body-weight from faces: The height-weight illusion. Perception, 41, 121-124. {IF=1.293}

[60]    Jakesch, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2012). The Mere Exposure effect in the domain of haptics. PlosONE, 7(2), e31215. {IF=4.411}

[59]    Carbon, C. C., & Ditye, T. (2012). Face adaptation effects show strong and long-lasting transfer from lab to more ecological contexts. Frontiers in Perception Science, 3(3), 1-6 {IF=forthcoming}

[58]    Carbon, C. C., & Schoormans, J. P. L. (2012). Rigidity rather than age as a limiting factor to appreciate innovative design. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 71(2), 51-58. {IF=1.024}

[57]    Blijlevens, J., Mugge, R., Carbon, C. C., & Schoormans, J. P. L. (2012). Aesthetic appraisal of product designs: Independent effects of typicality and arousal. British Journal of Psychology, 103, 44-57. {IF=2.114}

[56]    Augustin, M. D., Wagemans, J., & Carbon, C. C. (2012). All is beautiful? Generality vs. specificity of word usage in visual aesthetics. Acta Psychologica, 139(1), 187-201. {IF=2.246}

2011 {cIF= 29.550}

[55]    Carbon, C. C. (2011). Cognitive mechanisms for explaining dynamics of aesthetic appreciation. i-Perception, 2(7), 708-719. {IF=forthcoming}

[54]    Carbon, C. C. (2011). The first 100 milliseconds of a face: On the microgenesis of early face processing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 113(3), 859-874. {IF=0.550}

[53]    Carbon, C. C. (2011). The Carbon_h-Factor: Predicting individuals’ research impact at early stages of their career. PlosONE, 6(2), e28770. {IF=4.411}

[52]    Strobach, T., Ditye, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2011). Long-term adaptation effects of highly familiar faces: The influence of inspection length during prior testing. Perception, 40, 1000-1004. {IF=1.462}

[51]    Carbon, C. C., & Hesslinger, V. M. (2011). Bateson et al.’s (2006) Cues-of-being-watched paradigm revisited. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 70(4), 203-210. {IF=1.024}

[50]    Augustin, M. D., Defranceschi, B., Fuchs, H. K., Carbon, C. C. & Hutzler, F. (2011). The neural time course of art perception: An ERP study on the processing of style versus content in art. Neuropsychologia, 49, 2071-2081. {IF=4.345}

[49]    Leidenfrost, B., Strassnig, B., Schabmann, A., Spiel, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2011). Peer mentoring styles and their contribution to academic success among mentees: A person-oriented study in higher education. Mentoring &Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 19(3), 347-364. {n.a.}

[48]    Jakesch, M., Zachhuber, M., Leder, H., Spingler, M. & Carbon, C. C. (2011). Scenario-based touching. On the influence of top-down processes on tactile and visual appreciation. Research in Engineering Design, 22(3), 143-152. {IF=1.038}

[47]    Gerger, G., Leder, H., Faerber, S. J., & Carbon, C. C. (2011). When the others matter: Context-dependent effects on changes in appreciation of innovativeness. SwissJournal of Psychology, 70(2), 75-83. {IF=1.024}

[46]    Carbon, C. C., & Ditye, T. (2011). Sustained effects of adaptation on the perception of familiar faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Performance and Perception, 37(3), 615-625. {IF=2.947}

[45]    Schoormans, J., Carbon, C. C., & Gattol, V. (2011). “It’s time to take a stand”: Depicting crosshairs can indeed promote violence. Perception, 40(3), 371-372. {IF=1.462}

[44]    Hergovich, A., Gröbl, K., & Carbon, C. C. (2011). The magic knife trick as an outlet for analyzing the perceptual limits of combined motion trajectories. Perception, 40(3), 358-366. {IF=1.462}

[43]    Grüter, T., Grüter, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2011). Congenital prosopagnosia. Diagnosis and mental imagery: Commentary on: Tree JJ, and Wilkie J. Face and object imagery in congenital prosopagnosia: A case series. Cortex, 47(4), 511-513. {IF=4.050}

[42]    Gattol, V., Sääksjärvi, M. C., & Carbon, C. C. (2011). Extending the Implicit Association Test (IAT): Assessing consumer attitudes based on multi-dimensional implicit associations. Plos ONE, 6(1), 1-11. {IF=4.351}


2010 {cIF= 77.542}

[41]     Grüter, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2010). Escaping attention: Why cognitive dysfunctions are overlooked. Science, 328(5977), 435-436. {IF=28.103}

[40]    Belke, B., Leder, H., Strobach, T., & Carbon, C. C. (2010). Cognitive fluency: High-level processing dynamics in art appreciation. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 4(4), 214-222. {IF=1.230}

[39]    Carbon, C. C., & Schoormans, J. P. L. (2010). And the winner is: Globalization. Olympic gold medals as indicator for a global world. Current Science, 99(1), 20-20. {IF=0.782}

[38]    Faerber, S. J., Leder, H., Gerger, G., & Carbon, C. C. (2010). Priming semantic concepts affects the dynamics of aesthetic appreciation. Acta Psychologica, 135(2), 191-200. {IF=2.155}

[37]     Carbon, C. C. (2010). Fundamental Change in German Research Policy. Science, 328(5978), 569-569. {IF=28.103}

[36]    Carbon, C. C. (2010). The Earth is flat when personally significant experiences with the sphericity of the Earth are absent. Cognition, 116(1), 130-135. {IF=3.481}

[35]    Carbon, C. C. (2010). The cycle of preference: Long-term dynamics of design properties. Acta Psychologica, 134(2), 233-244. {IF=2.155}

[34]    Windhager, S., Hutzler, F., Carbon, C. C., Oberzaucher, E., Schaefer, K., Thorstensen, T., Leder, H., & Grammer, K. (2010). Laying eyes on headlights: Eye movements reveal facial features in cars. Collegium Antropologicum, 34(3), 1075-1080. {IF=0.631}

[33]    Carbon, C. C., Grüter, T., Grüter, M., Weber, J. E., & Lueschow, A. (2010). Dissociation of facial attractiveness and distinctiveness processing in congenital prosopagnosia. Visual Cognition, 18(5), 641-654. {IF=2.095}

[32]    Belke, B., Leder, H., Harsanyi, G., & Carbon, C. C. (2010). When a Picasso is a “Picasso”: The entry point in the identification of visual art. Acta Psychologica, 133(2), 191-202. {IF=2.155}

[31]    Bohrn, I., Carbon, C. C., & Hutzler, F. (2010). Mona Lisa’s smile: Perception or deception? Psychological Science, 21(3), 378-380. {IF=4.812}

[30]    Carbon, C. C. (2010). Cognitive continental drift: How attitudes can change the overall pattern of cognitive distances. Environment and Planning A, 42(3), 715-728. {IF=1.726}


2009 {cIF= 6.038}

[29]    Derntl, B., Seidel, E-M., Kainz, E., & Carbon, C. C. (2009). Recognition of emotional expressions is affected by inversion and presentation time. Perception, 38, 1849-1862. {IF=1.360}

[28]    Carbon, C. C. (2009). Science means jobs. On the necessity of planning reliability in science. Current Science, 95(7), 875. {IF=0.774}

[27]    Leidenfrost, B., Strassnig, B., Schabmann, A., & Carbon, C. C. (2009). Improvement of the study situation for beginners through cascaded blended mentoring. Psychologische Rundschau, 60(2), 99-109. {IF=1.704}

[26]    Grüter, T., Grüter, M., Bell, V., & Carbon, C. C. (2009). Visual mental imagery in congenital prosopagnosia. Neuroscience Letters, 453(3), 135-140. {IF=2.200}

[25]    Carbon, C. C. (2009). European publication issues from an Austrian perspective. Psychology Science Quarterly, 51, 69-87. {IF=n.a.}


2008 {cIF= 34.852}

[24]    Carbon, C. C. (2008). Web of Science: Science trapped in a spider’s web. Current Science, 94(10), 1234-1234. {IF=0.737}

[23]    Carbon, C. C. (2008). Second basket's negative impact. Science, 319(5869), 1483-1483. {IF=30.028}

[22]    Carbon, C. C., Michael, L., & Leder, H. (2008). Innovative concepts of car interiors measured by electro-dermal activity (EDA). Research in Engineering Design, 19(2-3), 143-149. {IF=0.667}

[21]    Augustin, M. D., Leder, H., Hutzler, F., & Carbon, C. C. (2008). Style follows content. On the microgenesis of art perception. Acta Psychologica, 128(1), 127-138. {IF=2.094}

[20]    Carbon, C. C. (2008). Famous faces as icons. About the illusion of being an expert in the recognition of famous faces. Perception, 37(5), 801-806. {IF=1.585}

[19]    Grueter, T., Grueter, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2008). Neural and genetic foundations of face recognition and prosopagnosia. Journal of Neuropsychology, 2(1), 79-97. {IF=1.140}


2007 {cIF=3.221}

[18]    Carbon, C. C. (2007). Autobahn People: Distance estimations between German cities biased by social factors and the Autobahn. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4387, 489-500. {IF=n.a.}

[17]    Carbon, C. C., Grueter, T., Weber, J. E., & Lueschow, A. (2007). Faces as objects of non-expertise: Processing of Thatcherised faces in congenital prosopagnosia. Perception, 36(11), 1635-1645. {IF=1.585}

[16]    Carbon, C. C., Strobach, T. Langton, S., Harsányi, G., Leder, H., & Kovács, G. (2007). Adaptation effects of highly familiar faces: immediate and long lasting. Memory & Cognition, 35(8), 1966-1976. {IF=1.512}

[15]    Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2007). Design Evaluation: From typical problems to state-of-the-art solutions. Marketing Review St. Gallen (Thexis), 2007(2), 33-37. {IF=n.a.}

[14]    Leder, H., Carbon, C. C., & Kreuzbauer, R. (2007). Product-design perception and brand strength. Marketing Review St. Gallen (Thexis), 2007(2), 4-7. {IF=n.a.}


2006 {cIF=5.559}

[13]    Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2006). The Mona Lisa effect: is 'our' Lisa fame or fake? Perception, 35(3), 411-414. {IF=1.585}

[12]    Leder, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2006). Face-specific configural processing of relational information. British Journal of Psychology, 97(1), 19-29. {IF=1.641}

[11]    Leder, H., Carbon, C. C., & Ripsas, A. (2006). Entitling art: Influence of title information on understanding and appreciation of paintings. Acta Psychologica, 121(2), 176-198. {IF=2.094}

[10]    Carbon, C. C., Hutzler, F., & Minge, M. (2006). Innovation in design investigated by eye movements and pupillometry. Psychology Science, 48(2), 173-186. {IF=n.a.}

[09]    Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2006). When faces are heads! View-dependent effects of relationally and componentially altered faces. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 65(4), 245-252. {IF=0.239}


2005 {cIF=9.495}

[08]    Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2005). The Repeated Evaluation Technique (RET). A method to measure dynamic effects of innovativeness and attractiveness. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19(5), 587-601. {IF=1.028}

[07]    Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2005). Face adaptation: Changing stable representations of familiar faces within minutes? Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 1(1), 1-7. {IF=n.a.}

[06]    Leder, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2005). Dimensions in appreciation of car interior design. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19(5), 603-618. {IF=1.028}

[05]    Leder, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2005). When context hinders. Learn-test-compatibility in face recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58A(2), 235-250. {IF=2.154}

[04]    Carbon, C. C., Schweinberger, S. R., Kaufmann, J. M., & Leder, H. (2005). The Thatcher illusion seen by the brain: An event-related brain potentials study. Cognitive Brain Research, 24(3), 544-555. {IF=2.568}

[03]    Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2005). When feature information comes first! Early processing of inverted faces. Perception, 34(9), 1117-1134. {IF=1.585}

[02]    Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2005). The Wall inside the Brain. Overestimation of distances crossing the former iron curtain. Psychonomic Bulletin &Review, 12(4), 746-750. {IF=2.229}

2004 {cIF=n.a.}

[01]    Leder, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2004). Part to whole effects and configural processing in faces. Psychology Science, 46(4), 531-543. {IF=n.a.}

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